Everything posted by CEgg11
- Modern paint for 240 paint codes
My restoration on Youtube
If a creator gets over 1K subscribers, they can start getting money from ad revenue. I don't know if I'll ever get that many, but why not try? It won't cost you anything, just hitting the button.
My restoration on Youtube
Hey everybody - it's been a while since I posted here. I am beginning a build on a 240 and I thought I'd chronicle the process on youtube. I'd sure appreciate it if you drop by and look at the first video - it'll be weeks before there's another. I just had surgery and I can't get to work for a bit. As with every YT guy, I'd also ask for your subscription. Thanks again! here's the link https://youtu.be/F9qK0DDeI2w It's a 72 240 that looks like a former drag car, considering the clues I've found along the way. It'll have a John Williams built L28, running "real" SU 2" carbs. Should be fun!
Camshaft ID help
Hi all - I bought a motor a few years ago from John Williams Racing. I am finally getting ready to install it, and was trying to ID the camshaft. It is an E30 cam, but appears to be a regrind. On the back of the cam, closest to the firewall, there is a hand done engraving, reading "Sidewinder B31-180". I have no idea what it means. All help is appreciated - I need to figure out if this cam will work with my carbs. Thanks!
I was thinking about freshening up the suspension!
Well, a few reasons - we are between houses - remodeling one, renting another, so paying rent and mortgages puts a crimp on budgets. Second, it was just basketball season. But spring is almost here, and things are looking up.
I was thinking about freshening up the suspension!
I should be getting my 72 back from getting body work done soon, and pages like this inspire me to get it done right and with quality. Thanks! I might start my own, from shell to runner. No idea how long it will take - I'm in a driveway and I have a job and kids and a wife and kids and a job and wife and kids and job and wife.
Size? Fuel Line Replacement
You guys are using cloth wrapped to keep the original look?
Ceiling liner
In defense of wives, I'll share this story - She drives a 2013 Fiat 500, which had warped rotors. I started on the passenger side, and on the caliper there is what looked like a retaining spring for the outboard pad, but the spring didn't actually touch the pad at all. I took it off anyway, thinking it would be easy to reinstall. I was wrong. It took at least 20 minutes to put that spring back in, so when I moved to the drivers side, I knew not to take that spring off. The brakes went on just fine until it came time to install the outboard pad. It just wouldn't seat. I couldn't get that pad to sit right. I spent at least an hour trying to compress the caliper more, and generally hating my life. The wife came out, and asked how it was going. I told her, and she stuck her head under the wheel well, where I can't fit, and said "you have to take that metal thing off...it sticks out the other side". Sure enough, the spring isn't a spring at all - it locates the pad. Genius design. At any rate, spring off, pad in, and 20 minutes of putting the spring in. So wives CAN help, especially if you are an idiot.
FS: Black Dragon 70-72 Rear Bumper
Hi Jim, I have a stock rear bumper that I will probably not be using. I'll take some pics soon if you are interested. It has the overriders mounted on it. If memory serves, its straight but the chrome is pitted in some places. Just let me know if you have any interest. Curtis Atlanta, GA
Jag SU's on 240z - linkage issues
I didn't see any 2 inch Jag carbs in those pics. Nice pics tho.
Jag SU's on 240z - linkage issues
I did the same sort of search, but no luck regarding the linkage. Time to put on the old engineering hat.
Jag SU's on 240z - linkage issues
Hi all, its been a while since I've been on. The 240 is getting welded up, and so I've put stuff on the back burner for a while, but it will be back soon, so I am working on getting the engine ready to install. I've bought the "big" SU from a XKE I think. They bolt right up, but I dont know how I'll build a linkage that will open both carbs at the same time. Has anyone done this swap, and if so, how did you attack the issue? Many thanks! Curtis
What would you do to your 240z if on a $3500 budget?
I started to give some advice, but I am already about 4500 in, and I don't even have a running driving car. It's still a shell. So, listen to these guys. Maybe I should have....
Ethics of odometers
Georgia doesn't have those same requirements. All that is needed in GA is to check a box that says "The odometer isn't correct", so I think I will reset it. I don't have any desire to ever sell this car. If I do, it will be as a collector type purchase anyway.
HS8 carbs on a 240 intake
Besides port matching the intake, what will I need to look out for? The carbs aren't here yet, but I can start prepping for them. Curtis
Ethics of odometers
Hi all - I have a question - I know the law on the matter, that on my title, it will say that the mileage is not accurately shown. But is it ethical to reset the odometer to 0 if : It is a new motor/trans/diff/radiator/floorpans/rails/wiring/lights/rear hatch/brakes/master cylinder/etc etc etc? I'd like to reset it, just to keep up with mileage on the motor without doing the math. Thoughts?
Timing cover removal without head removal?
I'm going to start "detailing" my engine tonight. I am going for a pure performance look, whatever that is. It is a "FrankenZ" - a 71 body with an 83 block, 72 head, maxima crank, Toyota brakes, jaguar carbs, etc, so no point in originality. All go-fast stuff, but retro, if that makes sense. I'll just post pics when I am done, I guess.
- Timing cover removal without head removal?
Value of stock taillights
Wow. That's cool. I'll see what I can get...
Value of stock taillights
Hi all - I have three sets of 240 taillights. I've cleaned them all, and put them all back together. While I am happy to use a set on my project, I like the JDM set much better. I thought I'd ask the experienced guys - are three sets of 240 lights worth one set of JDM?
Project Boondoggle (or, so I went and bought a Z!)
That dash is an easy fix - a weekend if you can get it out in good order. Some spray foam, a few razor blades, and a can or two of truck bed liner.
Distributor Intermediate Plate Needed
Email sent - thanks!
Distributor Intermediate Plate Needed
I need the plate to finish installing my dizzy. Clean, dirty, I don't care. Thanks!
Seeking Some Advice About The Dash
I agree - give it a shot. If you have an ugly dash now, the very least you'll have when you get done is an ugly dash. Courage up, get out that razor blade, square up those cracks, and get to foaming....and take pics!
Seeking Some Advice About The Dash
Worse than this? I've fixed mine and it looks pretty decent - more work to do of course. Always more work....