Everything posted by Irish Wake
1978 280Z Fuel Pouring From Throttle Body
I got the injectors from autozonepro.com They dropped the price to 35 per injector at the pick up counter. They were new injectors (GP brand) made in Germany. If I had to guess I would say the CSV got stuck open.
1978 280Z Fuel Pouring From Throttle Body
Update! First of all Thanks for this forum and everyone that helped me. The car is running better then ever, I never realized how poorly it was running till now. In no particular order here is what I did I don't know what the original problem was but it is running great now. New cold start injector New thermo time switch Six new injectors Adjusted valves New reciever/dryer (only part not replaced 2 years ago when I got the A/C system working) New AFM boots New spark plugs New distributor cap and rotor Any way thanks again to everyone Randy
1978 280Z Fuel Pouring From Throttle Body
Zed sorry for my lack of clarity, I disconnected the solenoid wire from the starter and then turned the key to the start (crank) position and could hear the fuel pump run. I have till the end of next week to figure it out, I spoke to John Williams and I will bring it to him if I can't solve it by Monday. I will check the constant voltage tomorrow and let you know. Thanks again for all your help Randy
Blower Upgrade 1978 280Z Worth It?
Steve I'd love to go what time and where? Where is this guy located? Thanks Randy
Blower Upgrade 1978 280Z Worth It?
Steve thanks I'm having problems big time with the fuel system on my '78 280z See my other thread. It may be mechanic time, is there anyone in the local area You can recommend? Thanks Randy
Blower Upgrade 1978 280Z Worth It?
1978 280Z with factory AC. Will the Honda blower upgrade be a worth while difference? Thanks Randy
1978 280Z Fuel Pouring From Throttle Body
Zed I'm lost and confused now. Everything I described happened. Sat night my son called and said the car would start up and immediately die I went to the car Sunday and the air filter housing was full of gas and when I pulled the boot from the throttle body gas poured out in a stream. It may be that all the fuel in the engine happened on Sat but I got it cranked and drove it home and when I returned from the parts store, the engine wouldn't turn over and when I removed the spark plugs and cranked it fuel shot out of each cylinder about 10 feet in the air like a fountain. When I plugged the line and disconnected the CSV the fuel leak from the throttle body stopped. When I turned the key to the start position I could hear the fuel pump on and turn off when I turned the key off. I'm in the position of having little time so I am trying to replace any parts that could cause the problems so the car will be reliable for my son when he leaves for college. Could the car being parked nose down cause the fuel to siphon into the engine if the pressure regulator was bad? Just grasping at straws I guess Thanks Randy
1978 280Z Fuel Pouring From Throttle Body
Thanks Grant I got them
1978 280Z Fuel Pouring From Throttle Body
Grant if you can email me the file it would be great send it to premiergrowers@bellsouth.net
1978 280Z Fuel Pouring From Throttle Body
Update I left the key on yesterday when I went to the auto parts store and when I returned and discovered my bone head move I found the motor hydro locked with fuel and a ton of fuel in the oil. I changed the oil and plugs and found that the engine ran better when I disconnected the 6th injector. So I picked up 6 injectors from Autozone and am in the process of changing them out. I also found a rip in the boot between the AFM and the throttle body so I got two boots coming from MSA along with a cold start valve and a thermo time switch. I like to keep everything stock and everything working as originally designed. I hope all this will solve my problem! Thanks Randy
1978 280Z Fuel Pouring From Throttle Body
Grant thanks I tried to download the service manual but it won't work on my Ipad
1978 280Z Fuel Pouring From Throttle Body
Zed thanks for all your help!
1978 280Z Fuel Pouring From Throttle Body
Site thank you so much for the pictures and help. I discounted the CSV and plugged the fuel line, no more fuel coming out of the throttle body. It stills takes about 10 seconds to start running with the throttle held wide open. It dies immediately when you release the throttle. What is the proper setting for the Idle setting ( the bolt with the spring on top of the throttle body)? I also replaced the tempature sensor and the fuel pressure regulator, Any ideas on what to do next? Thanks Randy
1978 280Z Fuel Pouring From Throttle Body
No problem site thanks for the help!
1978 280Z Fuel Pouring From Throttle Body
Thanks is the CSV available for replacement and if it is electrical what part would be bad. Does anyone have a picture of the CSV? Where can I find a repair manual for this car? Could it possibly be the fuel pressure regulator? Thanks Randy
1978 280Z Fuel Pouring From Throttle Body
Stock 1978 280Z suddenly won't start and fuel pours out of the throttle body and fills up the air filter housing. If you push pedal to floor, it will start after about ten seconds, backfire and die as soon as you release the pedal. If you partially hold the pedal down it will run but it surges. As soon as you turn the key fuel pours out in a steady stream from the throttle body. Please help my son is trying to leave for college Thank You Randy
1978 280z Rear Hatch Area Carpet Pictures
Inmo thanks for the pictures. Can the pieces I need to return it to stock be found at a junkyard or should I leave it the way it is?
1978 280z Rear Hatch Area Carpet Pictures
What would I need to return it to original? Does anyone have some pictures of how it should look and maybe a picture of the underlayment? Thanks
1978 280z Rear Hatch Area Carpet Pictures
Hi I want to order a carpet kit for my 1978 280z but my rear cargo area is raised but drops down at the rear shock towers and there is a 2 handle lid that lifts up to give access to the storage area below. Will a regular carpet kit work? Here are a couple of pictures. I've never seen a configuration like this before. Is this a mod that someone did? Also is this carpet loop or cut pile? Thanks Randy
fusible Link 280z
Steve, sorry about that, it's a 1978 280z and I'm talking about the fusible link holder. How do you swap the holder out, aren't the wires encased in the holder? I'm heading to Gainesville tomorrow afternoon to pick up a set of mags. I'm in Braselton. Thanks Randy
fusible Link 280z
One of my fusible links is broken where it screws onto the fender wall. Is there anything that will work to glue it back together? Thanks
Expansion Valve Availabity 1978 280Z
Hi My need for an expansion valve was confirmed by my mechanic but I'm having a hard time finding one. Both Auto Zone and Advance say they are no longer available. Does anyone know a source of one or what I can do to repair my AC problem? Thanks Randy
AC Expansion Valve Replacement 1978 280z
Sblake, thanks alot you are a great help. Regards Randy
AC Expansion Valve Replacement 1978 280z
What are the finisher and finisher brackets and where are they located? Thanks
AC Expansion Valve Replacement 1978 280z
I recently bought a 1978 280Z. The compressor runs but the AC doesn't cool. The system was just converted to R134 but the seller says it needs the expansion valve replaced. How hard of a job is that and does the dash have to come out. What should I expect to pay for this repair. Do you guys thinks it could be the expansion valve or some thing else? Thanks Randy