Thats what I thought. Brother-in-law rebuilt the engine/heads several years back, so I guess it's time for a little ribbin'! Without the smog equip. it should be right around 17 degrees. Checked out the manuals (factory & Chilton) as well as the dist. shaft, but couldn't find any way to change it 180 degrees without getting to the pump. Thanks for the input gentlemen, I appreciate it.
Just joined the club and have a question. I have a '71 240Z that I just put a Pertronics system in. Runs real nice but I have to run extreme advance which requires the adjustment of the distributor beyond the slot adjustment. ?? Timing light shows about 17 degrees advance. Also the plug wires on the dist. has #1 wire at the firewall side and not at the front which seems to be 180 degrees off of where I've read that it should be.?? We checked for TDC on #1 and it seems corrrect. Any ideas of what's going on here? My son just got this car from my brother-in-law and we're trying to get it in a good reliable condition for him to drive. Any help or in sight on this is greatly appreciated!