front turn signals
My front turn signals and dash indicators quit working. The rear signals work great and as they should. The hazard light switch is kind of messed up and doesn't work. The car is 73 240z. Could the hazard switch be the problem? It is the in dash type of switch. Thanks.
transvers link stop bolt
[ATTACH=CONFIG]53791[/ATTACH]I guess I chose the wrong photo to post. I had just removed the jackstand so I could use it for a few minutes on the parts car. I wasn't working on the car without a stand, nobody ever should, I was taking a picture. As soon as I got the part from the other car I put the stand back under the car and resumed working on it. I have two sets of stands, i know I need to get another set. I have included a photo that was probably one of the next I took, jackstand in place. Thanks again for the helpful advice. I just took my car for a great little drive up and down a canyon where I live in central Idaho.
transvers link stop bolt
I did end up going this route. The strut rotated out with little effort. I did it on my parts car first. The good news is the 260z parts car has kyb carts and a factory sway bar on it. The old strut came out of my car with oil all over it. I cleaned out the assembly where the cart goes and put it all back together. I'm going to try and do the other side tommorrow and then the front end. I can really feel the difference between the side with the "new" gas cart vs the other side with an old hydraulic cart. I'm going to put the sway bar in when I get some urethane bushings. Between the sway bar and the gas strut carts I know my car will handle much better. Thanks for the help everyone.
transvers link stop bolt
Thanks for the tips. I just want to put in a replacement cartridge. Can I leave that pin in for now and compress the spring and rotate it below the fender well, replace the cart and rotate it back into position? Hitting it with a hammer sounds like fun too. Is it likely to sheer off? I have it soaked it with pb blaster. I have get it back together before this weekend
transvers link stop bolt
I am trying to get the rear struts out of my 73. I'm stuck trying to get the transverse link apart. I have the end pivot bolts off. There is a stop bolt in the middle. On my car and my parts car this a stud with a 12mm nut on it. The nut came off fine on both, leaving a stud. Does this stud have to come out to get the link rod out? If so, how do I get it out? Should this be a bolt iinstead of a stud? How hard should it be to get the rod out? The stud seems stock just because it is the same on both cars. Thanks.
- stock 73
stock 73
stock 73
stock 73
stock 73
stock 73