Tan Interior
I would like to find a new or good used Tan Interior, and seats for a 1970 BRG car I am working on. Where can I get the hole interior at door skins seats, or do you have to die some stuff ? Thanks
What transmission ?
Hi, I would like to know what I have here 4 or 5 speed, or could this be a Datsun 2000 5 speed unit ?
1970 240z head
I called Z Specialties and he told me how to tell what tranny I have he is a great. One of the best I have found on these cars. Thanks Z specialties I know who to ask now, and where to get my parts.
1970 240z head
I looks like I have a 5 speed car here where can you get a rebuild kit for the 5 speed ?
1970 240z head
the transmission is out of the car I would like to know it there is a way of telling if 4or 5 speed .
1970 240z head
I also picked up a 1971 with 29,000 miles on her and i know where 3 more 1970 cars are close to me i will pick them too soon.
1970 240z head
I picked up 2 240z 1970 cars, and one car has e88 and the other has e-31 head both has matching numbers block I was going to make one good car out of them low number 240z's also how can you tell if it has a 4 or 5 speed in her.
1970 240z head
I would like to know what head should be installed on a 1970 240z ?
Steering lock removal
Steering lock removal
I have a 1970 240z and need to remove the steering lock I lost the keys and need to move it what tool removes the bolts ?
sheet metal parts for 1970 240
I would like to know where to the get sheet metal for the 1970 240z I need some rocker panels rear hatch plate at top of the tail lights feender lower patch outer rocker panel, floor pans, and all the sheet metal that the seats mount to. Thanks
1970 240z
I just sold this 240z a 905 red one. I would like to sale this 920 gold one soon so I can get a 1970 240z
1970 240z
1970 240z
I have been lookn for a 1970 240z and have found 2 nice ones for sale the first one serial # is below 100 and the 2nd one is serial # 10179 What i would like to know is what would the difference be between the to cars ? If you have one for sale let me know what you have pantherf9f@gmail.com I have a nice 1971 for sale also with 29,000 miles on her 920 gold auto car. with ac Thanks
New Z car
I would like to buy a 1970 240Z Let me know what you have for sale email pantherf9f@gmail.com