S30 World 'Test Drive' article
Great article Alan, thanks for sharing and thanks for the ride-along.
Hard Suspension
Hi Jase, I suspect you are experiencing possibly two effects of your updates. The first is likely more of a "new car" ride where everything is nice and firm and no longer the 47-year old squishy. Add on that the second item which might be the age of your tires which become harder over the years. Old (and larger) tires will certainly transmit road issues thru fresh and firm bushings and shocks. Last year I swapped out my 12-year old tires (still with lots of tread) for new ones and the difference in the ride quality was significant. Jim
1970 Wiring Diagram
Ah Ha! Looks like a pull-push switch with a conspicuous letter "F" for... could it be... Fog??? 😲 Only lhe back side of the dash will confirm. Somehow that does not strike me as a Nissan item. If it were I would expect some form of lighting symbol, not a letter.
1970 Wiring Diagram
Here is one other hidden wiring set in the dash: terminals for a fog light switch (the blue tape is the Easter Egg). I didn't prowl thru the Captain's diagram to see if they are in there.
1970 Wiring Diagram
FWIW - Here are pics of the early AM radio, one I sold a few years ago. They might help answer some of the connector and terminal questions. Note that the speaker comnector is for three wires but has only two installed.
S1 - Rear Hatch Vent/Grille - Correct Components?
You are also going to need the duct/plenum that fits behind the grill to catch water and direct it to the drain hole in the bottom of the hatch. The duct should have a short flex tube to span the end of the duct to the hatch. These are from the UK: https://www.ebay.com/itm/167065483403?_skw=240z+hatch+vents&itmmeta=01JJZ66Q30BWTMV8WR2YXXYR5R&hash=item26e5e0f88b:g:bcoAAOSwr3pnKRvn&itmprp=enc%3AAQAJAAAA8HoV3kP08IDx%2BKZ9MfhVJKm55FiopAQ%2BmVZ1ZX8nTu4WANBVgSI2wRbT%2F87JeaqQn4RJ3JIUmQIjSLV%2BS%2B5C3B%2BMGINXJ9GUPkY55%2BP0ulAoKuxp8XzGIgrgH8Zq%2Fo5TbqAAECga28ib5sLfKEo0D5q9RFCqumfRSdRkSWvgPhJuZM0gfBticYck6z4N7Q2yfNGUu27HC8PwllwQyGhf42O6aEVaLgcH4siWsi9bMDhphRQIbvNgwshcX%2BZRKOIgX5Zytv1b%2BEIu07lKbF4vaB%2BPLBn59HxH6Z2rW9R9qot0vPB%2BusOj4XKLCAOzK2BiDw%3D%3D|tkp%3ABFBM-PGa5pdl
Finally getting around to it - '71 series I
Thinking about this later this morning I now remember why I took the pic. When I tore down the car 10 years prior I now remember seeing fragments of the open cell foam seal. At the time all I had was a film camera and didn't take pics of all of the tiny details. Forward to 2009 and getting into the resto, I recalled the seal details and took the digital pic, intending it as a reassembly reminder.
Finally getting around to it - '71 series I
There was a seal of sorts there. Here's a pic of me making a note of the remains of the seal for a future reminder (which I later forgot). The remains were consistent with the open cell foam material used eslewhere.
New Guy - Central Texas
Welcome to the group, great looking car and you definitely got the color right! 😉 It certainly looks to have been well kept. Be sure to reach out to the Z Club of Texas if you are ever up in the DFW area. You can find us on Facebook and at our website. Tip: Update your forum signature with your VIN and build date for any questions going forward.
HLS 30 hub caps
Yup, definitely a '71 for the reasons you state and a couple of others: bumpers in nice and tight against the body, fuel door has a lock, straight gear shift rod to match the early console. At least he has good intentions with the article.
1971 HLS30-14938 "Lily" build
Just a single washer on mine also.
HLS 30 hub caps
I'm a bit embarassed to be listed in the same sentence as Carl, Kats, and Allen - all much more knowledgeable in the details of our cars than I. I was under the impression that all cars through the end of the '71 model year had "D" hub caps and that the style and center ornament changed with the '72 models. On a bit of a tangent, we find ourselves in another discussion of Series 1 vs. Series 2, ...etc. It has been pointed out many times that Nissan never used those terms and that it is merely an invention of the car owners and enthusiasts (I plead gulty!). We often get into very active (heated?) discussions about this naming convention and I've been giving some thought to a possible alternative. We know that the so-called Series 1 cars were produced into late January 1971 and all had the type "A" (monkey motion) transmission among other unique styling attributes. Beginning with VIN HLS30-21001 in February the cars were fitted with the type "B" transmission with required console design changes as well as other changes in design features. So... it might be more accurate to replace the Series 1 or Series 2 references with "Type A" and "Type B" designations. Thoughts?
Silvermine Wilwood Dynalight front brake upgrade
Positive offset moves the wheel center inboard, use negative offest to move it outboard to the fender arch. https://www.tirerack.com/upgrade-garage/what-is-wheel-offset?gclid=EAIaIQobChMIpOW8lqevigMVYDfUAR36lTkyEAAYASAAEgI7tfD_BwE&ef_id=EAIaIQobChMIpOW8lqevigMVYDfUAR36lTkyEAAYASAAEgI7tfD_BwE:G:s&s_kwcid=AL!3756!3!354820921610!p!!s!!wheel offset chart&gclsrc=aw.ds&gad_source=5
Cannot get quarter windows to seat into position after new weatherstripping
That might be me, I did this Rube Goldberg approach solo in my garage. I installed a couple of large hooks (bike hangers) in the base plate of the garage wall, ran a large ratchet strap from one hook, thru the hatch opening, around the window, back to the second hook - ratchet on this end. Easy on the pressure to gently pull and hold the window into position to get the screws lined up. Lube the new seal a bit to allow it slide against the body. East peasy!!!
Nothing to do with a Z
Hey Cliff, Sorry to hear you had to go under the knife but glad that all is working out well for you. This certainly gives new meaning to the term "repro parts"! 😄 Best regards, Jim