My brother and I both have mechanical experience, and are interested in building/restoring a '72 240Z for our mother... She and our father had one when they were stationed in Taiwan (before either of us were born...)-Being where they were, in the Vietnam era, and being that our Dad was in the military , they had to ship out, and were not allowed to bring anything NEAR the size of a car with them... My brother and I have vowed to rebuild one for my mother, and want it to be a total surprise... So... 1. We need to find a car in the Midwest somewhere (We live in southern Wisconsin...) 2. We are not looking for something pretty , but it needs to run... It doesn't need to run perfectly, but we may have to transport it, and do not have a trailer at this time. 3. Obviously, we would like to keep it affordable... -If you have a car/know someone who does, and it meets these criteria, have them email me-