Selling my Z
I've thought about the ebay route. I will probably do it if I don't sell it in 3-4 weeks..
Selling my Z
Thanks, good advice. I didn't include pictures of the rust for the same reason the PO didn't include them when he sold it to me - get them to sit in it and drive it and they'll be hooked. Honestly, I don't think I'll get $5900 for it, but I thought I'd take a stab at it and let them work me down. Any idea how much it would cost to have a shop cut out my passenger side floor hardware and install new ones? I'd like to know a ballpark figure to tell potential buyers..
Selling my Z
I decided to get rid of my Z. My son is graduating school, going to give him my old Buick and get something else myself. I'm interested in everyone's opinion on the price. When I say "significant rust", I mean there are holes in the passenger floor that I can see the road through... http://www.ksl.com/index.php?sid=0&nid=443&tab=list%2Fview&ad=7312770
Low profile kick panel speaker pods now available
Hmm. Got my Kenwood speakers that Travel'n Man recommended in from amazon today. Went to install them and the certainly don't fit... :mad: I really don't want to cut-away the metal to make these speakers fit, but I don't know what else I can do?? Suppose I have to cut them - any recommendations on how to do it? Thanks, John
Low profile kick panel speaker pods now available
OK, I bought a pair of these and installed them in my Z. Went down to my local car stereo shop and they didn't have speakers that were shallow enough to fix. What speakers did you use? Specifically, does anyone know a part number I can look up? Thanks!
Hi, I want to buy a 260Z for $ 3,000 is good price?
Plus they're not much people on this site want to see more than a potential restoration candidate..
Absolute drive shaft u-joint nightmare!!!
I need to do this, too, and now I'm scared...
Flat top carbs replaced with ZTherapy round tops
One carb attached, notice the coolant plumbing still flopping around. Second carb attached. I just capped what I could cap: Unfortunately, my linkage arm thingy was too long. When I started up the motor it kept the throttle open to about 4000 rpm! I knew that wouldn't fly, so I bent it to the correct length. I thought it would only be a temporary fix, but I haven't bothered to get another one yet... Finished product. Marty Rogan was kind enough to sell me his old air cleaner. I stripped and painted it. I should probably buy some stickers for it... The new carbs look so nice. Unfortunately the rest of my engine bay looks 40 years old. I'm going to have to start replacing all the hoses, clearcoat the valve cover, etc.. The performance difference is night and day. It doesn't cut out at high acceleration anymore. Doesn't have any cold-start issues or overtemp issues. It passes Utah emission standards with flying colors. It just runs so smooth – like a new car. I couldn't be happier. I decided to not re-attach the EGR or any of the rest of the gizmos on top. The new balance tube doesn't have an EGR opening. I think the other gizmos were broken anyway. Or maybe I'm just a retard that doesn't know anything about motors. My brain says, “its legal and it runs good, count it.†=D
Flat top carbs replaced with ZTherapy round tops
Last fall I replaced my flat-top carbs on my 73 with ZTherapy round top carbs. I took a bunch of pictures for reference, so I thought I'd put together a quick description of what went down. Here's a couple of before pictures. What a mess of plumbing: Once I pulled the trigger and ordered the ZTherapy carbs (about $1100 for everything I ordered), they couldn't get here soon enough. I bugged them a few times and they eventually shipped them to me. All of the threads about ZTherapy are true – they are a joy to work with and have an excellent product. The unboxing: After watching the video, I was a little bummed about by this kinked hose, but I got it straightened out ok: I took the rear flat-top off first, and realized theres a lot of coolant plumbing to deal with. The flat-tops used the coolant, but the new carbs and balance tube do not.. In particular, this line going into the exhaust manifold – I didn't want to mess with that. I was sure it would break off in the rust, so I left it attached. Maybe I'll get headers some day.. Both carbs and balance tube removed: Installed the new balance tube. Looks really out of place on the manifold. So pretty. I guess I can only attach 10 pics, so I'll continue with the next message...
Jack components red/orange paint match
I'm also in the market for paint for my air filter cover. Any luck with this? Classic Datsun Motorsports has the orange for $28 + $12 shipping. That seems a little extreme..
Want to buy - Air cleaner housing for new round-top carbs
Thanks everyone - I got a cover on the way.
Want to buy - Air cleaner housing for new round-top carbs
My current air cleaner ('73 version) has "special" bolts like the ones in Marty's picture. Would my existing bolts work with the older air cleaner?
Want to buy - Air cleaner housing for new round-top carbs
Yeah, I like the simple look of the earlier housings... Bruce, what attaching hardware should I be looking for?
Want to buy - Air cleaner housing for new round-top carbs
One question - how do I know it will fit my new carbs? Does ANY pre-73 fit the round-top carbs?
Want to buy - Air cleaner housing for new round-top carbs
Hi, I bought some ZTherapy carbs and they're on their way. I opted to not get the adapters and use my old air cleaner housing - I want to get the one that matches the carbs. I looked on ebay - nothing today. I found one in datsun classified and emailed the lister, but it was listed in February, so I doubt he still has it. Anyone out there got a spare I can buy? Thanks!