Everything posted by black gold man
Collapsing Shocks To Push Bumpers Closer To Body
I have front driver side rubber 25 bucks shipped or trade on splash pan for 78z. I also have rear rubber ends.
1979 280ZX for sale
I have a slick top available if you want to fix that sunroof.
Let's show vintage racing pictures. I'll start.
I was at Indy once for vintage race. Thinking mid Ohio vintage this weekend anybody going. 1966 https://revslib.stanford.edu/?f[marque_ssim][]=Datsun&f[venue_ssi][]=Lime+Rock+Park+(Lime+Rock%2C+Conn.)&page=2&view=detailed
- Black Pearl Center Caps
- Pete Brock talks BAJA
280z windshield
You can remove the trim on 280zx without deforming it , I have some for sale. I have read on internet mustang clips from 80s are the same and available.
5 Zs in peking to paris
"Our participation in the 2016 ‪#‎pekingtoparis‬ endurance rally is dedicated to John Coffey. Without you none of this would have been possible, and we find small (and useful) hints of your personality in this car every day."
5 Zs in peking to paris
http://2016pekingparis.blogspot.com/ I was watching some video from other years looks brutal.
5 Zs in peking to paris
It is #2 in that pic https://www.facebook.com/p2p240z/ this is the car john worked on.
One of the reasons for a cool car
Now time for 15 grand kids.
5 Zs in peking to paris
https://www.facebook.com/EnduranceRallyAssociationEra/?fref=photo starts in a few days
windshield leak
Looking at my windshield out of car but not cleaned yet, installed by Nissan there is lots of sealer used on gasket to window . Looks like they filed the gasket then put it on the glass. 1978 z
Alfa's 78 and 85 Monterey
.. If you like Alfa's or old racing videos you will like these two. I did spot 2 Zs
Things To Do In Orlando Area?
Is Jim still around ZMCCA http://forums.hybridz.org/topic/85745-my-trip-to-z-mecca/ Tampa
Let's show vintage racing pictures. I'll start.
That's Gene Crowe in your pic there Rob. Here is Gene and Paul Good read here https://books.google.com/books?id=Z-QDAAAAMBAJ&pg=PA67&lpg=PA67&dq=gene+crowe+in+pits&source=bl&ots=TPCaQiCd3M&sig=dnuDhSGUVB05LuBNQab9Urgg2sw&hl=en&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwiA-8-zjIrNAhVJQFIKHbF-D2gQ6AEIMDAD#v=onepage&q=gene crowe in pits&f=false
FS. 240z fairlady replica grill
Other backyard Datsun's . 'http://www.iltalehti.fi/fiidifi/2014041118205804_fd.shtml
FS. 240z fairlady replica grill
Datsun grills are Awesome.
Trying to source new door glass
You can sand and polish old glass or have it made new. https://www.google.com/search?q=polishing+auto+glass+scratches&biw=1366&bih=673&tbm=vid&source=lnms&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwiFpujqxPXMAhUNKFIKHdRjAd4Q_AUIBygC&dpr=1
door mirrors
I have some mustang mirrors to go on my 78 . I am selling those because they wont be used.
- Who can post pics of Zbash 2016 ?
Side view mirror seat needed
I think I have that for you 12 bucks shipped .
Who can post pics of Zbash 2016 ?
- Who can post pics of Zbash 2016 ?
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