Everything posted by black gold man
Let's show vintage racing pictures. I'll start.
Here is good Newman story. http://www.forza-mag.com/issues/125/articles/the-prancing-clydesdale?page=1#.VzfbuhTn_IX
240z on Top Gear
I was watching a show called fameless and they were at jay leno's garage . In the background parked outside was a orange z it looked like same car.
240z on Top Gear
On history ch right now tanner picks 240z for life car. S7 Ep 04 http://www.history.com/shows/top-gear/season-8/episode-4
Peking-to-Paris S30
The comments has a tribute to John C "A majority of the chassis and assembly work was performed by John Coffey of Benton Performance, and the car and it's participation in the 2016 Peking-to-Paris is dedicated to his memory and hard work"
door mirrors
If anybody wants these mirrors 25 bucks shipped. Like new http://www.ebay.com/itm/like/131793979209?item=131793979209&lgeo=1&vectorid=229466&rmvSB=true
Helpful information needed
Lets see pic and price maybe sell here. http://www.datsun.org/fairlady/Feb2009.htm
'72 240Z Rebuild
These guys will do it right. https://www.google.com/search?q=1969+road+race+of+champions&biw=1366&bih=673&source=lnms&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjNm6DG-7jMAhWBloMKHRojBrEQ_AUIBigA&dpr=1#q=finish+line+rebuild+alternator
1973 Rebuild
I just sold turbo motor running with afm, wires and ecu for 600 . I got whole car for 480.
RIP John Coffey
Echo everything above I really liked johns posts on the internets Z community . I will miss you JOHN I have rode a bike since I was a kid. I remember blowing oil on the pants of the women at the drivers test when got my operators license at age of 15. About 5 years ago I sold my last bike because of close call . Bless John and his family. BGM
'72 240Z Rebuild
Before tommy chong was signing going downtown to see my gail he had a Motown hit in 1967 http://nightflight.com/does-your-mama-know-about-me-tommy-chongs-late-60s-motown-hit/
Kenmeri coming to USA very soon.
Did it go through Bermuda triangle.
Newman Sharp Payton
FF to 6.40 into video https://www.youtube.com/embed/GwUcegpElYg?feature=player_detailpage
Z Deals This Day in 1979
That was good deal on the 240 then because a new 1978 280 cost 9 grand and zx as much as 13 grand in 1979.
Let's show vintage racing pictures. I'll start.
Glad you like the photo Chris B. A few years ago I looked at a Capri I wish I bought it. When I showed up to look I opened the hood first and fumes of either were thick. The guy sprayed the air filter wet before my arrival I did not like that and got out of there.
Let's show vintage racing pictures. I'll start.
Blowby-too much smoke!
Take the cover off and have a look easy to check not hard to adjust. https://www.google.com/search?q=1969+road+race+of+champions&biw=1366&bih=673&tbm=vid&source=lnms&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjv_uvXk4LMAhXDxIMKHVJyAmAQ_AUIBygB&dpr=1#tbm=vid&q=l28+valve+adjustment
Let's show vintage racing pictures. I'll start.
Here is a good one from the flicker Datsun 510 driven by Peter Gregg " In the winner's circle after the SCCA Trans-Am Two-Five Challenge at Watkins Glen Grand Prix Course in June, 1972. Ironically, this was BRE's 'guest' car which was driven by a different driver in almost every race. He beat both of the regular BRE drivers, John Morton (2nd) and Mike Downs (4th)."
Let's show vintage racing pictures. I'll start.
IMSA 1 Hour Camel GTO/GTU Columbus 1986 https://revslib.stanford.edu/?omit_keys%5B%5D=q&omit_keys%5B%5D=search_field&omit_keys%5B%5D=qt&omit_keys%5B%5D=page&page=2078&q=ohio&search_match=any&utf8=%E2%9C%93
1978 Datsun 280z Nearly Restored - PURPLE
- Anyone have a top view of an S30?
Mike I repost the pic its original poster was one Yorgo I think it is a clay model. Probably shot in France or London.- Against All Odds Nissan Datsun 1600 / 510 Bre Racing
https://www.facebook.com/csrgracing/videos/10153796626955549/?theater https://www.facebook.com/csrgracing/videos/10153804364860549/- Check this Damaged Auto Website Out
Here is one in the rough http://www.copart.com/us/Lot/18319706?searchId=920387300- Let's show vintage racing pictures. I'll start.
Lots of good pics here https://www.flickr.com/photos/chrisk48/9631555094/in/photostream/- Nissan Racing Video
Here is another one Blue. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PB5rp9en4RY- Check this Damaged Auto Website Out
The brakes must have needed work. - Anyone have a top view of an S30?
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