Everything posted by black gold man
Looking for a clean 240z in Detroit area for photos
I see it listed here Michigan Shows - Car & Motorcycle Shows I Think it ends early I would say 11 to 3.
Looking for a clean 240z in Detroit area for photos
Looking for a clean 240z in Detroit area for photos
This Saturday Roosevelt park Detroit car show and drift.
reconnecting under dash wires for 1975 trans am
transamcountry.com - Index
Looking for a clean 240z in Detroit area for photos
shant@detroitdatsun.com Shant Saroukhanian Try this guy I don't know him but seems to be a Datsun MAN Woodward Dream Cruise: Classic Car Confessions « CW50 Detroit detroitdatsun Also there should be some Datsun's at Waterford vintage GP next weekend. My clean 83 is available. BGM
reconnecting under dash wires for 1975 trans am
Do you have a Trans Am or a DATSUN ZZZZZ
Amco Footrest
Get your magnifying glass out;) found here Index of /allan_and_rosanne/Z-Car_Stuff/Amco
Let's show vintage racing pictures. I'll start.
Bunky heads out for drivers school practice found here Lap 20: The Other Side of the Fence
Stacey David 250 GTO Build
Good for BAD DOG. In a few years there will be many ads of people trying to sell there unfinished GTO project.
Let's show vintage racing pictures. I'll start.
Lap 33: Carshows, Freeloaders, Bad Wine, and the Final Can Am Race
Let's show vintage racing pictures. I'll start.
http://www.glenphotos.com/memories/index.html WATKINS GLEN MEMORIES
Let's show vintage racing pictures. I'll start.
The Other Side of The Fence Watkins Glen Photos
Here is something every Serious Z Enthusiast should be a part of!
"On behalf of my brother Steve Bonk:" "Datsun/Nissan and John Morton fans this is truly remarkable news! I need your help to make this happen! SCCA is inviting past National Champions back to race for their 50th anniversary in 2013. What that means, is that as long as we have a car for John he gets to race automatically. Sam Neave from LNA enterprises is building the car. That takes money! The 240Z has been started. But Sam and I can not cover the cost of the whole project. We have been given a LSD from Riley Curtis at Lynchburg Nissan already, but we need a pedal box, seat, wheels, tires, etc. I will be working on a way to make donations for this project (probably Kickstarter). We will have $25 donation opportunities up to.... Fans that donate $200 will get their name on the car and a limited edition crew shirt signed by John. Stay tuned for more information. Thanks!" https://www.facebook.com/WaterfordHillsVintage?filter=2 http://www.lnaenterprises.com/morton Car build
Here is something every Serious Z Enthusiast should be a part of!
The Sports Car Club of America - 50th SCCA National Championship Runoffs 400 miles camping too maybe I can make it.
Happy Indepence Day (Weekend)
I am going to The Detroit Institute of Arts to see the film food and concert also.
Hagerty News July 1-7
I checked my mileage in my 83 2+2 for the first time . 25.4 MPG It is a 80,000 mi car with all org running gear. Fuel-Efficient Classics - Gas Sipping Cars | Hagerty Articles
Rocket powered 240z (Fall Guy episode)
At 4.16 they go to small scale. I don't recall seeing that before. Good one.
Drinks to take on the Road
Have you been getting tacos at the tranny taco place.
Drinks to take on the Road
From Detroit to Mid OHIO 7 cigs, can of Pepsi couple swigs of water and a big fat dube no pee stops 204 miles .
Vintage Races at MidOhio June 28-30 2013
Some of them were there just to make the parade lap. What about the new Z's. Another event to come see Kid Rock saves Free Friday at Gold Cup hydroplane races | Detroit Free Press | freep.com I know of a park that is next to KID ROCKS house there will be big party on free fri thanks KID. Maybe even a free for all at kids house on the DETROIT RIVER the park is just on the other side of kids fence. Many will gather on the river front. http://www.gold-cup.com/
Vintage Races at MidOhio June 28-30 2013
I remind everyone about Waterford Hills Road Racing And I challenge TomoHawk to a race through the streets of DETROIT;)
Vintage Races at MidOhio June 28-30 2013
BGM was faster in the turns and out on the straight.
SCCA Runoffs Early 1980's
- Schroeder Racing 1980 Rose Cup Trans Am
Who is # 39 and one other Z .- 280Z Doors
I think it is 77, 78 that are different maybe 76 could be early/late with going both ways. I know I have seen a 76 with early style door. But not sure if they all are. - Schroeder Racing 1980 Rose Cup Trans Am
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