Everything posted by black gold man
Steam powered DATSUN from the FACTORY ?
I have not looked into this yet but i thought i would share this with you. Minto steam engine. Minto signed a contract to produce 100 steam engines for NISSAN to use in production 1972 datsuns. Anybody know anything about this. http://news.google.com/newspapers?id=XZJGAAAAIBAJ&sjid=TS8NAAAAIBAJ&pg=2583,3145709&dq=detroit+datsun&hl=en http://books.google.com/books?id=QwEAAAAAMBAJ&pg=PA51&lpg=PA51&dq=Minto+steam+engine&source=bl&ots=v7nOYC4l6D&sig=Xq-WQY1gwCGR_HEe-SKxAZ3hbmA&hl=en&sa=X&ei=I8FDT5zLOOibiAK8-bGEBg&sqi=2&ved=0CCgQ6AEwAQ#v=onepage&q=Minto%20steam%20engine&f=false http://www.rexresearch.com/minto/minto.htm http://www.steamautomobile.com/archivepdf/SAv14n3.CV01.pdf BGM
help. numpty question
That was the flame.
Dream Garage Poster
“Dream Garage,†which first aired during the closing ceremonies of the 1996 Olympics and later during the 1997 Super Bowl. http://www.videomi.com/blog/archives/322 "Caudill acknowledged that the company has been handicapped by its name change in the United States from Datsun in 1983. "We could have done a better job carrying over our heritage," Source: http://www.allbusiness.com/management/572534-1.html#ixzz1mwqxbBi9 http://news.google.com/newspapers?nid=1915&dat=19980801&id=CO8gAAAAIBAJ&sjid=v3IFAAAAIBAJ&pg=1165,641708
Z's on TV
He talks about WHITE CASTLE one of the biggest street car shows in DETROIT. I think i will make it this year. 8.27 into the video a little DETROIT Z love. http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=mZTVzVR7lF8
Z's on TV
Look at this proud DETROIT racer.
Z's on TV
In DETROIT behind city airport french road i am about 1.5 miles away and can hear them running late night all the time. Real drag racing for big money.
Z's on TV
Here is one guy on TV tonight with z. CPR Racing
Z's on TV
Looks like it is all replaying 3 shows .
RALLY DETROIT / michigan 1973 Press-on-Regardless Rally
I have no idea of the accuracy of the content there. But have open ears.
Good Showing! "Million Dollar Datsun drives from London to Cape Town"
http://www.facebook.com/Milliondollardatsun http://vimeo.com/36382857 http://www.tourdeforceuk.com/and-were-off/ This is why video is hard to find. "The Book and The Film If you have been following the adventures of the London to Cape Town World Cup Rally, and would like to know when the official book of the event, and the film, will be available, we can send you an email as soon as we have the publishing dates… send us an email saying “please keep me posted” and we will keep you briefed, to admin@endurorally.com" http://www.londoncapetownrally.com/
RALLY DETROIT / michigan 1973 Press-on-Regardless Rally
'It happened in 1972 at the Press-On-Regardless ' I don't know much about it but will do some reading and searching. I got all in a hoot as the Belle Isle park is a place i know well. We had a wedding there in September and last weekend a reopening of all the buildings on the island for the day. And have been to events such as this. And looking forward to racing returning to the island this year.
RALLY DETROIT / michigan 1973 Press-on-Regardless Rally
Cop from Michigan shows the European rally specialists how it's done. Press On Regardless How a Michigan cop sent a shock wave through the 1970s Rally world. Words: Roger Meiners It was not supposed to happen. A truck wins a World Rally event. Nobody expected such a thing, much less believed it when they heard that a Jeep® Wagoneer, driven by a Dearborn, Mich., cop was the first American car to win an F.I.A. World Rally Championship event. It happened in 1972 at the Press-On-Regardless (POR) rally in the Upper and Lower Peninsulas of Michigan. Sgt. Gene Henderson. The Monte Carlo Boys. On the left, Esko Keinanen, the Finnish driver of one of the Valiants; his co-driver, journalist Trant Jarman on the other side of the table. Nearest to the camera are Scott Harvey and Gene Henderson, co-drivers of the other team Valiant. Henderson and Harvey race the V8 Valiant through The Netherlands during the 1964 Rallye Monte Carlo. The cars had chassis reinforcements from Valiant convertibles. Other features included skid plates, modified engines—and four-wheel disc brakes homologated by Chrysler France just for the event. Henderson and a V8 Valiant practicing for the Monte event. From right, in order: History’s first three SCCA ProRally Champion drivers: Chrysler engineer Scott Harvey, Sr., Dearborn police officer Gene Henderson, and professional driver John Buffum pose with SCCA rally officials. A recent SCCA publication quoted Buffum as saying, “Gene Henderson and Scott Harvey are the Lewis and Clark of ProRallying in the U.S. They showed us the way.†Erhard Dahm in Moby **** II, the second of two Jeep Wagoneers from Henderson’s 1973 rally campaign for American Motors. Henderson’s 1968 Barracuda rally car at Sandilands, a tough stage in Manitoba on the Shell 4000 Canadian Rally. Co-drivers Ken Pogue (L) and Gene Henderson with “Running Bear,†Gene’s 320 hp Jeep Cherokee at Michigan’s Press On Regardless rally in 1974. Click photos to enlarge. Photos: Henderson Collection The cop, Sgt. Gene Henderson, with navigator Ken Pogue, beat the World Championship team of Italian Lancias, and all the other rally cars, to become the first Americans to win a world championship event. The Jeep was the first American “car†to do the same. Why such a big deal? The Jeep was a big piece of American iron, not a lightweight, nervous, highly-tuned rallying machine. And the Jeep was driven by Americans, not the high-strung European rally specialists. This was big news back in 1972. Henderson, with the Dearborn, Mich., police force was also the most successful American rally driver of his time. The POR was his home event, so if anybody was going to break through against the Europeans, it was him. Henderson started his driving career as a way to improve his skills as a police officer. He went to the nearby Waterford Hills, Mich., road course in 1959—in the family Volvo 544. He also drove his first POR that year—also in the Volvo, but didn’t finish. He kept working on his driving skills, many times practicing on snow-covered parking lots close to home and work. He rapidly improved, and then graduated to more specialized road racing machinery, stepping up briefly to professional road racing in the Trans Am series. He adopted rallying as a way to continue competition in the winter. Mike Van Loo, a veteran of the SCCA rally scene, and long-time friend of Henderson experienced Gene’s driving ability many times. “His incredible experience made him fast right out of the box,†said Van Loo. “The younger, less experienced, drivers had to get up to speed, but Gene had already opened up a lead.†When the young guns got going, Henderson was far enough ahead to hold on under their onslaught. In 1961, Henderson and Chrysler engineer Scott Harvey, Sr., were co-chairmen for the POR and Gene got even more involved in the big time rally scene, winning the 1963 event in a factory-sponsored Chrysler 300, on a team of three cars put together by Harvey. Scott was a racing driver and a driving force in Mopar® rally racing history—and in road racing under his Team Starfish banner. That team took Chrysler into the TransAm series in 1966 with a driver named Richard Petty. But that’s another story. In 1964 Henderson shared a V8 Valiant with Harvey in the 1964 Monte Carlo event, finishing fifth in class. Harvey put the Valiant team together and engineered the car with the V8 engine and the one-off four-wheel-disc brake package. Chrysler France got the brakes homologated for the Monte Carlo event. The cars also had skid plates and chassis reinforcements originally specified for Valiant convertibles. Henderson didn’t give up road racing completely, though, winning ten of twelve national SCCA races in 1967, but he also won the Press-On-Regardless rally again that year. Then in 1968 he won his class in the Shell 4000 TransCanada Rally, driving a Plymouth Barracuda. His friend and co-competitor Harvey won overall in a Barracuda that year. The ‘Cudas were even more “engineered†than the 1964 Valiants. Everything was special on these cars. Henderson ran with several teams during the next few years and finally landed with Jeep for the 1972 season and the big international win at the POR in the Jeep he called Moby ****. The next year he managed a two-car Jeep Wagoneer team in the ProRally championship, with himself as one of the drivers. He finished second in the championship to old friend Harvey. In 1974 Henderson brought a highly modified Jeep Cherokee to the ProRally fray. He won four of seven events (and finished second in the other three) in the 320-horsepower beast, called “Running Bear,†and took the championship. His exploits in rallying led to his induction into the Michigan Motorsports Hall of Fame that year. Henderson retired from the police force in 1976 to run his rally equipment business, Competition Limited, which he founded in 1969. He also slowed down a bit on his competition program, passing the torch to his sons Garry and Mark. He passed away in 2005, not soon to be forgotten by the world of rallying or law enforcement. http://www.moparmagazine.com/2009/jan-feb/press_on_regardless.html
RALLY DETROIT / michigan 1973 Press-on-Regardless Rally
Jeff i was looking through a book 1973 automobile almanac it has been siting on the table long time. I dusted it off flipped to a bookmark john morton right-up there was something there made me search for that. I goggled tom king plymouth cricket and found the video. When they came on with the detroit river belle isle remark i got a little rush going. No datsun search but there they were and in DETROIT. BGM
RALLY DETROIT / michigan 1973 Press-on-Regardless Rally
Wish i could have been there. http://www.rallybase.nl/index.php?type=result&rallyid=607 http://dirtyconesandcheckpoints.com/2011/08/23/press-on-regardless-rally-a-piece-of-american-rally-history/ http://en.vionto.com/show/me/1973+Press-on-Regardless+Rally http://www.factual.com/t/oqU7h0/1973_PressonRegardless_Rally_Results_1973_25th_Pre ssonRegardless_Rally http://www.teamharco.com/ http://wn.com/Press-on-Regardless_Rally http://www.enotes.com/topic/Press-on-Regardless_Rally http://autologo.tumblr.com/post/4531924373/autoracer-scott-harvey
Dream Garage Poster
Some were saved. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=frSew8XfBB4
280ZX Speedometer - 85MPH?
About 7 years ago i made hi speed run thru DETROIT when i first got my 83zx 2+2. And thought 85 I was probably doing 110 at least. Without seeing an analog gauge it was hard to figure out what was going on. I was just enjoying a half hour run down the highway in my 83 today. I was working at a ford dealer and had many looks and comments. And got a roush performance banner big one.
Dream Garage Poster
I thought maybe this old theater in Detroit was used somehow in the making of dream garage. At least gave the idea of a place that looked like dream garage somewhat. What do you think.
idles smooth when blower motor running
Got AC
280ZX Speedometer - 85MPH?
The answer is JIMMY CARTER.
Let's show vintage racing pictures. I'll start.
Garage party looks like BECK refection. http://www.flickr.com/photos/smuckatelli/5167601687/in/photostream/
Let's show vintage racing pictures. I'll start.
Lots of vintage pics here with caption. http://www.flickr.com/photos/smuckatelli/5462465698/in/photostream/
Look in door jamb.
I have never heard of Archer. But i will have a look when i get time.
I may be searching wrong
this it http://www.classiczcars.com/forums/showthread.php?20428-Is-the-asbestos-fuel-line-cover-necessary
Greatest Commerical Evah!!!!!1!11!!! (According to TTAC)
Its radio.