Everything posted by black gold man
Loses power under load
Do you have any red lights on dash. If you charged the battery to get it going or had to jump start it. Low battery and bad alternator will make the car run like that. until it dies.
A Car For A Museum or Leno?
I don't think he will get the 80,000 15 to 20 grand is what it is worth. Sure is a nice car.
78 280Z pass side mirror? Cannot find any!
Caliper rebuild
http://www.rockauto.com/catalog/raframecatalog.php Did you see this? http://www.classiczcars.com/forums/content.php?151-Brake-caliper-restoration
where does this ground go to?
The AFM plate has rubber isolators to protect the AFM from vibrations the rubber interrupts the ground. So you need to ground it.
Garage Cabinets
Look for used home cabinets here cheap. I have got some real nice stuff at the restore. http://www.habitat.org/cd/env/restore_detail.aspx?place=89
240z euro bumpers
It will fit. You will have to take off bumper filler it is spot welded to the rear. So you will have body and paint work. Drop the gas tank to get off bumper shock. Make or buy new mounts. Drill hole in rear qt for side mounts. Also old side mounts need body and paint. There is a bite of welding involved the two big shock holes .
280z Nissan part #?
http://www.carpartsmanual.com/datsunS30/DatsunZIndex/Body260Z280Z/2Seater/DoorPanelGlassHinge/tabid/1792/Default.aspx Have a look here.
Let's show vintage racing pictures. I'll start.
Did everyone find this pdf http://www.xclusively-jaguar.co.uk/newsletters/xj/may_2011/gtj.pdf
Scarab #1 Anyone?
mcdmd see if someone can clean up this zx Scarab talk it is in to many treads. It is all over the place to confusing.
? last scarab made
Try eBay for 15 to 20 k . If that don't work out I offer you 3 k if it is not to rusty.
Is it the Master Cylinder?
Rear brake cylinders can corrode inside and cause this.
The most expensive Z ever offered for sale....$300,000?
Best Source for Purple 21 tooth Pinion Gear?
What is this http://orlando.craigslist.org/pts/2659579924.html
diff fluid
That one is the drain . There is another one above that one fill to it starts to drool out the top plug. 5 and 6
Windshield trim installation question
I see it is zx look here. http://www.zcar.com/70-83_tech_discussion_forum/280zx_windshield_area_rust_repair_part1_lots_pics_898903.msg2713861.html#msg2713861
Windshield trim installation question
Here is some video .<iframe width="560" height="315" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/rm32F6w8x9M" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
Carpets move around real easy
I just removed the carpet in my 78 . First time it was removed only 50.000 mi. Carpet is like new. Anyway it was glued in place where your feet are. I would say spray glue was used at the factory on 78 anyway.
Z Store Fiberglass Bumpers
I will add one thing. Make sure the rear mounts and bumper is right were you want them before doing the sides. Put a level on the bumper at the rear. Then use a level on the bumper side before marking the holes.
New guy building my first classic 240z build help would be much help
Theres a dude in NJ wit the parts you need goese by d name speed nick on the z site wit some humor z car .com look him up and good luck wit the project take your time do it right the first time pick up some books like wick humble and the fsm that can download for free if your car has rust that is beoned controle you dont want to put alot of moneys in the car maybe just get it driveable for the last bit of life it has.
New Hot Wheels 240Z
Have you seen this one? an all-platinum Datsun Fairlady Z created by a Japanese jeweller to mark the 40th anniversary of model maker Tomica and the Fairlady Z itself. http://jalopnik.com/5497460/heres-your-76500-platinum-toy-car
need help removing the steering wheel!
Try this. Nut on First two threads to protect the threads. Left knee behind bottom of the wheel,left hand top of wheel. While pulling with hand and knee hit the nut with brass hammer hard. It should pop off.
Best Place to Tow a Z
http://images.harborfreight.com/hftweb/more-coupons/201039/4.html http://www.harborfreight.com/12-volt-magnetic-towing-light-kit-67455.html
Let's show vintage racing pictures. I'll start.
Some z pics and more. http://www.flickr.com/photos/27666849@N04/3315271822/in/photostream/lightbox/
Arc Welding vs. Gas welding
Lowes sells Lincoln Electric 120 Volt MIG Flux-Cored Wire Feed Welder with gas 524.00 90 day non shady return policy. jmortensen has a closet full of items he wanted to return it just made him feel to shady.