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black gold man

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Everything posted by black gold man

  1. Here is a pic i should know this i removed my bumper last year. my guess is horns with ground. pics from here http://dailydatsun.com/tag/bumper/
  2. Did you see the this story. http://driving-line.com/volume-vi/adam-carolla-from-radio-to-racing/ Who they pointing at.
  3. black gold man replied to Oiluj's post in a topic in Open Chit Chat
    I made a post not to long ago Toyota and NISSAN are looking for 100s of engineer's in Michigan. It has been 10 years since working a 7 to 330 job for me. But Thursday i started with a real construction co. We are plastering old walls in large building in troy. Two days of hard work lucky i have the weekend to re cooperate. I am used to working for myself contracting drywall jobs with lots of time off in between jobs.
  4. black gold man replied to Stevie P's post in a topic in Open Discussions
    Instead of making it open you could make it removable.
  5. black gold man replied to Stevie P's post in a topic in Open Discussions
    I have the 2+2 and never use the side windows. If someone was in the back seat maybe they would like it open. But only munchkins fit back there. I love my 83 2+2 77k miles 2 owner 90% showroom cond inside and out.
  6. Here is a NEWMAN story. http://driving-line.com/volume-iv/paul-newman-from-lime-rock-connecticut/
  7. You might have manifold leak expelling hot exhaust gases under hood. Try zx injector fan with timer inside car, run for 15 min when parking for that short time.
  8. black gold man replied to grantf's post in a topic in Interior
    There was a ad i read once the guy said the z carpet was made of camel hair. I guess he got this from the listing of the color, Camel carpet.LOLLOL Or even more stupid a friend thought that silk came from a silk plant. There was a ad for a silk plant in a sale paper that led him to believe that is were silk came from.
  9. http://www.geocities.com/inlinestroker/seals.html
  10. Vintage road racing returns with a roar to the Waterford Hills Road Race Track in Clarkston, July 28 & 29. Come see beautifully restored vintage race cars in action. Three road racing legends visit Waterford Hills. Former Trans Am Champions Tony Adamowicz, John Morton and Horst Quech will be our special guests at this years event. Eight vintage race run groups will be featured, including a Trans Am B-Sedan Challenge race. Also featured is the modern Corvette & A-Sedan feature race. Adult general admission only $10. Children 16 and under are free. Food and beverage concessions on site. Just bring blankets or chairs and enjoy a fun filled day or weekend. Gates open at 9am each day. Racing action runs from 10am - 6pm. 4770 Waterford Road, on the grounds of the Oakland County Sportsmen's Club. Visit our website for full event information and detailed directions. (248) 623-0070. I would think JOHN MORTON will be at the Plymouth show with a datsun. http://www.squidoo.com/concours-delegance-of-america
  11. Did you put new cat on or resonator in its place.
  12. Maybe no / bad fuel damper .
  13. "As a temporary solution I made a little seal out of black rubberized gasket material but I would like a permanent replacement. Any clue where to find one?" It is called a copper crush washer. You could get Nissan but parts store should have one.
  14. black gold man replied to Ben's Z's post in a topic in Open Discussions
  15. Must have been MRS MAC
  16. black gold man replied to Mike's post in a topic in United States
    Here are some http://****yeahdatsun.tumblr.com/ It starts with F i guess you will have to type it in lots of pics .
  17. Here is one for 510 https://docs.google.com/folder/d/0ByCvxnHNk90SNWE5ZGUzYWUtYThkNi00NzRmLWEwNGMtODg1Nzk4MzQ4YzY1/edit?pli=1&docId=0ByCvxnHNk90SMDRhMTY3ZGEtN2IyMC00YzNmLWIxYjAtMzc1YjhiYTEwMzg1 https://docs.google.com/folder/d/0ByCvxnHNk90SNWE5ZGUzYWUtYThkNi00NzRmLWEwNGMtODg1Nzk4MzQ4YzY1/edit?pli=1 https://docs.google.com/folder/d/0ByCvxnHNk90SMzIxZWIwYWYtYzljNy00ZGU2LWI3ODctYzRjMmE0MGY3NTA1/edit?pli=1&docId=0ByCvxnHNk90SZjA3NDNmODItMWU0OS00ZmJjLTg1YmEtY2ZhZDFlNmU5YTE2 https://docs.google.com/folder/d/0ByCvxnHNk90SMzIxZWIwYWYtYzljNy00ZGU2LWI3ODctYzRjMmE0MGY3NTA1/edit?pli=1
  18. Just outside Detroit is world class academy of art Cranbrook. About 10 years ago i worked there for about 6 weeks. I have to go back not just for the art the grounds are like from the golden era . Here is one artist to come out of Cranbrook not just eye candy she is for real. http://www.cranbrookart.edu/Pages/PhotographyDept.html
  19. I was watching mid ohio today on speed they showed that car for a moment i think they were talking about Scott Sharp but i missed the conversation.
  20. Nope no bullet there , the one with the bullet on it is for the sensors. Cut and splice pig tail or make new connector.
  21. Almost 5 million model A were built. And the Ford Mustang in 1965 alone almost 700,000 were built. Lot's of these to go around.
  22. Eddie Rickenbacker is in that video he had a car co in Detroit and went on to own INDY. I worked in a house he built the homeowner was telling me i looked into it she was right. http://www.vanderbiltcupraces.com/blog/article/profile_eddie_rickenbacker_americas_ace_of_aces_and_vanderbilt_cup_particip
  23. That **** went on in my backyard back in the day. My house will be built in upper left corner of this pic. People like Henry Miller and Gar Wood hung out there. In the art post Ron Finch video shows a pic from the raceway maybe 1958. They raced motorcycles too. 1934 I was reading about the guy that built it had made the land owner and lumber yard partners for lumber and land but had to pay 9 bucks cash for the nails witch were hard to come by. http://www.waterwinterwonderland.com/autoracing.aspx?id=1652&type=9 http://alblixtracinghistory.typepad.com/al_blixt_auto_racing_hist/motor_city_speedway/

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