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black gold man

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Everything posted by black gold man

  1. MR 240K your work is great. Detroit is a artist lair from street to fine art. Here is just one A great designer and artist in DETROIT i went to Camilo's studio new years eve to see if could crash a party no one was there. I want him to paint me a z car. Take a look at Ron Finch a great artist . http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mGw0Dnz-axQ A buddy told me about 20yr ago that he had his bike painted by Ron i didnt know what he was talking about. I could go on and on about DETROIT ART. We have many new artist downtown .
  2. I have never seen so many NEWMAN pics most i never seen before. I searched Paul and Mario.
  3. http://www.flickr.com/groups/1221030@N22/pool/with/2631029047/#photo_2631029047 I thought i posted this flicker. Click on a pic for another flicker. Like this one http://www.flickr.com/photos/46681980@N03/4374354663/in/pool-1221030@N22/
  4. I cut mine on my 78 a little pressure there but not bad. sawzall
  5. http://farm4.staticflickr.com/3251/2726317530_a384b7b854.jpg "This is around 1979, in the rain at Road Atlanta, and may be at the SCCA Runoffs, but I'm not certain. Paul is in our Datsun 610, coming down to the bottom of the hill past the place where I had a really hard crash in my Z-car a few years earlier. Where the cars are coming down the hill in the background, I had air get under the Z going at least 150 mph, and the car lifted, went over backwards, hit the embankment and started flipping end over end. I wasn't hurt, but the car didn't finally stop tumbling until it was just about at the same spot where Paul is in this photo. This is an SCCA B Sedan, probably with around 220hp on tap, with the Canon and Kendall sponsorships that were backing us with Paul. I'll tell you, he was a terrific driver in the wet, always very much on his game." http://www.hemmings.com/hsx/stories/2009/01/01/hmn_feature10.html I crossed paths with one of the great ones at DETROIT GRAND PRIX last Friday. I was thinking what can i have MARIO autograph i know my shirt:)
  6. http://www.racingmodels.com/nissan--lm03c-fairlady-gpc-coca-cola---canon-jspc-1984-143-16530-p.asp
  7. Is this the one http://www.central20.co.jp/history/06eng.php http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YdF0IijTwIg http://www.diecastmodelswholesale.com/servlet/the-9249/1984-LM03C-Nissan-Fairlady/Detail?site=www.cj.com
  8. 2nd opinion "There SHOULD be enough pressure to "pop the cap" on a ZX. Not enough to blow it out of your hand but definitely enough to whoosh out when you open it up. That's a design feature to keep some pressure on top of the fuel." http://forums.hybridz.org/index.php/topic/80388-280zx-fuel-tank-vacuum-and-fuel-check-valve/ If you look at the cap on zx i would say it is designed to hold pressure.
  9. I have a 83 that is like new cond 77000 mi i have had this happen before. If you put cool or cold gas in the tank and it is much warmer outside the fuel will expand. I would not worry about it
  10. black gold man replied to tlorber's post in a topic in Open Discussions
    A few years ago when i first saw the hard top i thought that is much better looking then the rag top.
  11. Here is some Detroit Music for the wash.
  12. "Oil blow by, dont know how much but there was residue under the hood towards the front. My hood was a mess too, engine degreaser & elbow grease. No idea where it comes from." Fan clutch
  13. I used this timer put it on the side of the console with just the knob showing no face plate. That is on my 78. http://www.lowes.com/ProductDisplay?partNumber=311473-207-TMSW30MS&langId=-1&storeId=10151&productId=3387086&catalogId=10051&cmRelshp=req&rel=nofollow&cId=PDIO1 I have a 83 in five years only once the fan came on.
  14. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qan3driOcJQ This was on speed the other day
  15. Do you have the injector fan on there. I think it is ground to fan.
  16. I tell you the car loved it. This has been used for 100 years,
  17. Old school decarbon was to use water . I did it to my 78 it liked it. I took a garden sprayer with fine mist and put a half gallon through the brake vac.
  18. I drive my 83 year old father to the doctors a lot. Out of the three cars he can get in and out of my 78 z the best and said it feels like there is more room. And one is a 83 2+2 zx. The 83 rx7 is just hard to get in and out of. BGM
  19. The adjustment you are looking for is when you spin the tire by hand is it should go a half rotation of the wheel. And the park brake adjustment method usually dose not work. When rear is adjusted right the pedal will feel much better. BGM
  20. He said switch was replaced. The reason the ford solenoid works well is will work with as little as 6 volts through the old wires.
  21. Did you go to a ring and pinion service shop. Search ring and pinion service Sacramento.
  22. Have you ever heard of ford solenoid fix it has been used for years on many cars. http://www.google.com/search?um=1&hl=en&bav=on.2,or.r_gc.r_pw.r_qf.,cf.osb&biw=1024&bih=629&q=ford%20%20solenoid%20240z%20starter&ie=UTF-8&sa=N&tab=iw&ei=E42wT4GjFpGo8QSawYTcCA http://www.google.com/search?um=1&hl=en&bav=on.2,or.r_gc.r_pw.r_qf.,cf.osb&biw=1024&bih=629&ie=UTF-8&tbm=isch&source=og&sa=N&tab=wi&ei=H42wT__HN46y8AT21_D5CA&q=ford%20solenoid%20240z%20starter&orq=ford++solenoid+240z+starter#um=1&hl=en&tbm=isch&sa=1&q=ford+solenoid+wiring+diagram+&oq=ford+solenoid+wiring+diagram+&aq=f&aqi=&aql=&gs_l=img.12...25851.26682.11.29018.,or.r_gc.r_pw.r_qf.,cf.osb&fp=be09e5fa3374c191&biw=1024&bih=629
  23. Bill Cosby Tells A Great Carroll Shelby Story I don't know what's funnier, that Bill Cosby bumped into Carroll Shelby in a grocery store back in 1966 or so, or that he wrote one of the greatest comedy bits (about cars) of all time about what happened next. That meeting led to Cosby agreeing to buy a Shelby Cobra Super Snake CSX 3303, a super rare — only two were built — twin-supercharger, 900-hp version of the Cobra with a Ford C-6 automatic. Shelby said it could go 200 mph, but Cosby only apparently drove it once — if that. He was so terrified that he gave it back, and wrote a comedy routine about it. He performed the bit at Harrah's casino in Lake Tahoe, the recording of which ended up on his 1968 album called, fittingly, 200 MPH. RIP Carroll Shelby, you crazy sonofabitch. http://jalopnik.com/5909694/listen-to-bill-cosby-tell-a-great-carroll-shelby-story

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