Everything posted by black gold man
Rear hatch glass rubber seal
Hogfan shows how to set the window with butyl rubber seal at end of post.But you cant get the trim on. http://www.zcar.com/70-83_tech_discussion_forum/280zx_rust_repair_hatch_tons_pics_901415.msg2729165.html#msg2729165 Or buy another hatch with glass paint and use that until rubber is available.
Arc Welding vs. Gas welding
Go to home Store like lowes pick one up give it a try. 90 day return policy if you don't like it. Yes you can use it and if your are not satisfied you can return it. Not that i would do something like that.
Let's show vintage racing pictures. I'll start.
That might be WALTER MAAS driving.
71 240Z. Looking for both rear quarters.
Used here http://corvallis.craigslist.org/pts/2654837714.html
Suggest a cheap, quiet, fuel pump for my triples.
This guy might have rx7 pumps. http://grandrapids.craigslist.org/pts/2622772834.html
low fluid level rear brake reservoir 72 240Z
need some help pricing out some wheels
http://lascruces.en.craigslist.org/pts/2638131610.html call this guy http://harrisburg.craigslist.org/wan/2656638673.html
240z undetectable coolant leak
Are you sure its coolant? When fan clutch leaks it makes a mess.
RIP Dan Welden
Video: Wheldon killed in crash
mass air flow wires to fuel pump
Lets give credit were credit is due. Many more reads here.http://www.atlanticz.ca/zclub/techtips/ Thanks to BLUE
mass air flow wires to fuel pump
W. Edwards Deming
The Japanese Automobile Industry: Technology and Management at Nissan and Toyota Michael Cusumano wrote the book on japans auto industry.
Let's show vintage racing pictures. I'll start.
Here are some cool pics from 1981 http://www.nonnamakerracing.com/index.cfm?template=news&news_id=303 E-Jag magazine reported..... "The powerful Jaguar leads the dash for the first corner, a sweeping right turn leading uphill. The Datsuns are able to brake a bit later so it's a dead heat into the turn, Freddy surrounded by Z's"....."The Jaguar thunders down the pit straight, the leader after the first lap." In pole position, the XK-E won the race against all odds, even after being deliberately battered by Jim Fitzgeralds Datsun at the very beginning of the race! The Road Atlanta SCCA Road Racing National Championship win on 26th October 1980 ended 9 years of Datsun domination of the title! More here http://www.xclusively-jaguar.co.uk/xj_newsletter_11-05-01.html
Help needed ASAP
You can see the car here. 50 sec in z being passed and passed again at 6 .15 Fiero Crash Looks like fun
Help needed ASAP
Hi jeff I believe i have a ome 83 rx7 carb fuel pump around somewhere . Let me know if you want it i will look for it. Only 70,000 mi on it. Bill
Starter "excite" wire
It's not the components it's the wires. Common fix on old cars not just z cars.
Starter "excite" wire
Have you heard of ford solenoid mod. http://www.zcar.com/70-83_tech_discussion_forum/ford_starter_solenoid_616758.0.html
Differential needed right now
Try here http://grandrapids.craigslist.org/pts/2488328539.html
The most expensive Z ever offered for sale....$300,000?
1,000,000.00 anyone http://www.alibaba.com/product-free/115636686/Paul_Newman_s_1979Datsun_280ZX_Factory.html
Let's show vintage racing pictures. I'll start.
maybe someone is interested in 35mm Paul Newman racing film. http://pittsburgh.craigslist.org/clt/2544588958.html
77-78 280 front bumper end rubber/ LH needed...
Good luck with your fix.
240Z in movies
z car in Motor.Citys.Burning.Detroit.from.Motown.to.The.Stooges http://youtu.be/NQuUD6tC2H8
77-78 280 front bumper end rubber/ LH needed...
Did you get your bumper end? And are you happy with it? BGM
Where Can I find "280ZZZP Video Game"?
These people own them all. http://www.arcade-museum.com/members/game_census.php?klov_id=6777 Seen this one <iframe width="425" height="349" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/--rAp0IuDY4" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
Bent stub Axle?
over-torque could cause the wheel, brake rotor and/or brake drum to distort. http://www.tirerack.com/wheels/tech/techpage.jsp?techid=107