These parts were made for us by Restored as a special request, they only made two sets, one for me and one extra set for the OP. As virtually a one-off naturally they were hand-laid and not vacuum-moulded or dry carbon. With such fiddly and complex shapes there is always going to be a bit of a stretch somewhere or a bit more resin in a corner.
The parts that the OP returned to us are now fitted to my 240K. They did need a bit of polish here and there but I think they look pretty good (pics attached). The trim piece that arrived without the threads fitted has been replaced by Restored as this was their mistake, so I still have a second set for sale and anyone is welcome to come and inspect them at my store if they are interested.
We gave the OP a full refund on his parts, even though they were ordered specially for him.
It is very disappointing that now he is rubbishing an entire range of Restored carbon products he hasn't even seen.