Maybe im stupid but i can NOT find the rear brake bleed nipple on my 71
Yeah it must not be there. cause i've gotten all up in that wheel well with 20/20 vision and there's no nipple. Nor a piece extending out like where the nipple should be located. Ugh. I just replaced my brake master and i need to bleed the brakes, and clearly its not going to happen. Its not possible to only bleed the front is it?
Maybe im stupid but i can NOT find the rear brake bleed nipple on my 71
Is there something i don't know. Like, perhaps there is no bleed nipple? The hard line goes directly into the wheel and there is no bleed nipple, nor a hole that looks to have once held one. The car is a 1971. If anyone can please shed some light on this for me i'd greatly appreciate it. Thank you.
Blowing fuses, melting fusebox. Taillights/stereo/brake lights dont work
Thank you for the detailed response. I'm going to look into those solutions. my car is manufactured 3/1970 ...
Blowing fuses, melting fusebox. Taillights/stereo/brake lights dont work
So the past couple days i've been forced to drive without running tail lights, break lights, stereo, OR instrument cluster lighting ... I'd had intermittent problems in the past where my stereo and interior lighting would simultaneously go out. And if i pushed my head unit around a little bit sometimes it'd flick it all back to life. Sooo. Last night I dove into the console looking for loose ends or wires with bad connections with plans of repair. Didn't find anything. Not gonna lie, the PO has things kinda ghetto rigged in there. Looks sketchy. But needless to say, everything since i've owned that car has worked fine. here's where i'm at. I checked the fuse box under the center console. The "Rear Tail" fuse was blown... its a 20A fuse. So i went to autozone, replaced it... the stereo turned on. As i'm sitting there with the stereo on i turn the headlights on, i watch as the fuse heats up and blows meanwhile MELTING the area around the fuse holder... What could be causing this surge of power? Any help is greatly appreciated...
Sick 3 part short film featuring a 240z :)
http://vimeo.com/14140965 this is part 1, parts 2 and 3 are linked on that page. Really dope. Just wanted to share.
Replaced master/slave cylinders - still no pressure
FIXED IT! i had taken everything back out preparing to take the master back to the auto store... when it hit me. First of all, as we all know you have to use the old push-rod for the master cylinder cause the new one is too short. But upon further inspection, the old rod has about a 1/2 inch extension on the piston side of the rod. So when its hooked up and the clip is in place, it wouldn't let the piston fully return "home" even though it appeared that it did. So i dremeled it off so that it sat flat at the head of it. And what do you know... fluid a flowin. So i bled the system about 4 times myself (pita) and voila. it works. only thing i think i'll need to do is adjust the slave nut. the engagement/disengagement is a little close to the floor. That's where i would fix that correct? thank you very much for all of your help guys.
Replaced master/slave cylinders - still no pressure
i completely took the master out.. and pumped it by hand with the reservoir filled.. couldn't even get fluid out the hole for the hardline. should i?
Replaced master/slave cylinders - still no pressure
Ya i understand the bleeding process now. So i engaged the clutch pedal... locked it into place. unscrewed the bleed nipple. no fluid comes out. is it possible one of the parts (themaster or slave) are bad that i got from the auto parts store? i even unhooked the hydraulic line from the master and pumped the clutch, couldn't even get any fluid out of the hole with the hose disconnected... should i? or does it have to be tapped in order to flow fluid? really freaking stumped. i appreciate you help.
Replaced master/slave cylinders - still no pressure
you are talking about bleeding the clutch master right? So just slightly unscrew the hydraulic line on the side of it and pump the clutch?
Replaced master/slave cylinders - still no pressure
How do i bench bleed it?
Replaced master/slave cylinders - still no pressure
So I replaced both my master and slave this morning... filled the reservoir and pumped the clutch. There is def fluid in the lines. But i can't get any movement out of the slave. The master is connected to the clutch properly. I'm just wondering if i installed the slave incorrectly. When i installed it, the push rod was depressed, it seemed to be the only way for it to fit. So re attached the return spring and all that biz. tightened the adjust nut to where it pushes lightly against the tranny lever. i just don't know what's going on... could the pressure plate in the clutch be busted? any help greatly appreciated.. see pics