Everything posted by zguybill
Shoulder belts needed for 71 240Z
I have a 1971 240Z and have got the lap belts only. Somewhere along the line this car lost its shoulder belts. I want to run this car in the MSCC autocross series in the stock class. I found that I can retain existing seats and be legal in stock if I had the shoulder belts. I can't afford to put in a harness and driving seat at this time. I need both the driver and passenger side belts along with the mounting bolts. Can anyone help me out? billlock@cheqnet.net
Mustache bar bushing screw up. help?!
I did wind up getting an OEM bushing from Victoria British to start again from scratch. I also wound up getting another mustache bar about the same time. Would've been better to just get another bar, but I didn't know I was going to be able to get one quickly!
Mustache bar bushing bushwacked!
The hatch locks are the most difficult to obtain as well as repair. New door cylinders are readily available as well as repairable and rekeyable. Ignition lock cylinders have a wear problem which can allow the key to withdraw in the on position ( 180 degrees out), but not reinsert which can be repaired with a new internal cylinder. Locks can be rekeyed so they match but they must be the same keyway. There were 2 used and they are mirror images of each other. I believe one uses an N code series and the other uses an M code series. Bill Scrap out the Z as best as you can before they go to the crusher!
Mustache bar bushing bushwacked!
Beandip, Thanks ! I appreciate the offer. I wound up getting an OEM bushing pressing it in and then burning it out so I could use the urethane upgrade set. (I hope this was all worth it). You must live in a very nice place to have a Z boneyard that you can visit. I would be in trouble with my wife if there was something like that close by here! I really do appreciate the offer though. It was nice of you. It sure is nice to meet some other Z fanatics. I can't offer that kind of help, however I can rekey and rebuild Z locks (I'm a locksmith by trade) for those that have problems with them. Bill
Mustache bar bushing bushwacked!
Thanks for the answers/suggestions. I wish I would've had all this information together before I left my z alone. Hind sight is always 20-20. I guess I'm going to have to find an OEM mustache bar bushing, install it and then destroy it so I can get the urethane bushing to work right. At least there is one good thing to be said and that I'm dealing with this in the winter when I won't drive the z anyway! Bill
Mustache bar bushing bushwacked!
A lesson to be learned I suppose. I was having a new differential installed on my 71 240z (Along with a cltch and tranny--it gets to be a long story) and I thought I would put in new bushings and mounts especially on the mustache bar. Me and the mechanic I was working with knew the old inside casings on the mustach bar bushings had to be reused for the new urethane ones but an overzealous helper did not and destroyed one in getting the old bushing out! What can I do now? Does anyone have extra casings or know the exact sizing so I can have one made up? I looked through the catalogs and didn't see any replacement casings available except for what I saw on page 85 of the Victoria British catalog (part 46) which I don't know for sure whether or not has this casing with it. I've got to believe that this is not the first time some bonehead has done this (at least I hope so) and maybe some of you oldtimers have come up with solutions to this dilemma. Any and all help would be appreciated. Don't tell me I need a new mount bar though! ( I could understand new mechanic though!) Bill
Mustache bar bushing screw up. help?!
A lesson to be learned I suppose. I was having a new differential installed on my 71 240z (Along with a cltch and tranny--it gets to be a long story) and I thought I would put in new bushings and mounts especially on the mustache bar. Me and the mechanic I was working with knew the old inside casings on the mustach bar bushings had to be reused for the new urethane ones but an overzealous helper did not and destroyed one in getting the old bushing out! What can I do now? Does anyone have extra casings or know the exact sizing so I can have one made up? I looked through the catalogs and didn't see any replacement casings available except for what I saw on page 85 of the Victoria British catalog (part 46) which I don't know for sure whether or not has this casing with it. I've got to believe that this is not the first time some bonehead has done this (at least I hope so) and maybe some of you oldtimers have come up with solutions to this dilemma. Any and all help would be appreciated. Don't tell me I need a new mount bar though! ( I could understand new mechanic though!) Bill
Racing Safety Harness w/standard seat
Thanks for the tip. I will give them a call and go from there. I figure a roll hoop would allow me the higher mounting point for the shoulder belts. From what I understand this would still not cost me points as this is a safety mod rather than a performance mod not like the racing seat.
Racing Safety Harness w/standard seat
I have a 71 Z that I am setting up for high speed autocrossing. To be legal I need to have at least a 4 point safety harness (all I have are lap belts now). I want to be able to retain the original seats (at least for now) and not upgrade to a racing seat. Does anyone have any suggestions as to brands/types/ mounting of a legal safety harness using stock seats? In the future I may purchase a racing seat so I would like belts to be adaptable to this at a later date but just not at this time. I would consider installing a roll hoop if that would give me the belt mounting points I need. I trust that you experts have been there and done that and can guide me right! TIA