Can't get 1975 280z to idle
Hey wanted to follow up. Got the car running correctly yesterday. Bought a new air regulator. Same issue. Runs fine on a cold start but once it gets warmed up it just popped and spit. I thought OK time for the mechanic. I purchase a PVC hose to replace the one that was really soft. Pulled off the old one and it was full of crud. Cleaned out what I could on the engine side and made sure the check valve was working on the manifold side. Put it back together and hello runs like a top. Now to fix the turn signals. Thanks everyone for the help.
Can't get 1975 280z to idle
Will do. Thanks for the ideas.
Can't get 1975 280z to idle
Think I will delete 4th gear vacuum advance too. Couldn't get the throttle body off. The bolt that was hardest to reach wouldn't let go. Hooked up the vacuum lines the way they were when I purchased the car. Same thing. Now I am getting a little backfire at low RPM's say 800 to 1200. Reset the idle adjustment screw to factory still nothing. Haven't checked fuel pressure yet. I know it's running rich when cold because the wife asked why does it smell like that.
Can't get 1975 280z to idle
TCVS is the transmission controlled vacuum system. I can't see where that could be the issue but it's one thing that is different or was not hooked up.
Can't get 1975 280z to idle
The tcvas was not hook up when I bought the car. When I replace all the vacuum hoses I hooked it up correctly placed a meter on it and it seemed to be in spec. I also replaced all the vacuum hoses to the air conditioning too, from the firewall to all of the air conditioning components. Most of them where missing. Might go back and block off a few hose to see what kind of response it get.
Can't get 1975 280z to idle
It Idles too low and will not adjust. I changed every vacuum line so do think that is the issue. Will check the air regulator again. Cleaned the AMF yesterday everything looked good. Think I will pull the throttle body off and give it a good once over.
Can't get 1975 280z to idle
New Guy here. Just bought my first Z. Ran fine when I drove it home. Had all the fluids dropped and had to tow the car home.Would run at a high idle 1200 to 1500 rpm,but when you put the gas down it would flood out. Bought a FSM replace all vacuum hoses. Hook up everything that was not. Replaced thremo switch, temp sensor. Car runs but will not idle. The idle adjustment screw does nothing. It worked before I clean up the vacuum line mess. Any thoughts. Thanks.