Broken AFM...expensive part
Hey all, Perry grabbed the tools we needed to check the spark plugs but is going to be busy this week with work on top of school. I am going to try and get some other things checked out while he is doing his thing. if someone could inform me on the procedure to check fuel pressure and what is needed to do that? I've done a search on the forum as well as google and couldn't find anything. Thanks, Mike
Im new here. 260z
Welcome to the site man. Looks like you got your hands on a nice Z.
Broken AFM...expensive part
In response to the numbers... when we tested it it was getting 0 continuity through the ECU and 0 continuity at any point after we pulled it. As far as resistance we're getting between 11 and 13 on any of the pins, 6, 9, 8, 7 in any combination. The flap is the only thing working properly and displaying standard readings.
New guy with a project
Damn.... you have a lot of work ahead of you. Good luck!
lol Im also a new guy in Oregon with a 1977 280z
also, where in OR are you located?
lol Im also a new guy in Oregon with a 1977 280z
welcome to the site man! Is your Z not running as well? Hoping to get mine running soon. Good luck with yours!
new guy from oregon 77 280z
For sure man. I will let you know when we get it running.... maybe we can get a little drive together if this nice weather sticks around.
Another new guy from Oregon. 77' 280z 5 speed coupe.
Hey all, Just signed up when I stumbled onto this site from zcar.com. My name is Mike, I'm coming up on 23... in my last year of Architecture school at the University of Oregon up in Portland. Anyway.... on the the car. So my room mate and I just picked up a 77' 280Z 5 speed coupe a couple of weeks ago for $650 not running. All the lights work and it turns over and will even fire up if you throw a shot of fuel into the head. So we're thinking it's either a fuel pump, filter, or relay. The previous owner took his battery after we made the sale (like a douche) so we're going to grab a new one tomorrow and will begin diagnosing. We've ripped apart the inside and have begun doing some rust repair on the exterior with some extra spray paint we had laying around. Just small stuff to keep us busy until we can grab a battery. I also own an 05 Subaru STI which is currently my overpowered daily driver. Annnnddddd that's about all I can think of for now. More pictures to come. Cheers!
new guy from oregon 77 280z
Welcome to the site?? I just joined and am in Oregon as well! Have a 77' 280 as well, it would be sweet to stop by and check yours out sometime on my way between Eugene and Portland. Looks like you've put some solid time into your Z, keep it up!