Everything posted by zbuild
Website back up after a long break
Hi all, After 2 long years, Ive finally put my Website back up! Its no longer "Zbuild" and its new URL is: http://www.240z.id.au Ive had to trim it down a bit, size wise, as I now have to pay for the space it lives on Cheers - Simon
Has anyone's zed experience been soured by problems?
Yeah. . . they had cut the lips of then cut upward with a hacksaw in about 10 places for a distance of about 3 inches. . .very nasty! In the front corner of the wheel arch. . .just behind the bottom rear corner of the door, they'd also packed in newspaper and just bogged over it, there was no metal for about 10 inches upwards. Im hoping to get my website back up soon, you can see some of the devastation there. I'll give you a hoy when its up again. Cheers - Simon
Ceramic Coated headers/extractors
I used hpc in Brendale, Brisbane. . . .they did my turbo exhaust manifold, the exhaust snail, my piston tops, valve tops, the shield that goes between your inlet and exhaust manifold, my inlet manifold and heaps of other stuff. A friend of mine had a very quick Z with webbers and a lot of other work and we went to Lakeside for a bit of a session. . .. after a good flog around the circuit, his was cooking under the bonnet. . .I mean paint around the extractors was being discoloured, where mine was as though I'd been for a drive down to the shops for a loaf of bread, so Im a bit of a convert. Cheers - Simon
Ahh, here at last!
Very sweet looking car, welcome to the Z fraternity! I too must admit to being one of those who occasionally go to the shed for a gaze! I believe its a sickness that comes with owning a Z Steve if you're interested mine's: HS30 000570, 2nd month 1971 (I think) and arrived in OZ 5th month 71 (again, I think) Cheers - Simon
Has anyone's zed experience been soured by problems?
Ahhh yes, I look back and think. . . . .just like me I specifically asked "how are the guard lips?" because mine had stick on fibreglass flares and was told: "great. . no rust. .. yes they are under there". . . .yeah right! They had cut the lips off! there was rust in the bottom of the doors, bottom of the guards, above the doors, bonnet, hatch surround, beaver panel, floor, rails and most anywhere else you'd like to look. Mine took me 4 years and I think Ive done just about everything either twice or three times. . . . .but now. . ..wouldn't sell it. . . well if someone offered me some obscene amount of money Hang in there, when its finished, and youve spent your inheritance, you'll have a very sweet car. Cheers - Simon
2003 Z Nationals Brisbane
Melbourne Z shops again
I'd be interested in the figures Thanks Gareth. cheers - Simon
Melbourne Z shops again
I agree with the "watch the first time and learn all the tips" theory. This is how I built my engine. A good builder let me assemble it while he stood by and slapped my knuckles if I even looked like doing something wrong. This way you learn all the tips of the trade. . .things like end float on the crank, fitting rings to the bore and clearancing etc. Its certainly not hard, you just need to take your time and be CLEAN! I recently got a new dial gauge (for measuring end float) and it cost me about $140 with a magnetic stand, you'd need a tension wrench, some Plasticgauge but most of the other stuff you've probably already got in your toolkit. Cheers