Booster diagnostics
im sorry this isn't for a Z car but i had no other place to go. is it posible to check if there is a hole in a brake booster while it is on the car. if you could give me some tests that i could do that would be great. anything is good, thanks guys Evan
shoe you know you aint supos to go down that alley brutha
Read This It's Hilarious http://www.ananova.com/news/story/sm_771211.html?menu=news.quirkies Im Sorry If You Feal Made Fun Of but i think it's funny that they call it a bonnet
that v12 is wierd. Im sorry guys indefinent sub referance on my part i meant what was the bigest v8 sorry my falt. is there a website for that Supercharged LT1? if there is do you have the link? if you do can i have it, please? thanks
this might be a stupid question but what is the largest engine anyone has ever put into a Z? thanks
Screen Names - Where Do They Come From?
well it's supposed to be potassiumlegsman but it was one letter to long so i cut out an s. i have a potassium deficiancy meaning if i don't get enough potassium in my legs they start to cramp and whenever i was with my friends i would always ask for a bannana and they would call me potassiumlegsman so i used it as a unique nickname. Evan
Does our main page have too much content?
i hardly ever look at the main page all i do is click forums then new posts maybe if you center everyting around that link (the forums link that is) something might (can't promise anything) distract me to look other places on the main page what i see every day looks good Mike good job
just when you think you've seen it all...
i saw that before and i though it was pretty funny
starting the 240
don't i get to talk about the weather . either im just really dumb or im missing something and im dumb but wern't you guys talking about the weather. im just going to curl up into a ball and feel really dumb right now if thats o.k.
starting the 240
i hate it when people try to tell the weather in advance grr they are usually wrong the said it will probably rain here today and no rain it's actually quite nice here right now im waiting for the day that the weather people say "we don't know what the weather is going to be like" hehe Evan
White-faced guages
yeah that car is pretty sweet the only thing i don't like about it is the gas filler car thing i think it looks... :sick: ugly. i like the wheels though they look good
Power Steering?
yeah i was told that if i get a 240z i should put power rack and pinion cause it drives like a tank
One for ZeMeFly
i thought that color was awesome i want ROFL :dead: :dead: no i really wouldn't want that unless i was a girl
upholstery question
i need to know were i can buy some good leather material for my car (well i don't really have it yet but im doing research stuff) if anybody knows were i can find some material that would be great Evan
thanks for you input i am thinking of doing a swap but ill keep everything in mind thanks, Evan
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