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Everything posted by 5thhorsemann

  1. 12.6 is quick, but not fast. I had a 72 Grand Torino Sport that was reliably running low 9's, for a daily driver, that is fast. The problem is it would only go strait, handled like a trash truck. I would think my Z runs somewhere in the 13's or 14's, but it will do that through the twisties. The TR as I recall has more torque than our Z's, so gearing will wake it up and give a comprable feel to the TR, then the motor work comes in to get you more top end.
  2. Air impact wrench and a torch around the plug on the case, say no more. Use a 5 wrap of teflon tape on the install to prevent future binding, and never overtighten fill and drain plugs.
  3. Why would it even out after 50MPH if it's starved for fuel at 45MPH?
  4. Fuel pump volume and float valve size are much more significant than bowl volume. Larger bowl volume is a bad thing if your car is a weekend worrior, the blended gas varnishes in the bowl, if there is more of it, it leaves more varnish.
  5. I had mine out all weekend and the roundtops loved the cool air here in MD, much crisper throttle response than the 100 degree summer dog days. What a blast!
  6. I think the 240 stuff bolts up to the 260 up front.
  7. FWIW, a good quality flex fan is a much better choice, performance-wise.
  8. I'm thinking you have a blown head gasket based on temp flux and the ceasing (hydro lock), timing could also be an issue. FWIW, if you go to a mechanic to "do your dirty work", you get a whole lot further treating him with kid gloves, than you do cursing and screaming. Most "mechanics" these days are nothing more than parts swappers and are quickly over their heads when they can't find a place to plug in their computer to tell them what's wrong. And carb problems, forget about it, they cant even adjust the linkage.
  9. That it where I would go next, also. Clean lube and inspect all of the vacuum advance hardware, sounds like it works, just not properly. As for which electronic ignition, do a search, that dead horse has been beaten to a pulp.
  10. I had a 350 and you could go through the gears on her alot faster than that. The 260 isnt much quicker than my 240, and my 240 is nowhere close to the 350. Either this dude is full of fish or he simply can't drive. Pompas british arse.
  11. I've been searching the dealer auctions for a 370 for almost a year now, absolutely refuse to pay over $18k for a car. Have gotten close on a few that went for under $20K, but I wasn't too fond of the color (all three were red) so I'm still looking. I hear there is a black one with the sport package going off at an auction with a salvage title from the recent floods. I plan to have a close look at it and if the price is right, it will soon be mine, I am thinking $5 to $7K range would be reasonable. BTW, I understand the water was only about half way up the doors so the dash and motor were spared.
  12. What do you mean "do for power"? Doesn"t it run? I mean My 73 isn't the most powerful car I've owned, but it has plenty of horses to push it down the road.
  13. Mine does this when I feed it cheap gas. It doesn't do it when I use Sunoco or Exxon, but when I fill up at the local 7-11 I get the run on.
  14. Tire size is not an issue persay, the problems come when you run incompatable tires (radials mixed with bias ply) or hard compounds mixed with soft compounds. Also inflate the tires per the plate on the car or owners manual, not the max psi on the tire. Keep in mind that these cars were originally designed to be outfitted with BIAS PLY tires, radials were new to the seen when the HLS30 came out. The added traction of radials can cause oversteer in hard cornering, I would suggest that if everything isn't reasonably close to aligned you could get a tracking wobble for the same reason, but I got more wobble from the bias ply tires back in the day.
  15. Polished stainless steel carrage bolts, McMaster-Carr has a nice selection.
  16. What are you running for tires? The symptoms you describe can easily be caused by the tires being mismatched from front to back or tire pressure being too high or low front to back. A lesson learned early in my life; The tires and suspension are the most important part of the car, if they aren't of high quality and in good repair, you are in trouble.
  17. What are you going with carb wise? You also need to post pics of the lucky car that is going to get powered by this lil beauty.
  18. Two words....................Jay Leno.............If he sees this he will go big bucks, not 300K, but well over 60,000.
  19. SWEEEEEET!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'll trade you my Ol' lady and some cold beer for it.
  20. I saw one at a swap meet in PA last spring, didn't know what I was looking at. I THINK the guy was a member of a local Z club up around Carliles PA. Maybe worth doing a localized search for clubs in that area.
  21. The anti rust is for after the onestep treatment, the one step link http://www.google.com/products/catalog?pq=one+step+rust+killer&hl=en&sugexp=bvec&cp=9&gs_id=s&xhr=t&q=mar+hyde+one+step+rust+killer&gs_upl=&bav=on.2,or.r_gc.r_pw.&biw=1680&bih=869&wrapid=tljp1315600953093014&um=1&ie=UTF-8&tbm=shop&cid=1533637957588519492&sa=X&ei=bnpqTtmyCubV0QG93cSMBQ&sqi=2&ved=0CGIQ8wIwAw#
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