I went to Grainger this morning to get maintenance parts for my shop compressors and they gave me a sampel of this new link belt material to try out, the Power twist plus. (link above) They claim longer belt and bearing life, among other things, so I figure, WTF, I'll try your free stuff, right? So being a tinkerer, I snaped the fluk meter around the power supply and started the motor with the old, but not badly worn belt. It read 7.65 amps at start up, and dropped to 5.25 amps at run. Then I put the PTP link belt on. A snap to install, literally, and it looks really cool. BEFORE changing the air filter or oil, I start the motor and the meter reads as follows; 7.14 amps at start up and 4.98 amps at run! Thats like 6% at start and 5% at run reduction in power consumption. So, I'm thinking of switching over the car and truck belts to this new product when I do the spring services on them. You have to check this stuff out, it"s really neat, and you can carry a few spare links in the glove box, if the belt brakes on the road, you can repair it and install it WITHOUT TOOLS! I am totally impressed.