First, the alternator will put out 18V+ AC at full field. The regulator converts the AC voltage to DC voltage and regulates the voltage to around 14 volts max. Second, pull the plugs one at a time. Third, wire in a cheap voltage gauge under the hood, across the battery terminals so you can rev the motor and watch what the charging system is doing. Fourth, Fusable links are modified fuses built into the wiring harness as a last resort failsafe. You have to really screw up or have a dead short to pop one, the links aren't your problem, they would have the effect of no voltage as opposed to high voltage. Just because a part is new doesn't mean it is good, take the alternator to a shop and have it tested if it makes you feel better, but I still think your regulator is shot, a bad externally regulated alternator will usually show low or no voltage.