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Everything posted by 5thhorsemann

  1. Pressure test the system, they do make tools for testing the cooling system. It's a whole lot faster and easier than waiting for the ghost in the machine to show its self.
  2. Soooo......................They want to charge you to adjust the valves once in the car, as apposed to on the engine stand in their shop? I think you need to find a mechanic that isnt going to beat the crap out of you on price and charge you for doing things they MISSED the first time around.
  3. It doesn't look too bad, but it really sucks when these "little" spoiler accidents happen. Lots of work to fix little damage. Sorry to hear 'bout your luck.
  4. I thought the V rated WXW's were a really soft compound, for traction.
  5. I dont want to brag or anything, but this is my answer to the cable question. With these crimpers I can make any size or shape of cable immaginable.
  6. You could have your new covers dyed to get them closer rather than trying to buy another set, just an idea.
  7. I think the 70/14 is slightly taller than a 60/15, the 60/14 should be roughly an inch shorter than the 60/15 which should do away with your slight rub. You dont need a v rated tire, but they (XWX) are a much more agressive compound than whats on it now which will give added grip, but the 70/14 has more sidewall to "give" in turns. I think it's a wash when it's all said and done. See if you can find a set of wheels and mount them as a swap set in stead of changing your new tires out, you can always resell the swap set with the free tires and get your money back. There's my 2 cents.
  8. http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/Datsun-240Z-Seat-Upholstery-Kit-Off-White-NEW-1970-1973-/270832573016?pt=Motors_Car_Truck_Parts_Accessories&hash=item3f0ee11a58 Just so happens I ran across these this morning, calling them off white, but they look much whiter than what you have.
  9. I used a truck tire innertube to form the gasket and glued an ATV drive shaft boot to it to seal the shaft. I was getting exhaust fumes through that area, thought it was comming from the shifter boot but that was all good, the E brake was the issue, FWIW.
  10. A sign that size printed and mounted on a rigid backing would go for around 40 bucks, add some fancy trim and you are around $55
  11. I put a big glob of silicon adhesive on the underside of the cowl and covered it with seran wrap and installed the cowl while it was wet, let it dry a day or so, removed the cowl and trimmed the plastic wrap. Perfect fit, no water issues will ever occour with this "fix".
  12. Get your hands on one of those small torches, like the crack heads use, and heat the clip that holds the hose nut in the body tab, should lift rite out.
  13. Better yet, go to the auto parts store and buy a roll of that chrome strip with the red rubber center bumper and hand it to the guy that did all the sanding work, and ask him if he can install it to protect the lines. You can return it if he doesn't succeed in shoving it down your throat.
  14. Agreed, it's a good idea to know how the L motor feels in the car before you go ripping it out in favor of the 4 cyl.
  15. I love to see that there are still pro's that take great pride in their work. lookin good.
  16. You need to make sure the cylinders seat before you beat on the motor or you could score the walls and or brake a ring.
  17. FWIW, ALWAYS take drilled and slotted rotors to a mcchine shop to be turned, they need to be done on a lathe, and cut in slow passes. A rotor machine at a brake shop is too agressive for the job. My 2 cents.
  18. Do your research on torque increases, torque is a measurement of doing work, or getting from 0 to 60 for instance. Horsepower is a measurement of maintaining the work done by the torque, it only takes 16 HP to keep an F150 pick up at 60 MPH on the highway, so HP is not the really important number. Concentrate on building torque, that is the real power.
  19. The PO put a cam in it and new valve train, I don't know the specs as I bought it off his widow without all the paperwork. SU round tops with a 6 into 1 header and 2.5" exhaust. Not sute what rear, 4 speed trans.
  20. Do not drive it hard, brake it in the rite way.
  21. Have you gone thrugh the brake in period yet? sounds like valve seals, "new" doesn't mean "good".
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