hi , i have a 1978 280z i drove it fathers day and then parked it out side , ever since then now my car wont start... thing i have checked all harness looks good , no spark in the wires then no spark in the coil replaced the coil but nothing no power getting to the coil (my starter is with switch to the battery) checked the ignition switch . i replaced it but nothing normally my stock voltage gauge would show power when trying to start the car but this time it just reads 0 all the time my rmps dont jump when trying to start the car ... i know they used to plus that would of meant i had power but since i dont i have no idea i checked my fusable links and replaced them but nothing again i discounted the ecu just to reboot it but nothing ..... what im i missing or doing wrong . the please help me . i need the car running POINT IS THAT I AM NOT GETTING POWER TO THE SPARK SO CAR WONT FIRE!