Everything posted by turbo240
Shout out
hahahahahahaha ROFLROFLROFL
haha yeah, there are a few flippin fast miatas that run in reno too. hope to see you there, I'll either be in a copper 914 with black wheels or on this: <a href="http://photobucket.com" target="_blank"><img src="http://i4.photobucket.com/albums/y102/dorikid/skateboard.jpg" border="0" alt="Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket"></a>
haha its weird, I grew up around datsuns & datsun guys HATING porsches, then I got one given to me & it put me in a VERY awkward position. oh, & the 914 broke on me today. it may have something to do with my "eat sleep datsun" hoodie. I miss how easy the Z is to work on. oh, & the 22nd sounds good.
thanks man, I appreciate it I'll wear my Datsun sweatshirt so I don't get stabbed haha
hey guys so I'm finally here in Colorado Springs I just moved up here from Reno, NV on Friday. anyway, I don't really know anyone up here & I was wondering if there was anything interesting going on this summer. oh, & the Z is still in Reno, so I hope nobody minds hanging out with a kid in a Porsche :paranoid: so just to recap : 20 year old kid with Porsche 914 is looking for people with Datsuns to hang out, possibly auto-x with. haha, sounds like a personal add thanks!
Check out my new tattoo!!
yep, theres a few of us here. makes me happy too : )
Check out my new tattoo!!
what happens when you wanna go V-8? ...haha couldn't resist thats dedication man, it looks great I'm getting a comic book cell from Wangan Midnight myself
You guys are going to live this!
I CANT STOP SMILING! jesus I've played that game so much & have been waiting for the anime now my life is complete stoked. I'm freakin stoked.
new OS Giken vid
I'd start with physics... sorry, bored in canada. that video kinda makes me want a triple Webber rb25, hmm, maybe rb30 while I'm at it...
Celebrate Towel Day, May 25th!
yet another reason why I love this forum.
Celebrate Towel Day, May 25th!
the best books in literary history. notice the signature... oh and: "What are you talking about? " "Never mind, eat the fruit. " "You know, this place almost looks like the Garden of Eden. " "Eat the fruit. " "Sounds quite like it too. "
Check this out...
<a href="http://photobucket.com" target="_blank"><img src="http://i4.photobucket.com/albums/y102/dorikid/scan.jpg" border="0" alt="Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket"></a> ummm.... as you can see... i play it a LOT. hahahaha I've beaten it once all the way through, now I'm on the last race of the second time where you get to race the "Devil Z"!! surprisingly they got the sound down pretty well total money invested > $100:tapemouth
well guys, the time has come...
maybe all isn't lost... I was at work thinking about this situation & I may have a compromise worked out. A few years ago my dad sold his project car (74 260Z) to one of my good friends for $800 & since then Its been sitting in his driveway taking up space. so I figure this: sell my Z & several associated parts, get a few grand out of it, take $800 buy back my dad's old car & since its already flared, & basically gutted, just build a no bullsh*t racecar. my money situation would be a lot better,& I'd still have a Z. plus I'll get to build something awesome from the ground up sound good?
well guys, the time has come...
I'm not SERIOUSLY in debt, but even a little is too much as far as I'm concerned & its mainly to finance the move/school. I'm pretty much selling everything: Z, quad, motorcycle parts, my body (no offers on that one yet) the only things I'm keeping are the 914 & my 61 ford F-100 the ford 'cuz its my project with my dad & the 914 'cuz it was a gift. trust me if I was in a position to sell the Porsche I'd do it in a flash. (no joke, I had a nightmare last night about being "one of those Porsche guys") but at this point, selling the Z is my only option. ...that or selling drugs:tapemouth:
well guys, the time has come...
I finally have to sell the Z:cry: I've owned her since I was 14 & put gallons of blood sweat & tears since then but I'm moving to Colorado, & have a credit card to pay off, so away she goes... Oh well, at least I'll still have my technically challenged friend Gary's Z to keep my busy (all the fun, with none of the financial responsibility! yes! ) I'll be posting an add in the classifieds as soon as I can get pictures. wish me luck!
Well CRAP!!!!
I'd drive the Datsun.:stupid:
- I LOVE youtube!
Car of tomorrow!??
I'll care when they start turning right.
Let's see some wheels!
Goose they are Cromodoras, but I have not a clue as to what model all I know is that I haven't seen another set, & they're gonna look great powder coated in black
Let's see some wheels!
anybody ever seen a set of these? takes devil z to a new level
Off to Colorado next week
all this is making me excited. I live for snow & Zs seems like there are plenty of both in Colorado. (this is the worst winter in the sierras in 17 years, & there are no clubs here anymore. I hardly ever see Zs here as of late)
Painting - Stripes or No Stripes
biker, I'm pretty sure you're talking about the Harrah's automobile museum right? I love that place.
Off to Colorado next week
Check this Z out on eBay
yeah, I actually pulled over & looked at it the other day, they have it parked in front of their shop during the day along with Ferraris,Triumphs, Lotus', ect... (good to see its in good company) Its definitely clean.
Some of my faves!