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Everything posted by Patcon

  1. Nantahala Too funny! That waters cold too
  2. So how does fresh water rinse work? Do you have a fresh water line coming to the unit and a nozzle inside or are you picking clear water up from a tank on the unit? A lot of the units Ive seen seem to have an on board fresh water supply
  3. I would take an open title to mean he has the title signed by somebody else and he has never registered it. Bought it and is flipping it with out registering it?
  4. Clean garage!!! What the heck is that???
  5. If they did a thorough job you wont be able to find any original color. Up high behind the dash on the firewall would be one of my first places to look
  6. Patcon posted a post in a topic in 510
    Cody made a puller today. The OTC bearing splitter has 5/8-18 threaded holes. I went by our local fastener supply and got a section of hardened rod and some nuts and washer and a piece of flat stock from Depot. It will pull to 20"s depth... We used a center arbor from another puller that was 5/8-18 too.
  7. Nope, Nissan can't tell you to the best of my knowledge. Best chance is to look for areas that were missed when stripped
  8. Patcon posted a post in a topic in Open Chit Chat
    I agree. I will stay involved. You just need a huge surge to make a difference a person here or there isn't going to do it
  9. Patcon posted a post in a topic in Open Chit Chat
    Why would any good moral person want to submit themselves and their family to the political process??? I know of several good people that have gone to Washington to only be frustrated by not being able to effect change and the self dealing gravy train that is Washington DC. If your fellow party member comes to you for support on their bill and you say ok where do I go to read it? Read it?!?!? they say Then you get the rep as not being a team player! No committee appointments, no re-election money. Banished to the coat closet. They literally want you to vote for something because a fellow D or R proposed it. Not because you read it and it sounded like a good idea. The real kicker is you could throw all 545 out tomorrow and in very short time you would be right back here because of lobbying and the unelected bureaucrat. I know it's a broke system but if you made me king tomorrow I'm not sure I would know how to fix it. "...this form of government is only suitable for a moral people. It will work with no other..." Do you really believe DC is filled with moral people??
  10. That's actually not a bad deal on a stronger transmission kit
  11. I sent the link to Cody. He wanted to build a 510 track car. He'll want to buy this now...
  12. Patcon posted a post in a topic in 510
    Yes, I had considered using that EFI when we ditch the carbs. Provided it will flow enough air. I might have it extruded honed. What motor was it off of again? Good point on the heavier clutch but we'll be making more power so a larger surface area seems to make sense. I plan on using a lighter flywheel so the net weight should be better. I will run a two row main pulley so we can run AC in the car. We have a factory AC setup when we get to it. Dave put us onto all of this when I told him I wanted to run AC. He mentioned we would have to move the alternator to make it all line up.
  13. Patcon posted a post in a topic in 510
    We did verify that 240z water pump fits the L20b timing cover. The flywheel also fits. Is there any reason we cant use a 240z flywheel and clutch set up?
  14. @SteveJ It would be interesting for him or you to start a thread for him. Post up some before and afters. It really needed a lot of work. It had been sitting in the grass for years and that really destroys the underside
  15. It did. This is her original Z. She put a load of miles on it. I looked at it and viewed it as a parts car too. Times have changed... As far as I know she still has her red 280z
  16. It looks great! And I know what he started with!!
  17. You can pull your own kit together. Really not that hard
  18. Patcon posted a post in a topic in Engine & Drivetrain
    If I needed needles it would be Ztherapy
  19. Patcon posted a post in a topic in 510
    I didn't check them all because that seemed moot. But the 5th gear and 1st gear were spot on those ratios. We may start breaking it down next week
  20. Patcon posted a post in a topic in 510
    I thought this was probably an add on from a previous rebuild to prevent the nut from unwinding. Also, it appears from some late night ratio calculating and a Zcars technical page that this is a 1980 transmission. I have a rebuild kit that says 80-83. Are all the parts going to work? What parts do I need to verify? http://www.zhome.com/ZCMnL/tech/GearRatios.html 1st 3.062 2nd 1.858 3rd 1.308 4th 1.000 5th 0.773
  21. This makes PO's wiring hacks sound like a walk in the park!
  22. Patcon posted a post in a topic in Engine & Drivetrain
    Like the Captain said it could be the nozzles too. If you have a couple of good matched sets, you might want to swap out both
  23. Patcon posted a post in a topic in 510
    Sorry Chas, I was referring to the round punch mark in the nut. It seems pretty deep
  24. Will that 2" narrowing cause any other issues?
  25. 5 spd is easy enough to change

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