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Everything posted by Patcon

  1. I didn't pioneer it but I did post up some details and work arounds I went through. I believe they are in my build thread. It is possible the actual Kawasaki part doesn't require the mods I had to make https://www.amazon.com/Motor-Master-Universal-Joint-ATV700/dp/B000GZRASO
  2. So not using the LD28 block? That goes to 3.4L, doesn't it. I believe it requires a custom crank though
  3. So what is in the Rebello 3.2 kit? What do you have to provide? What head will you pair with it?
  4. I like the shopping cart idea!
  5. Soft surfaces are hard to media blast. If it will come off with a pressure washers I would do that
  6. Patcon posted a post in a topic in Open Chit Chat
    A $3000 dollar investment is ridiculously small for Trump. Not even worth mentioning. That's a nice bottle of wine for guys at this level. It would be like mentioning I bought a six pack last night. It would be small for most normal investors. Just another chance to take a swipe at the president. If reporters went after both parties equally, it wouldn't bother me so much. However that will probably never be the case since 90+% of the media are Democrats I am tied of people in this thread taking swipes at the president and touting other politicians as being totally on the ball. I have watched many of the presidential updates and I don't see them the way some others view them. I voted for the man once and I will be again! I suspect the overwhelming silence from others on the forum suggests that others might feel the same way...
  7. You have quite the cleavage Steve! I was in Home Depot today. About half and half employees and shoppers
  8. Yes, DCOE's It's basically italian for 2 bore horizontal, IIRC there are several areas that can leak Philip might be of help here @240260280
  9. Pretty plane! Quite the resume too!
  10. Is that the buzz CO was referring to?
  11. I will have to look around some
  12. Patcon posted a post in a topic in Build Threads
    WooHoo!!! Also, it seems like a bad idea to have a propane heater in a spray booth on the discharge end but that's just me...
  13. Patcon posted a post in a topic in What I Did Today
    Still Rogers St? Do you have all the screws for the straps?
  14. Patcon posted a post in a topic in What I Did Today
    @S30Driver Is this what you need? Do you need the strap on the back of the gauge too?
  15. Patcon posted a post in a topic in Open Chit Chat
    My temperature and most of my kids runs low. When i get to 99F I feel like ?
  16. Patcon posted a post in a topic in Body & Paint
    I would make a new doubler Treat the rust inside the hatch Prime both then install with panel adhesive Make sure you get it pulled tight enough that the lock will go in with the keeper! Any squeeze out through the pin holes can be dressed down and filled over
  17. I would take them but I'm afraid shipping would be too much
  18. Patcon posted a post in a topic in Open Chit Chat
    I believe there is an overly simplistic view of how things work at this level. Everyone assumes that you tell the joint chiefs to "jump" and they say "how high?". Having spent some time around general officers I suspect you have to stay out of some of these affairs. I suspect the decision to remove this captain was made long before it reached the executive office. The executive office may have chosen not to interfere to avoid ruffling feathers. Pretty much, all of the people at this level are powerful, confident and opinionated (inside and outside of the military). Right now you can't afford to alienate them, when you may need to depend on them in a few weeks for who knows what. Its a delicate balance. I found it sad he was relieved for trying to take care of his men. I wondered how the letter got out. I haven't seen anything definitive on whether he released it or not. If he released it; he had to know he was done. If a 3rd party released it, then thats too bad. My first question to Shelley when I read the article, was does he lose his command? No branch of the military likes to be embarrassed or called out in public.
  19. Patcon posted a post in a topic in Build Threads
    Yeah 16d C is borderline for paint. Faster catalyst would have helped. Still it looks great!
  20. Patcon posted a post in a topic in Build Threads
    Your clear catalyst was probably a little slow. so the flat areas laid down better but the verticals sagged a little bit. A little more flash time between coats would help with that. Some of that is just experience and feel, hard for us DIYers to develop those skills unless you paint a lot
  21. Patcon posted a post in a topic in Open Chit Chat
    The only problem with their pissing contest is they are bankrupting American firms. Which means good paying American jobs are lost
  22. Patcon posted a post in a topic in Open Chit Chat
    Well said, summarizes my thoughts on it very well. the only thing I would add is I don't advertise that I carry. So you wouldn't know I was carrying when we meet. If a criminal comes into a restaurant and 1:10 is likely armed but he doesn't know which one, is he going to try to rob it or look for an easier target? By an individual familiar with the use of force
  23. Patcon posted a post in a topic in Help Me !!
    I would think specifically that connection to the cap
  24. Patcon posted a post in a topic in Open Chit Chat
    I missed that... I have never had a gun stolen from myself or a family member. I have had neighbors have guns stolen. They were in their cars and unlocked. I would never keep a gun in my unlocked car!!! However I have guns inside my house that are unlocked. Now, mind you, my first line of defense is not me or my weapon, it's the 2 very large Great Danes! No, I wouldn't avdocate every able bodied citizen have a gun In self defense speak, there is something called "the hole". "The hole" is approximately 6 ft. The space created between 2 people with their arms stretched out towards each other. It is the distance at which an attacker can touch your weapon. Before you decide to own a weapon or keep a weapon for self defense you have to decide that you will pull the trigger before you let someone get into "the hole" with you. If you don't, you are likely to lose the weapon to the attacker. All the ladies in my life, especially, have had this stressed to them. You have to be prepared to use the weapon or it becomes a liability to you and to others. Not everybody can do that, and that's ok. Also I have met a lot of people who are too careless or not discerning enough to safely handle a firearm. Some of that is lack of familiarity and some of it is lack of respect for the damage they can quickly inflict. They are not toys; they are tools. In the right hands they can be beneficial; in the wrong hands they can be aweful
  25. Patcon posted a post in a topic in Open Chit Chat
    SC is closing all non-essential businesses today at 5 PM. Everyone is trying to figure out which side of the line they are on. As of right now I believe I will still be able to keep working. We will see. I suspect if these efforts to mitigate cases fail, then more businesses will be deemed non essential

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