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Everything posted by Patcon

  1. couldn't watch the video. The play bar moves with sound but no video. I have used a match box dizzy with the standard tach.
  2. Nope, you just use that distributor, stand alone, with an appropriate coil and a little wiring
  3. Who did the headwork? Any idea on compression?
  4. I knew the quote, but didn't know who to contribute it to, thanks for that. I agree with all those sentiments...
  5. I hate to beat on a hornets nest but... The government is too big! Its a leviathon and is no longer controllable by the people. "This form of government is only suitable for a moral people". I am not sure we still qualify as that. We elect unscrupulous, amoral leaders and are surprised when they retire from congress as millionaires. The problem is I havent been able to come up with a fix. I guess the best place to start is a moral populace that demands change... Its a complicated problem with lots of moving parts and agendas
  6. Decent doors are anywhere from $200-300 here in the states. A really clean door might push $400 from what I've seen. So $600 in europe doesn't seem unreasonable. I don't know on the rear glass
  7. Why don't you hoover the pictures and post them here. Then we can both use them as a reference to fab one ? Cable throttle, hand throttle, choke cable
  8. I think those numbers are great! Can you summarize your engine set up for a reference point?
  9. I knew the swarf maker would come up with an elegant solution!
  10. If you want to flag a post to a particular user, you can type the "@" symbol and then their username (no space) in the reply box. You will see a drop down list appear. Select their name from the list and it will send them a notification. It will narrow the options as you type the username... @camaro-guy
  11. That will be another interesting one to watch. There is a nice clean 73 and a decent looking looking 76 survivor on there right now too
  12. I have had a pertronix do exactly the same thing at a relatively young age on a 350 chevy. I have been told heat can kill them. Mine died around August. I wonder if heat played a part in your failure too.
  13. Patcon posted a post in a topic in Wheels & Brakes
    Take the cable loop all the way loose from the lever, so the cable can slide into the jacket. That 4 or 5 inches of slack should help
  14. Not if that one is closest to the pump and the line goes up somewhat from there. The jets are really just open holes on the end of the line. I would expect the pump to be what determines if fluid comes out or not. Admittedly I have touched one in a long time
  15. Patcon posted a post in a topic in Build Threads
    Be sure and mount the hood before working on the buckets or fenders. Would hate to see you fix it and then have to redo it.
  16. My wife does facebook, I do not, but she has posted a few things on market place and they sell very fast. I find the market place clumsy and hard to search...
  17. I suspect it is the pump leaking not the jet
  18. Yes, there are cups on boths sides. Four in all. I dont know the id on the bracket hole. I am sure its somewhat oversized
  19. Link is broken or page removed...
  20. Unfortunately I don't see a way to make it this year. Cody will be out of the country and I am getting pummeled with unexpected bills. Just don't have the money right now, even for a quick trip. Have fun and be safe!
  21. Post a link
  22. Patcon posted a post in a topic in SHOP TALK
    Yup, brighter is better!
  23. I have one but everyone that I have quoted it to, has balked at the shipping. They are not cheap to package and ship because of the size
  24. @nix240z
  25. Patcon posted a post in a topic in Open Chit Chat
    Of course you would do better than them! One of the really exceptional people at this has apparently retired several years ago. I know of only 2 companies still offering these services. Don't know on cost yet.

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