Everything posted by Patcon
Cs'. L. Seattle, Complete project, for sale
that may be ok too...
Paul Newman's personally owned Bob Sharp racing jacket -- $46k!?!?
It's a small, not my size. Couldn't own it if I can't wear it...
Cs'. L. Seattle, Complete project, for sale
Reply, reply, reply I would go look at it but it's too far, seems like a good price for any sort of complete car that's not swiss cheese...pull it together a little and flip it if you need to
Body panels
I have not heard good things about black dragon fenders..don't know on the hood unless it has the louvered vent holes
- Problems leveling my 240z
Cs'. L. Seattle, Complete project, for sale
How much are you asking for the 70 240z? What is the vin number of the car? Thanks, Charles Vin was HLS30-02675 $2k and it's all yours or make an offer
77 280 cold start vs main injectors
I agree with Zed Head. While most of this 280 EFI is out of my expertise, if it won't run on ether then the issue is not fuel related. Ignition timing, spark or plugs provided compression is good. Is your valve adjustment good?
280Z Restoration - Someday...
Better want them bad though...
1976 280Z Restoration Project
The epoxy primer is very tough and sticks really well, plus if you stay with the same manufacturer you don't have compatibility issues. I wouldn't base coat clear the bottom of the car unless it's need to make your paint look correct. I would single stage the bottom and base/ clear what matters. When I jambed out my car, I sprayed the engine bay, interior, door jambs and inside of the hatch with single stage and will shoot base / clear on the exterior. Base clear costs more than single stage.
F*** the Internet
It was the "so long folks" part that was worrying me. As guess as a mod you can change all kinds of things...
My winter project: L28 swap into my 240z
blodi Car looks great and a quadcopter and an rc plane in the background even better...
1976 280Z Restoration Project
Wheee! The primer under you car looks pretty good. I wouldn't remove it unless I suspected it hid issues. I wouldn't POR over it either. I would treat any exposed metal with a phosphating product. Scuff it up good and shoot epoxy primer over that. Then color it or undercoat it. No need to POR 15 what isn't corroded. I had a patch panel on a car that was only covered with epoxy primer and sat outside for 2 years and didn't rust
- F*** the Internet
- 1976 280Z Restoration Project
What a Difference a Day Makes with RedBird
If I remember correctly, Zed head had a car that wouldn't run without the tachometer plugged in. Don't know if that is definitive though...
BRE Tribute
Steve, Is this the same BRE that was in Memphis? I made lots of detail pictures of that car...
Steering Wheel - 300ZX / 240SX Wheel Into First Gen Z
Very cool. Love all the milling equipment. I would really have too many projects if I had tools like that...
71 brake booster check valve bracket
I figured it was because you are so precise, just surprised it was black...
71 brake booster check valve bracket
Steve, Is black the proper color for the bracket instead of yellow zinc?
need a couple of pics
I think I have 2 pairs of originals in the shop some where. I plan to use them on the yellow car if I ever get it finished. I also have a pair of 260z Euro's too some where but don't own a 260/280... They still look good dusty...
Steering Wheel - 300ZX / 240SX Wheel Into First Gen Z
Bruce, How did you make the splines on the new adaptor?
need a couple of pics
Site, Euro taillights! love it
Source for whole quarter panels
I didn't check the part number against the Datsun part list but the seller said they don't have vent holes, early style.... Thru 12- 1970 Left 78101- E4600 Right 78100- E4600 Up from 12-1970 Left 78101- E8300 Right 78100- E8800
Source for whole quarter panels
Sell them to Dave Patten and let him use them as patterns..
Source for whole quarter panels
I would probably fab my own for $1400 a pair. I could either buy a small brake of have someone brake them for me then add all the holes and captive nuts. Then I could use what ever gauge I wanted. The quarters are a little harder to make your own, but I can still find salvageable ones near me or even buy one from the west coast. So as much as I would like to have them here waiting on a project I have to take a pass. Now if Blue needs them, he put ship them home. They are series one quarter panels, no vent hole...