Everything posted by Patcon
Pertronix 1761 ignitor with Cardone A1 31-606 Distributor
Well my first question is, Why did you start a new thread?????!! This is really a continuation of your other thread where you posted about the vacuum advance problem. These threads are really more helpful if kept together, so when someone comes along with the same problem they can find the answer in ONE place. As for opinions, you seem to be a very independently minded young person. A number of persons have made suggestions. Many of which are still waiting for responses. You will get more help if you follow up on peoples suggestions or the feedback will stop.... As for the dizzy, if I could install it with points and make it run, that is what I would do before you disassemble a perfectly good dizzy. If the car runs good with the points then you could leave the points in or try to make the Pertronix work again by moving the vacuum advance. That would eliminate the Pertronix and the entire dizzy as being the source of you problem.
- ZCON 2015 Hookup
ZCON 2015 Hookup
I don't know if we should start a new thread or not. I haven't been able to find a real schedule for Zcon. On the website some events are mentioned but it doesn't tell you when. Can we work up some king of real schedule for when things are going on? I know there are some things that are going on simultaneously but I can't even get a feel for where I would like to be or when.
'75 280Z Headlight Relay Upgrade
That's really not so bad
Hot-start issue with EFI - who has it, who doesn't
Zed, Did the fan help?
- What's My Car Worth?
'75 280Z Headlight Relay Upgrade
H-M How much do those cost? I looked around a little bit but couldn't find them for sale...
'75 280Z Headlight Relay Upgrade
The long gray fuse looking things are circuit breakers. They trip when overloaded and reset when cool. I used one on my Suburban when we couldn't find a short. When it starts tripping a lot it becomes easier to find.
ZCON 2015 Hookup
Blue, I don't know about cheese curds...
Zcon Roll Call
Just booked the Staybridge, Fri & Sat night
A Project Is Brewing...
That's my idea of a good Fathers day too. Hope it works out that way for you.
Zcon Roll Call
Thanks, There are a number of other hotels in the area if I am looking at the right google map. East side of Memphis off I-240. There is one across the street. Not sure about quality and the rates will be a little higher. I know several I have looked at are booked up too. CO Sure if you find something that looks good, let me know. Across the street was appealing because I wouldn't have to drive if I was having too much fun...
Zcon Roll Call
It looks like the Memphis Hilton is all booked up...that is frustrating. don't know if I want to go and stay somewhere off site... C
A Project Is Brewing...
I like your parts washer setup. Good idea. I have the larger free standing one, but I like the idea of the counter on either side and the ability to build it to the desired height.
ZCON 2015 Hookup
I am planning on making it to ZCON. SWMBO has asked if it would make me sad to see all those Z's; I said it might motivate me. She said "by all means go!" So we are planning on being there Friday & Saturday. I still need to make reservations. I have been wondering how to meet up with people and how to connect usernames to real names and faces. I have the smart phone but know nothing about the App Jim recommended...
- Hello and Please Help me with my 280Z
Nicely presented '70 on ebay
That's an expensive windshield even for a Ferrari. I have priced parts for several Testarossa's & 3 series cars. I was looking at buying one wrecked and seeing what it would cost to repair. The problem is really how easy it is to crack a windshield and have to buy one.
Nicely presented '70 on ebay
Did you see the 512 BBi in the barn finds section? Be aware needs a windshield $10,000 and a 6 month wait :o Always loved that car though...
- Hello and Please Help me with my 280Z
Fuel shoots into engine bay on backfire
Thanks, Site I didn't have time to try to find that picture. If the vents are open the fuel aught to come out there not out the banjo bolts. Tighten them down
Nicely presented '70 on ebay
There is another one on ebay right now that is beautiful and lots of pictures. I was watching it to see where it finishes. Pushing 20 right now. Correction $15k http://www.ebay.com/itm/221790957342?_trksid=p2060353.m1438.l2649&ssPageName=STRK%3AMEBIDX%3AIT
eBay - 1990 300ZX TT, 8,900 miles!
Ah but it is a "Classic Z" as its 25 years old this year. Its just not an antique Z I love it. Twin turbo, low miles. I would love to have a 300zx from that generation until I had to work on it...
Fuel shoots into engine bay on backfire
Do your float lids have the small vertical vent?
It Ain't Running Right!
I would think any intake leaks could cause issues.
1/70 240z being parted out in japan
That's a nice find.