Everything posted by Patcon
Wiper rebuild
Some of the later mechanism had some different parts This mechanism has a rubber boot on the end of it. I believe Steve Nixon offers this part as a reproduction Here is it half disassembled Out of the 3 mechanisms only had the spring in this orientation, but I beleive this is the correct position The last one also had this little piece of plastic? I'm not sure of it's purpose
Wiper rebuild
This is what the single side spindle looks like This is the drive end of the linkage Order of the top pieces Be careful when disassembling this! There is a spring under here and the first one I did the spring and washer went flying. Order of the lower pieces Another pivot
Wiper rebuild
On the wiper side of the pivot there is a tiny spring steel ring. Like a little bull ring. I need to find a source for these. Some of them were rusted away When you pull the wiper spindle out of the base there is a wavy washer at the bottom to prevent wear
Wiper rebuild
I have 3 sets of wiper mechanisms on the bench. I finally decided I would rebuild them and plate them since I have some other items that need to go to the platers. Since I didn't know of a comprehensive rebuild thread on CZC I thought I would make one I did the break down today So you need to be sure on reasssembly that it looks like this or you're gonna have problems!! I started on the single pivot end The little clips aren't spring steel. The bend open. I might go back with snap rings on reassembly Then the felt. I am working on replacements for these Also shows the rubber seal that is on the face of the wiper pivot base
Resurrecting my horn (the sans Viagra thread)
Replacement External Door Scraper Molding (Silvermine)
Sometimes they rust and break off. The rest ends up in the bottom of the door.
Replacement External Door Scraper Molding (Silvermine)
Yes, designed to keep the glass from tipping too far out of the door
1971 HLS30-14938 "Lily" build
My wife is top notch! She didn't complain at all. I've even had to train my wife not to shop for Datsuns! 🤣
Window crank extension available?
It is supposed to be fastened in the bottom of the door but I don't know exactly where
1971 HLS30-14938 "Lily" build
Worked on some glass today too Rear hatch decals @cgsheen1 Do you recognize these? Rear hatch etching Windshield etching. No tint strip Stripped the metal brackets off the door glass. I am going to send a load to the platers There are small white plastic washer sunder the bolts and washers to prevent over tightening to the glass I believe this is an anti theft device. The drivers door is off a later car and is much heavier than the passenger door I cut up an old rusty hatch. Here is what the layup looks like across the top of the hatch When I sound proofed the inside of the car I was careful enough and I got stuff all over the tool compartment tab rubber. So I scraped them back down and brushed some black plasti-dip on them. I also did that to the wire loom tabs along the floor boards, at the fuel tank and the tail light panel. I will get new tab covers for the ones in the engine bay
1971 HLS30-14938 "Lily" build
I got the new fuel tank sender in. It was about $15 total, which I thought was pretty cheap. Matches really well and the resistance seems to be pretty close New O ring Sender set and indexed I had 2 O rings to choose from. I used the one I had from Zcardepot versus the one that came with the sender. The one from Zcardepot fit perfect. The other one was on the small side
1971 HLS30-14938 "Lily" build
1971 HLS30-14938 "Lily" build
So I have been scheming on how to mold this vent line. So I ordered a screen door spring. Although, I could have picked one up at Home depot for a little less. Then I stretched it out Here is the original hose Then I put the spring in and added a thick piece of solid copper and formed it up Baked it in the oven at 325F for about ten minutes, while my wife was away of course! It sort of held it's shape but not entirely. So, I tried again. 400F for 12 minutes. That smoked up the place pretty good!! It held it's shape better but I still ended up putting a piece of spring inside the line to prevent crushing even though I probably didn't need to. All in all, it's probably just as cheap to buy the molded hose from a vendor when you look at what it costs to buy plain hose in the first place. Then figure in an hour of your time and a spring, etc.
Restoration of BringaTrailer 240z - HLS30-35883
2000 hours of prep is a lot! Figuring a cheap $50 an hour, adds $10k to the paint job. As long as the shading all matches, I would have preferred that they paint it the way they did. It's not factory exact, but not everything the factory did was the highest standard. It was done for production and these were cheap cars. They're not cheap cars anymore... It looks fabulous!!
Camshaft Oil Spray Bar Redesign and Rebuild
That's a big difference !
Hatch weather seal that doesn’t suck?
What did you use for an adhesive?
Window crank extension available?
My concern would also be getting the shaft out of the aluminum. Going to be hard to use any force without breaking the aluminum. I think I would just cut the shaft and add metal in between the halves with the welder. That seems like the path of least resistance to me. Probably quickest too.
Restoration of BringaTrailer 240z - HLS30-35883
Thanks anyway, I don't need the exact code. It was nice and glossy like single stage. I thought it might be. Didn't look like rattle can
Restoration of BringaTrailer 240z - HLS30-35883
What black paint are you using? Rattle can? 2k?
1978 280Z - Won't restart when hot, all interior gauges, fan motor, backlighting not working
It's $12. Buy a set and try it. Maybe it works, maybe it doesn't. Its a cheap option
1978 280Z - Won't restart when hot, all interior gauges, fan motor, backlighting not working
Use an extractor and a adjustable wrench. Use a mirror or the selfie options on your phone to get a good look at it. Put the extractor in the hole and turn it to the left, ccw. If you can't get a 2" extractor in it because of access, it's gonna be really hard to weld a nut on whats left. What happens when that red hot blob or weld comes in contact with the oil in the engine? What happens when you get solvent or water in the engine trying to get it clean?
1978 280Z - Won't restart when hot, all interior gauges, fan motor, backlighting not working
Stock with the vise grips! The tapered extractor is the first thing to try. The less you tear it up, the better. If it will start at all it will pull itself into the hole as you turn it. I would not attempt to weld down there in all that oil. It's not going to stick anyway Harbor freight has a set $12. Do not snap the extractor off in the remnants of the pressure gauge!!!
Triple Webers setup
If the valve train got hot due to low lubrication, you would probably lose all the lash. Double check it stone cold
1971 HLS30-14938 "Lily" build
So got the glass down out of the shop ceiling today. Its been above the spray booth since about 2010. Unfortunately the windshield was broken in two places. 😞 I had it stored on two 2x4s with the curve turned up . Concave side down. The inner sheet of glass broke on both sides just out side the 2x4s. I guess the weight of that inner sheet broke itself Thankfully I have a spare. Hopefully it will clean up
1971 HLS30-14938 "Lily" build
Yes, perfect Thanks