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Everything posted by Patcon

  1. Most states have laws against possession of stolen goods. Sounds like they didn't want to mess with him.
  2. Yes, I love the pantera. Always wanted one. I'm not sure the footspace isn't a bigger problem and the offset pedals.
  3. I had a college professor that had a Europa. It's an absolutely tiny and low car! I'm quite confident I wouldn't fit. Although that's probably true of most Lotuses 😁
  4. Patcon posted a post in a topic in Build Threads
    I found two different forums with similar pictures. Some interesting thoughts in these threads https://www.bimmerforums.com/forum/showthread.php?2384311-Need-Advice-on-Damaged-Piston https://motoredbikes.com/threads/detonation.42539/ Detonations seems to appears as finer pock marks almost bubbly looking
  5. Patcon posted a post in a topic in Build Threads
    The marks don't really look like a foreign object in the cylinder. You would expect them to be evenly distributed and they're not. I think Zed might be right. Too much timing advance?
  6. Patcon posted a post in a topic in Body & Paint
    I just downloaded these. They aught to be a great help. Thanks for investing the time! C
  7. I may have a door for you. PM me C
  8. I would keep all 4. They have different ID's. Im hopeful at some point, someone will start making these using the original washers as a core @nix240z
  9. Those crenallated washers still have value to some people
  10. The blue chromate is very dark blue in the tank. It does brighten the raw zinc plating and give it a slight bluish hue. I find blue chromate much easier to do than the yellow zinc. The yellow seems to be much more time sensitive. Like to the second...
  11. Patcon posted a post in a topic in Build Threads
    That's a grungy booster!!! I think I would rebuild that... I had the same velour seats in my first 240z. The were in the car when I bought it in about 86'. I believe they were original to the car
  12. I couldn't get any of the pictures to load. Anyone else?
  13. I wasn't following. You were saying the parts are all zinc plated but all the yellow zinc was chromated with Hexavalent Chromium
  14. What parts would have received this treatment?
  15. I've got some magnetic rubber vise pads that might work good for the needles.
  16. Patcon posted a post in a topic in Help Me !!
    I believe, buying premade lines is the way to go in your case. It is probably possible to do with everything still in the tunnel. I would definitely start like that. You might find removing the exhaust or driveshaft makes it easier. Beware of breaking bolts on the exhaust. It will just make more work that is not easy to fix. Bear in mind, stainless lines can be difficult to seal because they are harder. I suspect steel lines will easily last another 50 years. Longer than most on this forum, including me, will be around...
  17. Patcon posted a post in a topic in Help Me !!
    I would just replace the whole line at some point in the future
  18. Really nice too because you can see details of how parts go back, what screws and bolts go where. What the finishes are etc.
  19. @Mike Thoughts on creating a knowledge / resource base area for 3d printer files? So they dont get buried in Individual threads
  20. I like that blue car. It brought good money!
  21. Patcon posted a post in a topic in Help Me !!
    Actually, Cliffs suggestion might be a really good fix so you can get it to a shop. Cut a short section out and splice it back with fuel hose, preferably EFI rated hose. It will be harder to collapse. It can be a struggle to find good places for jack stands under the car. The cross member is a good place to lift the car. If you put the stands there, put them out as wide as possible to try to make the car stable. I like to throw chunks of 6x6 under a few points as an extra safety...
  22. Patcon posted a post in a topic in Help Me !!
    I don't really know. Pretty much all of the heat is on the other side as long as its not pouring out when it's running. It might even be drawing air in when it's running. I would replace the whole line if I could. Also liquid gasoline is really not that flammable. It's the fumes that are the problem
  23. I would think the "stabilizer" would be referring to the sway bar. I would expect to see a torque value more like 44#s because of the diameter of the rods and the fine threading ...
  24. Patcon posted a post in a topic in Open Discussions
    The fuel tank work looks really clean! Actually all the work looks really clean but I found the fuel tank work to be a very creative solution
  25. Patcon posted a post in a topic in Open Discussions
    Why did you decide to take the clutch slave line through the passenger compartment?

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