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Everything posted by Patcon

  1. Patcon posted a post in a topic in Open Discussions
    I like foil tape. I use it a lot at work. It sticks really well and is nice and malleable
  2. Modern cars tend to run a little lean at cruise. You just have to be careful. Too lean will burn valves and damage pistons
  3. Patcon posted a post in a topic in Open Discussions
    Foil tape doesn't hold paint well. It might if it doesn't move much
  4. I do not know if the afr number to the fuel supply is directly relatable I dont believe a super lean afr is 0 fuel and pig rich is an Afr of 1. Its a ratio so an afr of 1, is 1 part air to 1 part fuel. How is each part measured? What is the unit? Stoic is 14.7:1 So if you're at 16:1 your fuel needs to go up by 8.8% I believe, maybe, possibly...
  5. Not that I know of. It would give you an idea of where the stations need to change and whether a little or a lot but I dont think you can calculate exact station size required from wide band afr numbers. You would also need a visual reference for piston height (station being metered) at a given AFR. There are quite a few SU needles available with station sizes but like tuning webers there is some educated guesswork
  6. No way to remove that, that I know of. The discoloration is normally caused by delamination of the plastic layer in the middle from one of the pieces of glass. If most of it will be covered I would install it. I wouldn't use a sealant unless the windshield leaks. If it does, you should be able to pry up the edge and squirt it under at the leak locations
  7. Patcon posted a post in a topic in Interior
    I believe one switch has two wires and the only one
  8. Patcon posted a post in a topic in Interior
    @nix240z Steve, Did you ever reproduce these?
  9. I think its easier to put the glass in first
  10. Patcon replied to Patcon's post in a topic in Build Threads
    Question: I ordered the S30 door weatherstrips. They should be here shortly. Do they get glued on or does the windlace hold it well enough?
  11. I don't think it will matter if the OD and ID are correct
  12. I tried to find the screws I bought but I can't locate them and I can't find the Amazon order. I'm sure I ordered them from Amazon. Stainless screws. Some of them are surprisingly long. I don't know size or pitch
  13. The testers normally seal just like the radiator cap which seals the port to the overflow tank
  14. If it wont hold air pressure, a spray bottle with soapy water might help You only need about 15#s of pressure for testing
  15. Radiator pressure tester kit. You might be able to rent one at Advanced or O'Reilly's https://www.amazon.com/Wenzhon-Universal-Radiator-Pressure-Portable/dp/B0CGCFJMWH/ref=mp_s_a_1_2_sspa?crid=1Y3GEZC1H9R7L&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.Zv1uDI4wRuNhnjzVSXnqe6epWI1Tlm2TCYwwUX2EuzkCkrXSzuaODd25gTSdSTd_LASMcJa_XFrk0l_CdwIdM1euxqinKYdGaVqrJuwCfyEAlwtyUYvXsMAHWxHHaUu9kM01qb9d3yRE36ovjHs5ycAahmRenWuN081YpACboBs3x4wuRAc5sjzhXCr55iFRihIQj5OK7AH177O6YGx3Lw.gI0qtQs6WzHwGvreJn6Kk0ttfdK1ZBbDoZqfEQrhqVw&dib_tag=se&keywords=radiator+pressure+tester+kit&qid=1740713681&sprefix=radiat%2Caps%2C142&sr=8-2-spons&sp_csd=d2lkZ2V0TmFtZT1zcF9waG9uZV9zZWFyY2hfYXRm&psc=1
  16. Patcon replied to Patcon's post in a topic in SHOP TALK
    I have sealed my cabinet well but I still have a number of leaks too. I used strip LEDs in my cabinet too. The waterproof type inside the rubber rib. I buy cheap glass from Home depot for the view area. I think glass might be cheaper than plexi these days. I got some tee handle screws in for making the glass quick change. My next upgrades will probably be the shields that help prevent the media collecting on the ledges inside the cabinet
  17. Patcon replied to Patcon's post in a topic in SHOP TALK
    We have formulated a plan. We'll see how it goes....
  18. Patcon replied to Patcon's post in a topic in SHOP TALK
    My next place is gonna be about a 1200 sq ft cabin and an 8000 squ ft shop. My 1000 squ ft shop is nowhere near enough and I want inside storage for all my cars
  19. Yes, I believe I did. Let me look around
  20. https://zcardepot.com/search?q=Heater+hose&type=product#
  21. Patcon replied to Patcon's post in a topic in Open Discussions
    My plating tank was pretty cloudy so Shelley and I filtered it today I have no idea what this is, I filtered out. My wife thinks it just garbage. She's a chemist. I have no idea. I did plate today but it took a while to get acceptable results. Lot's of brightener. I'm still not pleased with all of it. I bought a 40 Amp power supply last week because my 10Amp just isn't enough sometime. The problem with the 40 Amp power supply is it has no resolution a lot amperages. So for little things I still have to use the 10 amp power supply. I have new zinc anodes coming this week. So I will tweak the tank some more. I tried to plate a carb water bypass tube today. It didn't do right. I probably need a different shaped tank to plate some of these long narrow parts
  22. For brighter, most people go LED but that can add other complications...
  23. I believe there are four bolts holding the steering column up. The dash is pinched between the steering coulumn and a bracket welded to the firewall. If the column doesn't flop around, its not loose yet
  24. Patcon replied to Patcon's post in a topic in Build Threads
    I agree the inside of the cups are pretty crusty on some of those. But my thinking was only the perimeter shows after you put the plastic inner cup in. So only the edge of the cup needs to turn out nice...

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