fuel injection?
I want to start fixing up my 240z and i thought it'd be a good idea to get fuel injection. How would i go about doing this cheaply?
How much HP?????????
As far as money i have 8,000 to spend ive been saving for a kick arse car 4 a while. i just dont want to go threw the trouble of putting a RB engine in and i was wondering if i can get a high HP out of my car without haveing to put in a different motor. I wanted to know if i could get high Hp out of the motor i already have. im hopeing that i could get around 800HP I know that if i have a machanic put in all the parts for me that would be to much wasted money so I plan on doing alot things myself but not things that are to difficult. thats one of the reasons why i dont want a new engine because i would be paying the machanic as much money as the hole engine would cost.
How much HP?????????
i would like to drive the car daily and be able to race it.
skyline motor fresh off the boat
will u be selling these in mid january?????? if so id like to purchase one
How much HP?????????
ive found alot of threads with the stock HP but im looking for how much HP i can get with it all modified without putting in another motor
How much HP?????????
How much HP can i get out of a 240Z?
Whats the best engine?
What would be the best engine to put in a 77 280z that would cost under $2,000????? (with the engine in decent condition) How cheap can I get a nice RB26DETT engine 4.
I Need Some Advice....!
ummm is that picture u? the 1 of the topless girl on the left.
I want to go fast!!!!
Can i do the same swap with a 280z??? Would it basicly be the same thing and be just as easy to install??????
'77 Datsun 280Z Must Sell - $450
hey. Im very interested in the car i live in the bay area and i could pick it up easily. Tell me if it is still 4 sale. will you be getting a pink slip any time soon???????
I want to go fast!!!!
How much would a RB25 cost???? Would it be good to put a 280 5 speed trans with a RB25??? Thanx 4 all the help guys keep the advice coming!!!!
Can I turbo?????
Can I turbo with tripple webbers? If so how hard would it be and how much will it cost?
240z vs. 2.1 Honda Prelude?
All i have to say is that i cant wait to see who wins. I would love to hear your Z beat a pralude. Its always nice to hear about a civic,integra,or pralude losing a race
how do i go fast??!!?!?!?
I just recently bought my first car a 240Z. I have about 8 grand and i want to make my car faster then all the gay arse integras,civics,and praludes that are at my school. I need some idias for parts to put in my engine. like exausts, blowers, headers,and stuff. If you have any ideas please tell me!! also how hard whould it be to put a blower in a stock 240Z engine?
I want to go fast!!!!
I just recently bought my first car a 240Z. I have about 8 grand and i want to make my car faster then all the gay arse integras,civics,and praludes that are at my school. I need some idias for parts to put in my engine. like exausts, blowers, headers,and stuff. If you have any ideas please tell me!! also how hard whould it be to put a blower in a stock 240Z engine?