Thanks for you input.
Question was mainly about this brand of clutch as it was cheap and had a low shipping cost. Living in Sweden is not great when it comes to parts for these cars. Almost nothing exist here, you can find stuff in Europe sometimes but more often you have to aim for the US or japan. But then there’s outrageous shipping costs and import fees if you order from companies like for an example the zstore (cam kit= shipping $240, instead i had it sent to a friend in Cali for $19 and then he sent it to Sweden for $80, same with a rear wing $180 shipping and then there’s import fees on those combined prices) So sadly a thing like a clutch gets quite expensive if you go for a good brand and don’t have a friend to help out.
I can’t remember what’s in there now but I think ill just take it apart when its time for storage (in about 2 months) and see what i have. And then decided what i want, maybe go for a 240mm clutch/flywheel (if i don’t already have one) and get the flywheel a bit lighter while iam at it. Have a new cam and a skyline efi E88 head on the shelf so the hp rating will probably increase some day?