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Sean Dezart

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Everything posted by Sean Dezart

  1. Sorry for the delay in replying. I don't know - ideally, there would be 6x pipes leading outside.
  2. Hi Mark. Based upon a Janspeed design, very short primary pipes and was a popular S30 fitting here back in the early '80s. I've used it as the base for my 280ZX header as the secondary pipes drop down nicely under the firewall. https://www.google.fr/search?q=janspeed+datsun&rlz=1C1VSNC_enFR576FR576&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwiHkOniiPDYAhWiKsAKHU51DjMQ_AUICigB&biw=1920&bih=949#imgrc=_ Regards, Sean
  3. Hi guys. Been a while and I'm sure that you've been as busy as I have elsewhere. The last batch in August sold out within 2x months and the latest has just arrived meaning that my garage once again becomes a rich 'dump' of cardboard and stainless-steel ! If anyone is interested, not all was pre-paid and reserved - prices remain the same. Cheers
  4. Thanks Wayne - I will be posting on my own thread.
  5. Hi Wayne. This year I lost my workshop base and then some granny pulled out on me and the corresponding accident less me 'under the weather'' so I've lost a year really. I'm hoping to have the prototype downpipes made and checked before and Easter so it really won't be for 12 months before I'll supply. It's not just making them, it's planning the size for the packing to keep it cost effective too. This is only a guess for shipping - US$180 (downpipe, line and muffler). Thanks for the kind wishes - you and yours too. Sean
  6. Sorry but I don't ! No finesse in it - looks like it was made for a tractor and $200 more than mine, c'mon - who's being ripped off here ?
  7. "quite massive" is is metric or imperial please ?
  8. I guess the advantage of the Ansa system is that it has TUV approval ? Perhaps we should continue this exchange via email as we are well off topic :-) ! seanz@wanadoo.fr Have a nice Sunday chaps !
  9. Why do you think your Ansa lost you power ? A lonnnggg time ago, I had a twice-pipes system from MSA. No centre box of course and just the twin, long 'cherry-bomb' ''mufflers'' but it was so loud ! The Ansa isn't far from this design so both will be noisier than my JDM which has a single, large expansion box (380mm long and 150mm in diameter).
  10. Good news that you have a centre box. Firstly, you'd need to know if your existing pipe will slot into the muffler entry which is 67mm in diameter to accept a 63mm (2.5") diameter exhaust line. If your MSA pipe is, say, 50mm (2") in diameter, then you'd have to fit an adapter (50 - 63) such as this : https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/63mm-to-50mm-Mild-Steel-Standard-Exhaust-Reducer-Connector-Pipe-Tube/111658142565?epid=2008211923&hash=item19ff580b65:g:GY4AAOSwstxVcqkw Supposing it's now on, the exhaust will sound deeper and with a clearer note. If you'd like it poetically, it'll sound more like a wild-cat than a woulded elk.
  11. The muffler is raspy above 4500 revs - if you drive always to max revs then that is because you want that sound and frequently. There are two other muffler choices : Classic (less raspy) and Street - quieter all round. Hopefully one of the 3x choices fits each person's needs and desires.
  12. That isn't a muffler ! Franky.....maybe one day...it's on my mind, not being better but different, another option product like different headers and mufflers.
  13. Yep - I need to get on and make up my 'stock manifold to Zstory exhaust line' twin downpipes.
  14. Yep - pressings made to allow ALL S30s to run a dual line system.....but single side exit. The positives (in my view) are to allow a twin pipe sysyem to be fitted with good ground clearance. I'm sure 'someone' will be along to tell us that this is one of many common features....I remember being told that the rh hole in the rad support panel was for the S20 air filter for ex. Then the roll-bar fixing points but there must be dozens of others - Nissan's conception was so smart !
  15. Rallying....and racing ! Love the helmets - thanks for those. The dB-kullers in thos emegaphones must have to work hard....
  16. Yep, looks Spirit, the origine wasn't mentioned I recall from where I took the photo. So did MSA supply them before with a small resonator box ? I've only ever seen them w/out ? Strange angle of the rear muffler though - they usually hang up and towards the rear fender (more space).
  17. No, I don't think that Nissan would have left that detail in if unused. Much more likely to have allowed the use of the 'Z432' twin-pipe system as a JDM sports-option for L-series engines.
  18. 2x JDM exhaust photos and note the drawing (thanks Alan T) - especially the longer resonator ! My 'JDM' muffler of which the 'box' is 380mm long with a 100mm long entry pipe. Exit pipes are 180mm long (top) and 150mm (lower) at maximum lengths (on the top of each tube).
  19. I had a set of S50B32 headers here to compare (you know why Franky) : 38mm primary pipes (makes me laugh when people say they 'must' have 44s, 48s, 50s for their Z!) and twin 50mm secondaries.
  20. I believe turbos need the exhaust evacuated quicker so it all 'dumps' into one big tube, pushed along by the turbo-ed gas behind it. I'm not 'up' on turbos but scavenging isn't an issue ?
  21. Does it and efficiently ? So, it works on stock cars right through the range - sort of one size fits all.
  22. Nice share - thanks. No fuel tank on the rolled car ? And the size/shape of that which we know must have defined the single-side exit path.....
  23. Could be right there with port scavenging. Good from upper mid-range upwards in theory, perhaps logical to fit that with an S20 producing it's power and torque higher up the rev range. Good therefore for smaller, higher revving engines. Now, is it also good for mild-prepped L28s and strokers ?
  24. Exactly - Reinhard and thanks for the extra info. I wasn't aware that it was twin 60mm which is huge (for specific large cc engine applications ?) and a lot different from Fujitsubos' twin 50mm. For reference, my single pipe is 63mm.

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