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Sean Dezart

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Everything posted by Sean Dezart

  1. The latest batch - ready for shipping in January 2017 !
  2. Tax, double tax and more tax - at least you guys don't pay what we do - nearly 30% of the goods and shipping price !
  3. If you were here it would be Leffe, Grims ou Trappiste ? Beers (you might call them ales) with a little bit more 'body'.
  4. Well, it's 00:30 here so my bed doesn't sound too bad - goo'night folks - lemme know the saga tomorrow !
  5. Have a cool beer, sit on the porch but know that tomorrow is THE day I suspect !
  6. Standard 240Z using a street-sport manifold, line and JDM rear silencer : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5LS2e5OBv3w
  7. I'm aiming to be around for a while yet.
  8. Goods arrived this week - they were off the system - lost....meaning that some bod didn't scan them at the right moment and I'm still missing a pallet but which is apparently being delivered today ! Anyway, all good and everything pre-ordered will ship before Saturday. Thankyou all for your patience. Racer - check your email in-box - yours is shipping tomorrow via DHL.
  9. Hiya - did you do your road trip ? Looks like they won’t get to me before the 19th/20th July from which I’ll be sending out those most urgently required (yours for instance :-) ) because normally I’d be on family holiday then…in effect, I’ll be losing one of my two weeks annual vacation. Not happy but there it is. I will be letting everyone know when I’ve received them and sending you tracking numbers. Best regards and thanks in advance for your continued patience.
  10. Hello Mathew with a good question. All my headers work with standard carbs and inlet manifolds ; I've only ever had one problem with a water-cooling tube that had to be filed down then ultimately the owner decided he didn't need it. Here is one of the Race-sport versions on a std bottom end, worked head and cam producing 197bhp on std carbs.
  11. Ooh, those are nice ! How do the rears bolt onto the shock tower (lower down the side) ?
  12. It's a 'life-sentence' Chris :-) ! And always striving to improve/add to the range but its a lot of money and time for a 'on-the-side hobby/business' so takes time. Spare parts always available too for those little misshaps along the way whilst drive your Zs !
  13. Seriously, if that "performance means the cleanest emissions I can get with the maximum performance and mileage possible" is the case, you want to be running programmable Efi or at worst, run a standard twin-carb set-up upon which your smog system can be fitted if not already present. If you have to comply with local emaissions laws, THAT is what comes first and will determine mileage and performance is just what is left over after satisfying the first two criteria. My system caters for those who can (and want to) place performance first and have taken steps to ensure that their engine is giving its best (within their own individual budgets of course) without too much regard to mileage. Any decently set up engine should be reasonably good on emissions but triple carbs are notorisouly difficult to set up for tickover, town driving and high rev moments (track or simply a good open-road drive) ; the fuel ricness cant be made to be perfect all the way up the curve as it can with Efi so at some low-rev point, it's gonna be too rich and therefore way ott on emissions - nothing to do with the header or exhaust.
  14. That's hard ! If all that is missing is the hole into which to plug something, I can supply a plug and screw-thread bung and someone drill out the hole themselves.
  15. The definition of 'performance' is surely to lose the smog-kits which stifle a Z's performance !
  16. Interesting method to get over the steering column - what primary pipe diameters do they have please ? Were they ever supplied with a 2-1 collector pipe ?
  17. Thanks Steve. 1st model finished for inspection and test packaging - please note the lambda sensor plug on the Y-pipe collector.
  18. Hi all, I've been a bit lazy giving updates and kinda relied upon my FB page so I apologise to those of you who don't or won't FB ! Here are the latest photos with a few captions ! Tooling up for the revised Street-sport manifold. Preparation of the bulk items ready for treatment and assembly. Ok, it's happening - progress, but still lots to do.... JDM silencers in processing. There have been some fitting issues with the previous batch which have been addressed : thicker V-band clamp bolts (6-8mm) thicker fixing straps (5-8mm) replaced Street-sport lower flange bolt-holes chamfored edge under no.1 port (here in prototype) Getting there.....but just not quick enough - just 1 (sometimes 2x men working on them)....and stopping to take 'my' photographs ! Finally, delivery has been confirmed as the week beginning 18th July and I shall ensure that all pre-paid orders are sent out first that week as a priority - thankyou all for your trust and patience. Improvements are : 1) lambda sensor plugs in each 'Y' collecteur. 2) improved flange fitting and exhaust fixations 3) improved Street-sport manfold and Y-pipe collector 4) an even easier exhaust fitting and higher up towards the chassis. 5) a 2+2 extension to enable ALL the S30s to improve themselves. Any and all questions - just ask - a pleasure to hear from you.
  19. Production delay Just posted this up on FB : Just had confirmation of the delivery date for the next batch of manifolds, silencers and exhausts : July ! I feel powerless, frustrated, very annoyed, worse - I'm letting YOU all down. I placed this order initially in December 2015 with a 50% deposit and although some of the delay is 'my fault' for insisting on several modifications and upgrades, it's slipped and slipped and if their quality was one inch less than I've already enjoyed and expect, I'd look elsewhere. Ok, for those people for whom this date presents a big problem, please contact me via email or PM and we'll try to find a solution together. In the meantime, I appreciate your pateince and understanding - these are not mass-produced and will last a lifetime and I will do my best to reward my loyal customers. Sean
  20. New batch prices - March 2016 Here are the new prices for the next batch available from March 2016. January sale : for all orders processed before the end of February, I will apply the 2015 prices. Improvements are : 1) lambda sensor plugs in each 'Y' collecteur. 2) an even easier exhaust fitting and higher up towards the chassis. 3) a 2+2 extension to enable ALL the S30s to improve themselves. Any questions, either PM/email : seanz@wanadoo.fr
  21. The planned added lambda sensor plug begins to take form.
  22. I'm coming to the end of the current batch of exhausts and headers/collecteurs/manifolds. I'm in the process of planning the next batch which will have some improvements because standing still = going backwards ! After having frozen my prices since May this year with a now deflated Euro € which has lost me a % on each sale, there will be a price increase. The next batch should be available from the end of February and so I'd ask customers to be patient BUT I shall reward that patience : anyone ordering and paying before the end of this year will receive the new, improved parts at the current prices. Improvements include : Lambda plugs pre-installed for gas-flow and tuning measurements full-time or on the rolling-road Even better, snugger fitting of the headers and exhaust Some minor issues addressed An S30 2+2 extension pipe so as not to forget our 2+2s Don't forget, ordered and paid before end 2015 - delivery during March 2016.
  23. A future competitor in the Carrera Panamericana

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