Everything posted by Sean Dezart
Works 240ZR
On track in the rain
LY28 Crossflow engine
432-R interior
Raining at Fuji
240ZR Replica engine
keep/sell my z? value?
Victor, Victor - don't write me off because I'm French - 'cos I'm not, I'm English ! By the way, Chris seems like a good sort of bloke, I'm waiting to hear if he can help me out with some parts. Hey GenZ, Zeds are the best cars for to meander within !
One car I love equally as a Z
A Diablo ? The email will carry a photos of a Porsche and I will quit the forum ! The Muira was special 'cos it was the first production supercar to run with a transverse engine. Michael, I will ignore your comments, you do have the good taste to own a Z after all ! And do you not know The Italian Job ? Classic BRitish comedy/crime ? REnt or but it - you won't be disappointed. I saw GT40s racing at Le Mans Classic in Sept (the only good thing about the event) and they were going at it hard even throughthe night - a privelidged moment !
One car I love equally as a Z
Mperdue, its a good job you are a long way away - 'girlie' ? A Muira is my all time favourite dream car and my two friends, who have 240Zs along with me share the same feelings for this beauty. Its us who've created Frances' Z Club! Why is it that Z owners love the Muira, 'cos they share curves like the girlies but have the punch to defend themselves! I've had the pleasure to stand behind a Countach 400 (sharing the same engine) and St Stephen is on the mark - glorious to hear every cylinder catch - truly an orchestra. Did you never see the film 'The Italian Job' with Michael Caine and the three Minis ? My version is well worn for the first two minutes during the titles sequence ! I think I've got all the books and I was shocked to see that Jonny Halliday wrecked one when he was younger - don't like him anymore ! The most beautiful car in the world!!!!! But I wouldn't lose the Z !
momo steering wheel hub adaptor
The only Moms I have seen are racing types or black leather - can you suggest a site that shows wooden ones ? Also looking for a 'Grant' website ??? What's your definition of 'clear' ? Transparent ?
momo steering wheel hub adaptor
Maybe I'm being too ambitious with my choice of makes. Can anyone propose me a choice of wooden rimmed, dished steering wheels that one can buy ready to fit onto a 1972 240Z ?
Hella H4s
I'm gettin' really pissed - I'm getting nowhere and it aint your fault guys. The reason for choosing Hellas is to improve over the standard lighting but clearly there are now better lights out there although not of the sealed beam type or look. Are these 'diamond' lights going to look ok on a 1972 car , I don't want to associate myself with the 'tuning' brigade of add-on wannabes ? And so, does one choose Neon or 'krypton?' gas filled bulbs and at what strength - I hear someone say 90/110 but why ? Help, my head is hurting...
keep/sell my z? value?
Dear GunnerRob, Euphenisms - a hidden way of describing something ! Don't apologise, it's just proff that a sickier wacko than the rest of you, put it another way, I'd like to see women Z drivers flashing thier perspectives at us ! GenZ you can take that any which way you like ! Personally, I stoop to all levels but aint small-minded.
Hella H4s
Thanks Roger I'll check out the Hella aus site and thanks for the offer to supply. UK lights won't do 'cos they drive on the wrong side of the road and the beam angle is all wrong !
keep/sell my z? value?
I love these euphenisms 'It's nice to have you as a member with a new perspective' I am definitely for more women Z/Zx drivers. Hey GenZ? If you had wanted a negative question to your original question, you'd have posted it on an MG or Camero site huh ? You are a class 1 manipulatrice - right on ! vroom...
momo steering wheel hub adaptor
Thanks Ian -I will. Do you have a photo of said adaptor ? My fear is that the wheel with all these adaptors will finsih by being ridiculously far away from the black trim holding the ignition lock assembly. Sean
Rear lights
I have a US spec car and I want to change the rear lights for the European look ie orange indicators (turn signals) Anyone got any (very good) ones spare ? Should also ask about Hella H4s as well ?
momo steering wheel hub adaptor
So I've chosen the wheel I want - a Nardi Classico Polished 15". I 've emailed twice at the only concessionaire which comes up on Interent and on the third email, I got a reply. Yes, we can supply you with the wheel you want but it won't fit ! You need to buy a Grant boss and then we can sell you a Grant to Nardi adaptor, after which the Nardi will fit. I don't like people telling me that I must fit half a dozen things before I get to my first choice - I like the 240 'cos it's pure and SIMPLE ! Whatever happened to 'the client is king' ? Anyone got any suggestions (apart from choosing another wheel) ?
Hella H4s
Thanks I'll check them out (ideal is to find them here in Europe but...) Iwant to share this with you Dear Mr. Dezart, Your E-Mail dtd. 02.12.02 was transferred to our department and after having checked your enquiry with our technicians who are responsible for lighting products we unfortunately have to inform you that we do not have any longer 7" headlamps in our range. As we do not stock products for Oldtimers we consequently can not offer corresponding headlamps for your Datsun 240 Z. The only possibility we see is that you contact your local dealer or accessory shops and ask for auxiliary lamps which are available as fog lamps or as driving lamps and which can be mounted onto the bumper respectively underneath it in addition to your old healdlamps. For example we can recommend here our Comet FF 200 (round) or Comet FF 300 (oval) which have achieved an excellent result in various tests which were also published in the automotive press. Best regards Heike Räbiger (Export Sales North,/West- and South Europe VG 2-1) They still list Datsun 100As, Silvias and 280ZXs amongst many others ! Aren't there enough Zeds out there to warrant continuing production ?
avoiding rust traps
Damn, but you Germans are smart ! Well, they are ordered and will arrive just before Christmas. Thanks both of you. Sean
Honk if you drive a Z, or Where's the love?
The general theme here I can see is thatit doesn't matter what car you drive, Z, ZX, whatever generation, Corvette or another classic car. It's the mentality behind that older car, kept on the road, glossy or in primer because those drivers love thier cars first and the looks come second. When I got my first 240Z (jeez, I sound old when I say 1st), everyone said I bought it for a p**** magnet. I siad I couldn't give two f*rts for that - I bought it strictly for my pleasure and if that means driving around on my own - so be it ! Classic car owners are different and Z owners take that a step further. Hope you guys and girls are lucky enough to find the 350Z owners who haven't bought one 'cos it's the latest trend. It does mean that their will be more of them about later to pick up cheaper in ten years though !
keep/sell my z? value?
You're lucky I'm off the shelf and getting on a bit !
OOOOH, am I naughty or not??????
E-Types are gorgeous FHC or rag tops (early ones I mean) but they look so fragile. The Zs' package is graceful but muscular in a small, neat package and that's what so different - it's compact ! Worked for rallys and races. In Oct during a 6 hr race I watched a 240 finish ahead of every 911, Austin Healeys, a lightweight E-Type and two Chevrons! Incidentally, my introduction to Zeds was via en established Jaguar fan who still has his MK1 3.8 FHC. His son Steve has a 240Z and a Skyline !
keep/sell my z? value?
Simple - if you love the car, persist and get it fixed ! I know people over here who'd kill for a 280ZX Turbo and a lot of people who don't know much about the Z series know there exists a 280ZXT. Rustle those lil' yellow feathers, take the advice here when you can find it and get flashing those other Z/ZX drivers but a word of advice, don't be too hasty giving out your address to these guys, some of them spend too much time in their garages or on their computers to date normally !
Honk if you drive a Z, or Where's the love?
Honking doesn't work, can't hear it for the exhaust unless you're a p**** with a no-guts engine ! My last Z, with a flame popping un-environmental free-flow exhaust served as a horn for a year to warn other (dip the clutch and rev) until I realised it was bust ! Flashing those beauties is the way to go, the lights look so great reflecting in the scoops I sometimes drove with them on all day ! But what's my girlfriend gonna ask me to flash when I see another Z ? How do you keep the wheel straight "look no hands" ! Anyway, over here most times a car flashes you, it's a sign that there are cops ahead and there are laws for public indecency.