Everything posted by Sean Dezart
Parts for Sale: 4x reproduction Nissan Fairlady Z432 wheels in aluminum
Thankyou - agreed.
Parts for Sale: 4x reproduction Nissan Fairlady Z432 wheels in aluminum
"......considered against the Australian adage of, “good enough for the bush” and the nations pride in bush ingenuity." It's everywhere these days Gavin with 'just-in-time' production and accountants leading companies and screwing costs down to the last cent to be 'just that little bit' more competitive than the next ! How does anyone know how well a factory will fabricate anything down the line - if anyone, chez M-Speed for example, checks anything it'll be a quick visuel inspection - what else do you expect ? I might know at least as much as you on the subject of quality-control. Frankly - this is none of YOUR business either. You're only feeling sorry for a Japanese company trying (and failing) to hide the foreign manufacture of their parts and doing your upmost, all of you, to dissuade anyone from buying them with wild imagination and pure speculation on their actuel and future quality.....and on the way just having a good dig at me personally. And that's it - your gameplay to prohibit the sale of these wheels to the ordinary guy, proud of his Z who's seen these wheels in photos and is now offered the opportunity to own them.....but that, in your minds, 'devalues their curbside appeal' so rather no-one have them. Please don't label ME selfish !
Wanted 240Z Seiko Kobe or 432 or XX wheels
These are the Japanese (Made in China) reproduction versions. 14x5.5J ET+25 PCD 4x114.3 CB 73.1 Weight 5.82kgs Color – bronze/anthracite Uses standard, tapered wheel-nuts : tyres (tires) fitted were 195/70x14R Price (shipping included) for four : aus$1859 Any questions, measurements required, please don’t hesitate to ask.
Parts for Sale: 4x reproduction Nissan Fairlady Z432 wheels in aluminum
I admire your courage, diligence and wealth - so why go to all those lengths and keep them for your selves ? NB, my surname is Dézart - thanks.
Parts for Sale: 4x reproduction Nissan Fairlady Z432 wheels in aluminum
Kidney anyone ? 😁
Parts for Sale: 4x reproduction Nissan Fairlady Z432 wheels in aluminum
Hello Gavin. I read words like 'seemed' and 'could ascertain' which are really just your personal opinion aren't they - no proof. 3) because the answer isn't clear and I'm unwilling to make that clear.....yet ! The 'Made'in' is partially ground off but not at my demand - I asked if it was cast somewhere and it had been a condition imposed before exporting - I said no need on my behalf hence partially done. The better question to ask is why M-Speed insisted upon grinding off the 'Made in China' ? Even if everyone in Japan knew or guessed at their origin - why have the factory grind off the origin country ? Why does it matter ? Long story on and off between Alan, Jason and myself but it does matter to you ''Cha Bu Duo'' ! I'm not complaining about M-Speeds' or their retailers' prices here and the market HAS told them they're too expensive. There are no orders coming into the factory ! I can't see why any of you are complaining - none are posing as M-Speed, they're all coming from the same factory and all of the same factory-inspected quality. How were M-Speed going to test batches and IF any were discarded, do you genuinely believe M-Speed would post back a few pallets ? You, like the other pair are deliberately casting doubt on these wheels in an attempt to simply scare off buyers. The only way that you want to see wheels like this on the market is expensively so as to deter Joe Dough from buying and therefore their prolification upon Zs......in effect, you want to keep them exclusive ! These wheels must arrive chez M-Speed and all that's done is all a white sticker inside which may well be done at the factory before packing for all I know. If I were them, I'd even be shipping the wheels direct from China to their retailer here to increase margins. All this lark about M-Speed quality testing is nonsense - they are a retailer not metallurgists - please be responsable in your remarks. The same doubts were cast by Alan on the UK importing of Atara Pisang wheels that 'emulate' and are 'in the style' of Watanabes but they're fine, running on several race-cars in Europe now. You, yourself were keen about the M-Speed emulations a year ago - very excited and NOW you have concerns.....none of you want the ordinary guy to have anything that approaches the Holy-Grail styles of period wheels. Of course you would but will they ? If the cost is so high that you can't sell enough* of these.....what's going to happen ? * and 'enough' is the key word here, M'Speed aren't and the wheels presumably ordered by them but unpaid are being sold by the factory...I'm not stealing, I'm buying them at the market rate, slightly above that (I believe) of M-Speeds' price. These are the same quality as those seen sonce (2xyears ?) ago and any assumptions to the contrary are not only irresponsable, placing doubt on the M-Speed supplied wheels themselves but complete nonsense designed solely to discourage buyers ! We've gone around the merrygoround now lads : Firstly it was who made them and ethics Then doubt the quality. Then ethics again. Now quality again... I'll put up one of these wheels against one bought from the uS M-Speed retailer and someone independant have them both tested in complete confidence that they are exactly the same But that is just exactly what you guys want - no more Chinese cheap parts and please, don't mention the community when none of you want 'the community' to benefit.....unless you're rich ! I wish you all the success in your endeavours Gavin and you've certainly got the moral highground by supporting local industry and jobs but I wonder whether it will be commercially succesful - will the 8x15s (and yes, put me down for a set please*) be 2000GTs or 240Zs ? Btw, (bit of humour😄) nice balance weight - I always get mine stuck inside.
Parts for Sale: 4x reproduction Nissan Fairlady Z432 wheels in aluminum
You mean of course on those forums where I ASKED before posting ! I posted here because the 'reproduction' wheels are already on sale in this continent. Move on Alan - you'll change nothing and I'm thoroughly done with your point-scoring - grow up man.
Parts for Sale: 4x reproduction Nissan Fairlady Z432 wheels in aluminum
9/29/2020 at 3:30 pm RIP 260Z said : Lets be clear here, the M-speed wheels, either the Z432 style or "works" style are not reproductions of the original Kobe Seiko wheels. The M-speed are in the style of. They differ in design, and weight and I think off-set too. The z432 style and original Kobe Seiko I have, do so. The other reproductions done here in the UK and Japan, more than likely took a cast of an original to make some reproductions/replicas. The M-speed are different, therefore can't be reproductions. In the style of. So, I call them replicas/reproductions, Alan does and so does Gavin - so, what do you want to call them ? I'm calling them reproductions - period.😊
Parts for Sale: 4x reproduction Nissan Fairlady Z432 wheels in aluminum
Thanks (Ian ?) : https://auctions.yahoo.co.jp/search/search?auccat=&tab_ex=commerce&ei=utf-8&aq=-1&oq=&sc_i=&fr=auc_top&p=ホイール+Z432&x=0&y=0 So, the Japanese auction prices with tax comes to : 1x Z432 : $365(plus shipping) sold here at $599 1x Z432 Rally (works) : $396(plus shipping) sold here at $650 4x Z432 Rally (works) :$1426(plus shipping) sold here at $2600 - my price = $1360 (for supporting forum members) or $1390 for others But the prices are not my point which is better inllustrated in this thread (where, incidentally, Gavin calls the sames wheels 'reproductions' 😉) : https://www.viczcar.com/forums/topic/9553-kobe-seiko-wheels-works-rally-rims-and-more/page/3/ Please scroll down to Gavins' post of wheels fitted to a US buyers' Z dated the 8th April 2019. One sees the inside of the wheels with the build location rubbed out and a simple M-Speed white sticker placed inside the rim seen in the attached photos. So, evidently, someone and presumably M-Speed as they're selling them thus, don't want buyers to know the country of origin...and before Alan says 'that's to avoid someone approaching the factory' sic, thousands of wheels are made all over the world that happily have cast their country of origin including Chinese wheels. The factory would happily have had cast whatever M-Speed wanted.....IF M-Speed had asked.😂 M-Speed wanted/wants to sell these wheels in Japan (and now in the States via JDM parts) as 'Japanese' wheels under Japanese prices and that's why Alan felt that they were 'fair' prices in the JDM. Please.....don't preach to me anymore about ethics !
Wanted 240Z Seiko Kobe or 432 or XX wheels
I have sets of reproductions.
Parts for Sale: 4x reproduction Nissan Fairlady Z432 wheels in aluminum
I had the ad on yahoo but can't find it again, their website doesn't list them and I don't buy Japanese language magazines. As you say, not rocket science so string it out a bit, throw in a few more scornful remarks like you do to most Z owners and post it up, please.
Parts for Sale: 4x reproduction Nissan Fairlady Z432 wheels in aluminum
Nope, those are complimentary - I give a little gift with all of my sales. The hub stickers man - and as they're different diameters, that's more work and profit lost. M-Speed only supply 1x type of sticker don't they ? But please don't complain about me avoiding questions when you CBA to post up a simple link to the official dealer of these wheels.....
Parts for Sale: 4x reproduction Nissan Fairlady Z432 wheels in aluminum
What could possibly go wrong if it's all legit and out the front door ?
Parts for Sale: 4x reproduction Nissan Fairlady Z432 wheels in aluminum
Do it or don't - whatever !
Parts for Sale: 4x reproduction Nissan Fairlady Z432 wheels in aluminum
Alan - please would you share with us M-Speeds' current advert for these two types of wheels ?
Parts for Sale: 4x reproduction Nissan Fairlady Z432 wheels in aluminum
Yep, Zedhead and his ultimate road Z. But you're quoting what the casting foundry did - I repeat, if M-Speed has a problem, take it up with their factory. You love being 'the crusader' despite not having any personal involvement - why don't you get the details off Jamel and contact the factory ?
Parts for Sale: 4x reproduction Nissan Fairlady Z432 wheels in aluminum
Where goes one, so does the other after me whether it be on forums or FB - it's not coincidence ! Yes, I've met you Alan, several times and even given you parts to help your projects (not sold - given), I've tried to make up our differences of opinion privately by email and PMs which you ignore ; it appears you perform best in front' of an audience - so be it ! And if you were a true friend, you'd know what had happend to me or at the least make an effort to find out or even answer a private and personal communication....so I realised that you don't really give a damn, acccepted that fact and moved on - no hard feelings. And BTW, thanks for always being my best advertiser - please keep the posts coming.😉
Parts for Sale: 4x reproduction Nissan Fairlady Z432 wheels in aluminum
Good morning Jason- I hope you and the family are well. So why do you care about the answers since you have no intention to buy any because a) you don't have the cash and b) for you now, they are mush less desirable ? No, the subject of money is shared by two, Alan and myself ; Alan has consistently mentioned price and overheads. Sure, I have quoted specific prices and I'm the only retailer who's also quoted wheel weights, published very complete photos to show them on a Z (ie what customers can expect upon their own cars), interior measurements for calculating brake-caliper space and remain rapidly reachable to answer all extra questions and supply freely a set of centre-hub stickers* that save the customer another $20 ! *Bear in mind that each wheel style has a different centre diameter - more production cost for me but still free for the customers ! I've been criticised for quoting 'reproduction' wheels and yet a reputable dealer in the States call them exactly that : https://jdm-car-parts.com/products/reproduction-fairlady-z432-magnesium-wheels-aluminum-wheel-sold-individually?variant=15223335747693 and....their description is particularly void of details and of consumer-confusing terminology : Reproduction Fairlady Z432 magnesium wheels Aluminum wheels 14” 5.5J +25 $599 Each Reproduction Fairlady Z432 magnesium wheels Aluminum wheels 14” 7J -16 $650 Each I believe I do get 'it' ! You don't want to see more and more cars wearing these wheels because therefore these wheels are less "special". So in order for YOU to feel special, you would deny many others the opportunity to buy them ! I, on the other hand, want to satisfy as many peoples' wish to wear 'special' wheels, amongst other parts which is why I don't ask silly, greedy prices and let's be honest, if you ignore the omnipotent internet images, you're hardly yourself likely to drive past another Z with these on in Devon are you ? Btw - how is your Z progressing, we see now news and updates ? Cheers, Sean
Parts for Sale: 4x reproduction Nissan Fairlady Z432 wheels in aluminum
Not consider 15x7 ?
Parts for Sale: 4x reproduction Nissan Fairlady Z432 wheels in aluminum
You'll need binoculars Alan.😄 And how very typical of you to suggest that I have misunderstood when I read this from Jason "I'm possibly wrong but there's no such thing as z432-r versions, as they came with skinny little steel wheels?" Want to correct me or your padewan ? As far as I'm concerned, we've established a) their origin and their quality level. b their sizes and weights, offsets, PCDs and CBs etc c) that I'm selling a set of 4x 'in the style of Z432' wheels on this site to donating members at €1210 and at a public price of €1260 (both sumes including shipping - tracked and insured) with a choice of hub stickers and a white leather exclusive key-ring d) that I'm selling a set of 4x 'in the style of Z432-R' works-wheels on this site to donating members at €1330 and at a public price of €1390 (both sumes including shipping - tracked and insured) with a choice of hub stickers and a white leather exclusive key-ring e) we can call them replicas, reproductions, fakes, knock-offs but they're still great wheels at a great price and over the years we've seen many copies of copies - American Racing, Vectors, Minilites, Panasports to name a few.... f) that Alan doesn't think it 'cool' to approach the factory from the FRONT door and ask to buy these wheels ; thics ? That is between M-Speed and the factory who agreed to sell them at the same rate that M-Speed pays. You can verify that with Jamel. g) that Alan doesn't want to see these wheels sold to the general public at affordable prices (forget what he thinks is fair in the JDM because they all cost a fortune there !) h) that his writing companion, Jason, doesn't want to see you guys wearing these wheels either because ''the curb appeal would drop massively'' ; the more you see of these wheels on the roads, the less the appeal - nonsense, the more people see great parts, the more they want them - no-one covets what they don't see and can't afford.....but Jason and Alan mean that the appeal to THEM will reduce, the exclusive feeling - the basically selfish 'I have them and you don't' will vanish for which I feel rather sad for the pair and fondamentally arrogant. i) I ought to note that after-sales service will be second to none, goods replaced or refunded if damaged in transit - I've not let down customers yet and not about to for wheels or other parts - I'm a Z owner too so I know what it's like the other side of the 'counter' j) I tire of the continual ping-pong and tit for tat that you consistently offer so this is it for question time - you've had your 15mins and I have other fish to fry. Lastly, I feel absolutely no obligation whatsoever to answer any of your questions or reply to your sarcasm and snidy comments. These awesome wheels are on sale here at a great price or you can pay double and make Alan happy.
Parts for Sale: 4x reproduction Nissan Fairlady Z432 wheels in aluminum
The first quote was directed at Jason who doubted that there was a large works' wheel. The second quote now serves to illustrate that even you call them replicas and not 'in the style of'.
Parts for Sale: 4x reproduction Nissan Fairlady Z432 wheels in aluminum
Thx, so what DO you mean please when you state these wheels 'devalue' the parts ?
Parts for Sale: 4x reproduction Nissan Fairlady Z432 wheels in aluminum
Quoted by Alan T on AusZcar the 24th August 2019 I can recommend the re-issue ADVAN (Yokohama) HF Type-D in 195/70-14. Here they are on a set of genuine 432 type Kobe Seikos, but I reckon the size will happily stretch the extra inch to work on the 7J Kobe Seiko Works Rally Mag replicas Quoted by Alan T on AusZcar the 19th Oct 2019 The latest run of replicas being sold in Japan by M-Speed are made outside Japan, so their overhead costs are much lower. They are slightly different than the originals, and are made from Aluminium alloy rather than Magnesium. Q.E.D.
Parts for Sale: 4x reproduction Nissan Fairlady Z432 wheels in aluminum
And you have what, exactly? I have wheels that show proof of their quality that as if I had bought a run of Rotas or Ataras – I don’t need to visit their factory for quality proof and neither do I for this factory – who does here when they buy after-market wheels ? Hands up ! I very much doubt you know what their overheads are, or what their profit margin is, but you seem to be ready to claim that they are "manipulating the public"? How could you possibly be in a position to make that assertion? I’m claiming that YOU are manipulating the public – plastering doute upon the wheels’ quality, trying to install guilt upon anyone buying them – as for their overheads in Japan, that’s not stopping the wheels being sold here at inflated prices either ! Nope, just straight to the back door………………….Nothing ‘slipped’ out the back door or ‘fell off a lorry’ because as I’ve already stated – they were sold openly via an approach to the factory. Garbage. And totally irrelevant too. So YOU would say but it’s already been stated elsewhere by one of your cronies that that seeing these on everybodys’ ordinary Z will ‘devalue’ the scene. You don’t want to see these wheels fitted to Zs owned by Joe Public – point ! You’d like all the ‘nice bitz’ reassuringly expensive to ‘select’ their owners and keep ‘em rare – hardly a mate to M-Speed who, as a retailer, want to sell as many as possible but have failed ! Reproductions of these wheels have been made for many years. Nothing is stopping anybody from making them. Nor selling them to the general public ! I've asked you before whether you'd be happy for anyone to approach the Chinese factory which makes your Z-Story exhausts for you, and to start selling them without your permission. No answer. Here’s your answer then : It is ironic that is was YOU who tipped me over to sell wheels ! Wherever the exhausts are made now, you’re right – there IS nothing to stop someone obtaining one to serve as a prototype to fabricate elsewhere ! So, I began spindle pins now with strut-brace bars, then wheels (which I expect to develop as the modest profits are reinvested) and early next year with other parts, all in parallel with a growing range of exhaust parts. And my prices are and will continue to be affordable, cost less than most competition and be of an equal or superior quality. What do you make Alan ? What do you BOTH do to help ordinary Z owners ? What do you and your SW chum bring to the Z community aside from a few snippet photos and a large slice of sarcasm with cutting remarks from the safety of your keyboards ? I’ve been a very active club member, helping others, organising events, negociating discounts from suppliers of parts and services and throughout those 31 years, promoting the marque to increase the publics’ and press’ awareness. The only thing I haven’t done is promote our cars through recongnised motorsport and even that is about to change ! So whilst your happily criticising everyone and everything, arrogantly snug in your office, don’t preach to me about ethics ! These exchanges with you both are tiresome and pointless….just an opportunity for you both to try and score points, nit-pickers, picture-straighteners and I’m having no more of it. These wheels are already happily selling on three continents – I shall concentrate my time and energy upon customer satisfaction instead. Moderators – this is a for-sale thread attached to a legitamate advert – please consider if all these replies are relevant. Owners – if you want to discuss buying a set of wheels, I invite you to PM me please.
Parts for Sale: 4x reproduction Nissan Fairlady Z432-R ‘works’ wheels in aluminum
And you have what, exactly? I have wheels that show proof of their quality that as if I had bought a run of Rotas or Ataras – I don’t need to visit their factory for quality proof and neither do I for this factory – who does here when they buy after-market wheels ? Hands up ! I very much doubt you know what their overheads are, or what their profit margin is, but you seem to be ready to claim that they are "manipulating the public"? How could you possibly be in a position to make that assertion? I’m claiming that YOU are manipulating the public – plastering doute upon the wheels’ quality, trying to install guilt upon anyone buying them – as for their overheads in Japan, that’s not stopping the wheels being sold here at inflated prices either ! Nope, just straight to the back door………………….Nothing ‘slipped’ out the back door or ‘fell off a lorry’ because as I’ve already stated – they were sold openly via an approach to the factory. Garbage. And totally irrelevant too. So YOU would say but it’s already been stated elsewhere by one of your cronies that that seeing these on everybodys’ ordinary Z will ‘devalue’ the scene. You don’t want to see these wheels fitted to Zs owned by Joe Public – point ! You’d like all the ‘nice bitz’ reassuringly expensive to ‘select’ their owners and keep ‘em rare – hardly a mate to M-Speed who, as a retailer, want to sell as many as possible but have failed ! Reproductions of these wheels have been made for many years. Nothing is stopping anybody from making them. Nor selling them to the general public ! I've asked you before whether you'd be happy for anyone to approach the Chinese factory which makes your Z-Story exhausts for you, and to start selling them without your permission. No answer. Here’s your answer then : It is ironic that is was YOU who tipped me over to sell wheels ! Wherever the exhausts are made now, you’re right – there IS nothing to stop someone obtaining one to serve as a prototype to fabricate elsewhere ! So, I began spindle pins now with strut-brace bars, then wheels (which I expect to develop as the modest profits are reinvested) and early next year with other parts, all in parallel with a growing range of exhaust parts. And my prices are and will continue to be affordable, cost less than most competition and be of an equal or superior quality. What do you make Alan ? What do you BOTH do to help ordinary Z owners ? What do you and your SW chum bring to the Z community aside from a few snippet photos and a large slice of sarcasm with cutting remarks from the safety of your keyboards ? I’ve been a very active club member, helping others, organising events, negociating discounts from suppliers of parts and services and throughout those 31 years, promoting the marque to increase the publics’ and press’ awareness. The only thing I haven’t done is promote our cars through recongnised motorsport and even that is about to change ! So whilst your happily criticising everyone and everything, arrogantly snug in your office, don’t preach to me about ethics ! These exchanges with you both are tiresome and pointless….just an opportunity for you both to try and score points, nit-pickers, picture-straighteners and I’m having no more of it. These wheels are already happily selling on three continents – I shall concentrate my time and energy upon customer satisfaction instead. Moderators – this is a for-sale thread attached to a legitamate advert – please consider if all these replies are relevant. Owners – if you want to discuss buying a set of wheels, I invite you to PM me please.