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Sean Dezart

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Everything posted by Sean Dezart

  1. That's because it follows closer the original Nissan design for a twin-pipe system. Having said that, they sold more single-pipe systems within the JDM and export markets. The question to be asked is what benefits are there on a stock (and also prepared) engine from a twin-pipe system ? I have my thery but let's hear all yours.
  2. Well, mine will being only a single pipe. Personally I think their twin-pipe design is 'flawed' ; there is clearly visible on EVERY Z a second (albeit smaller) inverted 'U' in the front diff support bracket that was intended to allow a twin-pipe system to be fitted to every JDM Z. The twin-pipe line and twin exit muffler was an option for the L20 and L24 engines but rarely seen on other than the S20 powered Z432s. A twin-pipe system fitting AROUND the diff is much closer to the original format but Fujitsubo have (finally ,) reacted to improve the fitting of theirs on export cars and especially modified ones which entails lowering the car and freqently (in the States) fitting a larger diff. It's good news and I repeat, it shows that the Z scene is alive and kicking very much into its 'nearly) 50th year :-) !
  3. Standing still is going backwards and they've evolving - good news for the fans and also the Z scene which proves it's healthy....if there was no demand.......!
  4. It's purported to be a higher (not better*) fit to give more ground clearance which'll allow cars fitted to run lower without grounding. I think they've altered the passage around the diff because I understand it now fits with R200s (?). If all that was changed was the resonator to improve performance AND reduce the noise levels by a large margin (99-95 is an enormous improvement), then their previous resonator was allowing too much gas-flow and sound waves along the exhaust lines. Restricting those just proves that zero back pressure aint healthy ;-) and the lines sold by the well-known Z specialist shops with no resonators are killing Zs performance whilst introducing 'drone'. *Some machining may occur when attaching an old car. In that case the cost and claims etc can not be applied at all. Well done Fujitsubo....but at Yen 276480 ($2457), they ought to be pleased.
  5. Hi. This one ? Was he from Bordeaux ? Sadly, sold on perhaps 4 years ago now and I have no news of it. Surprising as it's a small Datsun world here with maybe 200 max 240Zs registered in France.
  6. What sells here are 240Zs, don't worry with 'series 1s', there's no premium here for having an early one.
  7. Is that a dry state ? How is the metal after +40yrs up there ?
  8. Merci Mark - lui et moi se connais. C'est un jeun avec beaucoup de courage et détermination pour réaliser sa rêve. ps merci pour 'la pub' :-) !
  9. Couple of weeks - they're being made now (I hope as it is major holiday time here right now) !
  10. Hi Don......the key fob is yours for free - there is a slight delay until I have the patches - can the header wait ?
  11. I haven't mentioned this before but.......goodies ! There is no profit in this - it's just for fun so here is the range : Lanyards $4 Iron-on embroidered patches $6 (images to follow) Leather laser-cut key-rings $12 T-shirts $14 Grill badges (printed resin on s-steel) $30 All with postage on top (if not ordering with a header/line/muffler) but I'll get them out as cheap as poss. normally no more than $12
  12. Sorry - not clear - here is the last FRP price list I had.
  13. Hi Marcel. I realise that FB is far from perfect as a 'vitrine' and that my site is overdue - my fault, I'm awaiting the new batch with which to make updated photos (eg my old ones don't show the O2 sensors and I've new products coming) and I haven't perfected a big part of the text - I have a couple of articles on exhausts that explain everything to help people choose. That said, it'll never be an on-line shop - I want people to contact me before buying so as to ensure they get what they need - big isn't always best and there is no obligation to buy - happy to advise and spend a moment with another zedder. In the meantime, people can contact me via sites such as this, via FB messenger or simply direct via email : seanz@wanadoo.fr Thanks for your patience and understanding. Kind regards, Sean
  14. Hi. A little bit of news and an update of my prices. Unfortunately, with the way the € is performing against foreign currencies, I’ve had to readdress prices with an inevitable but modest (2.5-ish %) increase. As a good gesture, anyone with the intention to buy can do so now (against an August delivery) and pay using the previous prices ! I have some parts still in stock – the rest will be available from mid-August. Included now on the list are my new 280ZX parts and extra S30 rear silencer options. In 2018, I’m hoping to offer a choice of S30 downpipes and also an L28ET header and downpipe. Kind regards, Sean
  15. I consider that very correct of you to have mentioned it and of them to have listened and reacted. The fact that they mention "We have successfully fit every Fujitsubo exhaust on all 240Z or 280Z cars with an R200 diff installed." indicates that they were aware of the problem - no ?
  16. If I was them and being so big, I'd have someone respensable for export marketing who would take the time to check up once a year on retailer's listings - especially S30 ones in the USA unless they marginalise that market ? Anyway, so...we DO agree that Fujitsubo's foreign (export) market retailers are listing their products for cars upon which they won't fit whether those retailers be in the USA, Japan or the GB ? NISMO, as it is today, don't make anything for S30s and can't change their past - it ever it offends them later or appears on some Renault-based Dacia badged as a Datsun in Burma, I shall remove it, advice appreciated - as always. For the record, I have NEVER criticised Fujitsubo's S30 products and the better the competition gets, the more I'm pushed to excellence - best market forces at work.
  17. Just having a laugh which is more than you two are. Talking of other threads from other forums : http://zclub.net/forum/showthread.php?t=27994&highlight=fujitsubo http://torque-gt.co.uk/category/product-feature/ Just another retailer, quoting a 240Z when the car in photo isn't, expecting to sell JDM-specific model products into the UK S30 market.....will they be warning customers about fitting issues ?
  18. I read this : S30 HS30 : L20, L24 GS30 : L20 And I agree with both of you that the importer/retailer has the most important responsability in averting clients but....by the very fact of these being exported, Fujitsubo must be aware that they risk being fitted on export models - do you accept that point ? It is on that point only that I reproche them for not including a disclaimer/caveat in the exported boxes stating that these are not designed to fit upon export models. This would protect the end customers who could then return them to the retailers, reinforced by Fujitsubo themselves...protection ! Big or small company - THAT is called customer relations and I'd be surprised if you don't believe in that and simply 'caveat emptor'. Alan, you're sticking up for common sense and fair play ! Fair play to me means looking after the clients who buy the products and keep the company turning, common sense is avoiding said clients complaining publicly that their products don't fit - see my first paragraph re kits exported - either Fujitsubo have turned a blind eye (I hope not) or they've not become aware yet that foreign retailers are misleading Fujitsubo clients ! Big or small company...there have been many after-market headers produced, Trust and Kameari look to be copies too so no, as a 'one-man pig-farmer' in rural France, I really think I have less risk than those closer to home in the mother-land and mine are called : Headers : Full-Race Race-Sport Street-Sport Exhaust lines : 2x seater and the 'spawn of the devil' 2+2 Mufflers : Classic Street/Track-day JDM* *this last you and I discussed and agreed that it was a more suitable name than 'Z432' as indeed resembled (except from the inlet side) the part which was optional in the S30 JDM and not confinded solely to the S20 powered cars. From July I shall also be supplying an S130 complete header and line - I guess I'm speculating Jason. Lastly, this is a forum where ANYONE can discuss about anything and everything Z-related - I won't be taking your (tongue in cheek again ?) advice to shut up. I have stated in a recent previous post that Fujitsubo make a great kit - I'm not and never have maligned their products - you have a fine line between nit-picking and all out war.....let's avoid the Guns of August and go back to plaing nicely together - we're all agreed here except on one which you both ignore - Fujitsuno knowingly exports their S30 kits to retailers knowingly selling them to owners of cars for which they weren't designed to fit upon........and both of you appear to accept that as normal business practice - I don't so burn me as THE heretic-messenger ! Have a nice Easter weekend.
  19. Please share the link with us Jason - cards on the table here :-)
  20. You're folding up Alan - you ought to know me better - I won't be brow-beaten....and don't make this personal between me and Fujitsubo....I'm not attacking them, I merely commented that they ought to make sure that their products are not improperly advertised. The USA is a big market and one where people litigate easily - they must be happy to allow Whitehead the exclusive distribution and so could easily check up upon 1x dealer ! I speculate here but it smacks of happy to sell at distance and damned be the consumer who falls for the blurb !
  21. It was a Japanese langauge article. It refers to S30s but shows an S31 and I don't see any relevance to UK or USA Zs where in those countries, one must exclude 280Zs, 260Zs and any 240Z with an R200 diff. I maintain that if Fujitsubo (as they obviously do) allow export sales, these should be accompanied with at best a disclaimer stating that these are not designed for anything other than JDM cars and in any case not those with R200 diffs ! Is that too complicated and too much to ask ? Now, if Alan digs down and discovers that they do have such a caveat, the fault is 100% on the retailers but not for heaven's sake the consumer who trusts an official importer of Fujitsubo's kits ! https://whiteheadperformance.com/product/fujitsubo-legalis-r-exhaust-system-datsun-240z-260z-280z-s30/ (note 260Z/280Z) ! Application: 1970-1973 Datsun 240Z 1974-1974.5 Datsun 260Z 1975-1978 Datsun 280Z Note to early 260Z owners: This exhaust system will fit early (small bumper) 260Z cars and some minor adjustment/alteration of vehicle exhaust hangers may be necessary for a perfect fit.Note to late 260Z & 280Z owners: This exhaust system will fit late 260Z (big bumper) and 280Z cars with some alteration/modification of vehicle exhaust hangers. Because of the large extended bumpers on these cars, the exhaust tips will sit approximately 6” recessed from the rear bumper. With any 260Z or 280Z converted to 240Z bumpers or bumper integrated bodykits the exhaust tip extension will be correct. NOT the customer's fault !
  22. Distributor schmistributor. As I said before, better to talk to the organ grinder than his monkey. The Whitehouse Performance sales literature is wrong, not Fujitsubo. I consider it rather harsh Alan that you put down any buyer because they believed what was written in the sales literature in their country and when they checked up with a reputable Japanese-based retailer also. When you bought your Audi, did you ring up the German factory to confirm certain details like (sic) the emissions levels or just assume that what was stated was good enough to pass Britain's (not European ) MOT levels ? Be real.

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