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Sean Dezart

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Everything posted by Sean Dezart

  1. Here we go - like a red rag to a bull time...I did not mean to inflate your whoopee cusion - my inference of 'important' meant the early S30 market and obviously, but I'll spell it out, early JDM S30s which didn't have R200 diffs as standard.....except that they are ignoring aftermarket* conversions but then you might advise us better if the R200 is a popular conversion in Japan or not ? It was not my intention to infer that Fujitsubo were revising their system for another market/model - they have simply raised it to improve ground clearance (belatedly) as mentioned in one of my recent previous posts. Any company selling a performance after-market part might expect a buyer to have improved other aspects - do we assume that Fujitsubo have never considered that early cars might have swapped diffs ?
  2. Already had them and all sorted thanks - I listen to my customers, look after them and take on board any and all constructive criticism - normal, correct business practice and the only way to improve and move forwards.
  3. Don't shout ! You keep flitting between late export models and early, original Zs to suit your 'arguments.....you're on your own in a corner shadow-boxing because I for one am convinced but we were talking about a 280Z and the owner's fitting issues following a purchase from a known retailer and having had advice from another in Japan to the effect that the Fujitsubo system would fit ok when you're clearly stating it was never designed to nor the car to accept one. I think we've all agreed upon that so save your dental bills but go easy on the Easter chocky bunnies. People have been fitting R200s in early S30s since the late seventies - Fujitsubo have, after 40years revised their product, using a late JDM model with only 1x U and state : It is especially seen in the cars that appeared after the latter half of the 1960s, and from that time it has rarely been named as a base car for customization. Hakosuka, Dalmacelica, Savanna RX - 3 and the generation not born at that time may have heard about the name. Among them, it is proud of its popularity and it is famous "Fairlady Z" that famous cars that are treated differently not only in Japan but also overseas including the United States of America. The S30 type fair lady Z appeared in 1969, so you can buy a muffler for a car almost 50 years ago as a new product now. What made such a feat is the biggest muffler world "FUJITSUBO (barnacle)". I think that it is no longer necessary to explain FUJITSUBO any more, but it is a long-established store that was established in sports mufflers when S30 Fairlady Z was active. Because there is a manufacturer who knows back then there is a sense of security. And the biggest point of attention this time is that both the muffler and the exhaust manifold are regarded as "lowdown correspondence model". In line with the lowdown style which shows the excitement in recent years, it ensures the road clearance securely by laying down the floor uniformly from the exhaust manifold to the muffler. Compared with the conventional model, it achieves a height rise of about 30 mm. In addition to changing the position of the flange and the shape of the silencer on the front side, the biggest point is to increase the load clearance by about 30 mm compared with the conventional model by reducing the space between the body and the muffler. In addition, *the whole is divided into three parts, and it is possible to correspond widely to the difference in mounting position caused by individual differences of the vehicle. 3cm rise and NO mention of fitting around an R200 diff - that is a shame when they were revising it so (nearly) thoroughly. *This last point is bullshit as the seperate parts are fitted together via fixed flat flanges - no margin for any adjustment !
  4. There should be a caveat with thier systems : no fitting with R200 diffs whether standard or converted. Not difficult to note in the sales jargon.
  5. Nope, I'm good - Fujitsubo have revised their long-term product to better fit (improved ground clearance) today's lowered cars and it's aimed at JDM Fairlady Zs. - What have I missed there then ? BUT...and Jason can confirm this, it's being marketed outside of Japan and for export S30s and you're the one defending Fujitsubo selling it to non-fitting (late model export) cars.......you're the one missing the point here !
  6. I'm not missing the point Alan - you're not clearly stating to whom you're replying : Dreamzz has a 280Z so any image of a stock JDM S30 exhaust isn't relevant and Fujitsubo revised their twin exhaust system to avoid the negative comments of it hanging too low (ie well under the small U shape*) amist the trend of lowering Zs....although frankly, I'd have thought they'd have done that years ago as we've been lowering them since the year dot ! *image of mine through it....on a 280Z.
  7. Maybe they have asked the correct questions but Fujitsubo's retailers don't know the answers or haven't bothered to find out. The end result however is the same - grumbling about an otherwise great product.
  8. I'll simply say that if one of my distributors was making false claims and inciting a lashback agaisnt my products, I'd take them to task. Major international manufacturer or not - these are designed for JDM cars and therefore any extra-Japon retailer listing them ought to attract their attention. It's obviously an important market for them or they wouldn't have revised their S30 system. It's in Fujitsubo's own interest not to have unhappy customers due to unscrupolous retailers keen to make sales with (at best) misleading sales jargon ! Not only is Whitehouse wrong but RHDJapn too and they can't hide behind en erroneous translation !
  9. Not stock for 280Zs !
  10. Keep your cherry blossom on dearie - we're both saying the same thing : these are JDM specific parts being sold (erroneously) outside of Japan for export-market cars and therefore wrongly denoted for said export models by USA and at least 1x JDM distributor. Yes ?
  11. I didn't receive this message hence how I 'missed' it ! Still, only JDM models then.
  12. Don't patronise me please Alan. And as far as I know, there are no stock-factory replacement exhausts available today - unless you have a stash ?
  13. What, as one of 250,000 (ie the S30 majority) owners would you have bought for your 280Z ?
  14. Sorry - don't they do a tongue in cheek smiley ? So, pretty please with bells and flowers attached, share us the link to the spawn-line because unlike you, we have to use online translations which obviously are shyte !
  15. The two versions were conceived at the same time , therefore of the same 'devil'. You're not going 'racist' on me now are you - S30s are......S30s (and S31s as well if you like) - I don't treat any as best or better !
  16. I thought that was already stated - Whitehead. I don't think so especially if big sales are all they're interested in ! They must know that the export S30 after-market is huge...selling/supplying to that market parts which they have stated will only fit JDM cars seems a little irresponsable to say the least, towards end end customer ! Dreamzz has clearly shown that the advertising for these is directed to all S30 owners and was also so advised by a Japanese retailer......would you be happy having bought such an ill-fitting system ? Every year, model and market destination has its differences and why I specifically designed my line in multiple parts so as to give the maximum modularity when fitting; even the straps I supply are 'too' long to ensure that they'll fit if the chassis brackets are not directly above those on the exhaust line. The use of T-bolt clamps allows pipework to extend and compress significantly. So, why do they not love 2+2s ?
  17. Point taken Alan - Fujitsubo are 'clean' in their description BUT they are also selling their kits to Japanese suppliers (RHD) selling to export clients and to export retailers from whom export market car owners will buy.....my feeling is that Fujitsubo have a certain responsability to ensure that their products are correctly listed with exclusions expressly stated ! The retailers are more to blame as they should seek advice from Fujitsubo before advertising them as fit all S30s ! Question - why are the 2by2s ignored by the Japanese after-market performance exhaust manufacturers ?
  18. Did anyone confirm this - I believe it costs a lot less ?
  19. Good point although in an ideal world, a supplier should be 'assez au fait' with the products he's selling to properly advise the client - you don't go into a shoe-shop and ask to speak to the product director of Clarkes before buying do you ! Happily with me - it's a one-man band and the buck also stops with me - any issues get dealt with for 100% customer satisfaction (ok don't yawn but it's true - I don't sell and run). My exhausts aren't JASMA or TUV certified but there are plenty being run in Germany and if another potentiel Japanese client contacted me not in English which would be polite, then I'd find a way to reply in their mother tongue out of respect.
  20. Perhaps what is lacking from this 'and other ?) Japanese parts suppliers is some constructive advice before and after sales ? Admittedly it takes time but : a)I enjoy conversing with fellow owners even if a sale doesn't materialise and I won't sell one if not needed - no hard sell. it is counter-productive to blind sell and simply say 'buyer-beware' - this is a small Z world !
  21. Thanks for the precisions except why replace a working exhaust with another ?
  22. Show me a link to their website pleeZe !
  23. I'll grant that it it is so much better and more than 10 years in advance of the Fuga Z 'race-car' which is probably langusihing in some Florida garage under a silk sheet. I just prefer watching the period racers out on the circuits - I'm classic and don't like the modern styling. Going back on thread - what does a Spirit Garage exhaust system and header look like please ? And does Datsun Spirit produce one also ?
  24. That's reassuring then. Respect for the work gone into it and the quality....but I see some tuning cars that merit the same respect which make me vomit.
  25. 'cos it came out wrong re the quotes....I was referring to this : Nothing against datsun spirit, I just meant they're not the same. BTW, that is one ugly Z !

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