Everything posted by Sean Dezart
I don't drink what's there, I swim in it ! Anyway, no worries here my friend ! Just lots of love and more wonderments to come as he gets older (and more mobile) !
You have a dirty little mind Bill, but as Faye Dunaway said in The Thomas Crown Affair " it's a dirty little world" ! I'm saved 'cos she only arrived AFTER Cathy came home ! I'm just emptying my wine cellar, it seems to work for peace of mind with the in-laws !
Forgot, M IN LAW was in the vegetable garden earlier, weeding and planting lettuces !
I'm safe - she has her fancy man where she lives (8 hrs drive away) so she'll never bother me permantly ! No, the real pain in the arse can be MY mum ! Dunno how Dad's put up with her for 42 years !
I'm not taking it too badly as he's already pissed on her twice and he has quite a jet ! I'm being spoilt to death right now as my mother in law (bless her) is doing all the cooking and cleaning and ironing !
Guys, galls, since Cathy has decided to breast feed (god it all turns me on), she's the one who gets up and disturbs my forum surfing ! I've started changing nappies and it's not all that bad, I've been worse after some cellar drink-ins round here ! She did the hard work but it was over relatively quickly. The waters broke at 10:00, she told me to shave, she put some washing on and we drove casually to the hospital. They kept her in of course and at 13:30 she began to have her first contractions, at 17:00 she had her peridural and at 19:28 Jules came out ! It was for her (and both of us) a good experience, 'easy' and leaves the way open for perhaps another ! This morning he wasn't too easy and cried a lot but we think that was due to Cathys' milk being affected by all the fruit she ate yesterday ! She's going to be more careful with her intake. Then he's slept well for the rest of the day but as I speak he won't drink, he just sucks -jammy lil' b*st**d ! I've done my bit to be in the picture, I watched 'em cut her, stitch her, inspect the placenta, saw him pop out and tasted her milk ! No, I'm not squeamish, if I get hurt during DIY etc, it's me that takes care of me - Cathy would fold over at the sight of the red stuff ! Milk is rich but a bit like watered down cows' milk and not to my taste ! Stop me if I'm boring you or sliding 'off topic' !
I'm not gonna bore you from now on but his first night at home went smoothly. Fed at 11pm and every three hours after that (that's his rythym, 3 hrs) and spent all of it in HIS room ! Maman could sleep in between mealtimes - this might work out yet !
Thanks all, Just how much are Z pedal cars ?
I'd already sorted out the girls' initials Z.E.D (without Cathy realising it) but Jules will just have to earn his wheels !
Thanks all, He's my first (that I know of) and I'm very proud ! I think a 260 2+2 will do for starters, they seem to be the least expensive Z over here and will do for driving his mates about ! Green in colour or a metallic khaki ! Of course, if mine keeps taking time it will be ready for him to learn on but I'm gonna hide the keys ! But I think we'll start on a push buggy, then I'll knock up a soap-box kart, then motorised, then go-karts then Schumacher......
So here I am with Jules, my little king born yesterday with more hair than I ! I told you Vicki you would laugh ! Guys, what an experience ! I cried ! And they all said it would be a girl
Where Would You Go in your Z?
I did Inverness - Pitlochery VERY quickly and it was fun - I confirm that the speed cameras are everywhere now ! Also drove up into the highlands from Glasgow (not in a Z) which was breathtaking - I concur, some great driving to do up there ! What about Ireland, the roads aren't brilliant, but the scenery and people !!!
If the 240Z were a Woman...
Vicky, I'll post a photo of me, then you'll laugh ! I thought baldness was just an excess of testestorone, something that Zeds have plenty of ! Isn't that what attracts women to drive 'em, a bit like riding horses !
If the 240Z were a Woman...
Not Italian, please - what a bunch of whiny, self-centered, insecure, image-concious.... If the Z was a bloke, it would be Sean Connery - handsome, old but still capable of doing the business, knowledgeable after having done it all...
Where Would You Go in your Z?
It's not the cars I'd be looking at, more likely the road and the gorgeous scenery ! As well, there's the great company (if one is choosy about whom to go with) ! If you want to look at cars, go to a car show. Of course, there's nothing to stop advertising the route via other clubs and to meet up with some new faces along the way ! Also, if you go with the same people for the entire trip, you get to know and hopefully trust 'em which can be a great relief (easier, less stress) when convoy driving !
If the 240Z were a Woman...
So Vicky, if it was a man - what nationality , After all, we're not just guys on this forum !
If the 240Z were a Woman...
She would be Nordic ! No nonsense, great to look at, totally competent, sexy voice and very passionate when you're inside her ! Jealous looks from other wannabes when, hanging onto your 'girlfriend, you pass 'em ! Keeping your morale up when stuck behind your desk/mowing the lawn when you think of her in all colours of skin-tight vinyl !
Where Would You Go in your Z?
Across France from the west coast,over the Alps, through Northern Italy (Tuscany), into Austria and back into France by way of Germany (Saxony) and the Black Forest ! Peferably with a select group of good friends in their Zs !
Made for the US of A.
Alan, Yes, if I referred to the 240Z it was 'cos over there, that's all they refer to and the post was directed at the US surfers ! You know I'm a converted HS30 man and the line of the thread was merely to state that if they wanted to claim a Z car made for the US of A than the 280ZX was it (and not the 240/HS30) ! I agree that having had the Zs sold before the ZX came along, pretty much gauranteed that it would outsell the previous models, coupled to better consumer confidence, better dealerships, transport etc. More ZXs were sold in most other countries too, no ? Certainly here in France !
Made for the US of A.
Just found my trusty tin-opener and found a can of worms ! So, I believe it's pretty much accepted that the 240Z WASN'T made for the US market but once it was recognised as a go-er, Nissan shipped 'em over to the detriment of other markets ! I just bought a (what you guys would call) a standard 280ZX 2 seater, without power steering and windows for my wife and this is definitely what I would call, a car made for the US ! It's got the looks, the ummph and the comfort ! Anyone want to doubt that ? They obviously got it right 'cos it sold nearly three times as many as the 240 !
last call for joy riders
So how was it guys ? Cathy and I thought of you lot whilst driving around the Corniche coast from Toulon to Perpignan ! Then we went up to Andorra and down again to Pau - great historic racing in the town centre ! All this in a 280ZX 2 seater bought for Cathy - a nice manual with non-assisted rack and pinion steering. We got 30 miles per gallon during 1000 miles - bet you didn't match that ?
last call for joy riders
You're all lucky bast**ds ! At least I'm going to gain a baby ! Symon, are you going to visit Paolo near Turin ? If so, give him my best ! I wish you all a safe and fun filled trip - secretly I hate you all !
Cantelivered engine
I thought that the engine was also canted (thanks for the correction - sometimes I lose my English amongst the froggies) to allow the fuel to 'drop' easier from the carbs into the inlet valves. A boxer design, as per Porsches and Alfas would support this and V engines always had the carbs mounted above and not on the outside of the cylinders ! Of course more space would have to be generated on the carb side for LHD cars to allow for the steering to pass there too ( hee, hee !)
Cantelivered engine
I can't believe this ! All of you go and look at your engines and tell me I'm dreaming !
Cantelivered engine
Thanks, still seems too cosmetic - I thought it was for engine balancing - you know, to avoid too much vibration !