Everything posted by rfaranda
- Wiring question; Volt Gauge/Hazard
Wiring question; Volt Gauge/Hazard
Lesson learned: Don't always trust Autozones testing!!!!!! New alternator did the trick... She's running like a champ. Thanks to everyone who helped us out with this. My son and I are very grateful. Even though it ends up that we wasted A LOT of time on this, the knowledge we've gotten gained is invaluable.
- Wiring question; Volt Gauge/Hazard
Wiring question; Volt Gauge/Hazard
Sorry, I missed your first post. Yes, I've run new wire from S to battery pos, B to starter and jumped ground to neg. L is showing 12v and the charge light works normally. This is the second battery. I am really thinking the new alt is bad even though they tested it (and I watched). I went back tonight and had them test it in the car and it wouldn't push over 12.33v.... UNTIL they pulled the postive battery cable while testing and it jumped to 14.55v. I'm thinking the voltage regulator isn't detecting the battery properly.
- Wiring question; Volt Gauge/Hazard
- Wiring question; Volt Gauge/Hazard
- Wiring question; Volt Gauge/Hazard
- Wiring question; Volt Gauge/Hazard
Wiring question; Volt Gauge/Hazard
Thanks guys. I actually have been reading the Fsm and did run their diags. I definitely have a better understanding of the charging system now. I did get caught up on the L voltage today. Thanks for checking that out again Zed, I feel better about that. At this point the circuit in the car seems to check out. I think I may have gotten a dud alternator. I'm gonna pull it and go have it checked/replaced. Now on to the volt/hazard short. Oh, and a little humor. I pulled the steering column apart to check the steering lock switch and was amazed at what I found. The previous owner apparently had an aftermarket cruise control installed. Seems the arm had broken off so they just tucked it into the column. I couldn't believe it!!! Anyway, thanks for all the guidance.
Wiring question; Volt Gauge/Hazard
More info... After tracing everything, I took the Volt gauge out, unplugged the t-connector at the alternator and I'm getting 12v at both points on the connector leadint to the charge lamp and the alternator... Also, when the t connector is unplugged and I turn the ignition to on, the fuel pump starts. It doesnt when the t connecter is attached... I'm starting to get confused looking at the wiring diagram... :stupid:
- Wiring question; Volt Gauge/Hazard
- Wiring question; Volt Gauge/Hazard
- Wiring question; Volt Gauge/Hazard
Wiring question; Volt Gauge/Hazard
Well, I spoke too soon... Fixed the links and everything checks out. 12.49v at both leads at the alternator... Ground resistence looked good. No charge at the battery.... Started tracing the blue (I believe sensor) wire. Continuity tests out at the back of the volt gauge. Also traced it the passenger kick panel near the fuse box... Its just hanging there with a bullet connector, not connected to anything. If I am reading the wiring diagram correct that should go to the brake light warning relay somewhere under the passengers seat. (ran out of daylight at this point) Would that being disconnected affect the alternator? Thanks
Wiring question; Volt Gauge/Hazard
SteveJ, Thanks for the direction. Here's what I've got: -2000rpm, no change in voltage. -Verified its the correct alt. -Fusible link.... BINGO!!!! I get continuity from both wires on the alt to the fusible link.... I get 12.49v to the other end side of the link.... Plugged up, 0 voltage at the alternator... "Wiggle" the brown wire and get a hint of voltage at it...... My son thanks you for the help....
Wiring question; Volt Gauge/Hazard
SteveJ, Thanks for the reply and I apologize for the incoherant post, frustration is getting the better of me. The Z was a Christmas present for my son (15) and its just been one thing after another.... Anyway.......... Alternator: Every week or so the battery would just die out of the blue... Was at Autozone so I had them run a test, of course the alternator failed. I threw my voltmeter on the battery and get 12.5v, engine off. Start the car and it drops to 12.36v. Put a draw on it (headlights, radio) and it slowly goes down. I replaced the alternator and get similar results, except all readings were about a volt and a half higher.. (12.65, 12.5) Thats pretty much where I left off yesterday. I guess what I was trying to determine is if the 2 problems could have been related, obviously not though. Thanks.
Wiring question; Volt Gauge/Hazard
Thanks for the reply.... Another question; is the alternator wired in the same circuit? Here's the problem I'm having. The Hazard fuse blows the second I put one in, hence the hazards and volt gauge don't work, but also the alternator isn't charging. I know on some cars the alternater is wired with the volt gauge. (hope that makes sense)..
- Wiring question; Volt Gauge/Hazard
Stereo wiring question
I know this is an old post but I'm having the same issue. Can anyone shed some light please???? Thanks.
OK Lets hear it! What did ya get for Christmas??