Everything posted by mrk3cobra
Alternator wiring help
I fixed the problem. The F and N wires in the alternator were wired incorrectly. After fixing the wiring in the alternator no more blown fuse and the alternator works great. They had shorted the F and N wires in the alternator when the alternator was assembled.
Alternator wiring help
I installed a new 240z motor and new alternator. When I connect the F N wires to the alternator and turn the key to the on position the amp meter goes to -45 amps and the ignition fuse blows. What can I test to see if the new alternator is bad.
Smog tubes in stock exhaust manifold?
Restoring a 1972 240Z, in the process of replacing the stock exhaust manifold with a new stock manifold. The old manifold has the smog tubes in the manifold extending about 4" into the exhaust port. The new manifold does not have the smog tubes, but the manifold has the ports for the smog rail to be screwed into the exhaust. Do I need to remove the tubes from the old manifold and install them on the new manifold, I will be installing the smog rail to keep the car looking original. Is there any performance issues with installing the smog rail without the 4" smog tubes.
rocker panel replacement
My driver side rocker panel is badly dented. Looks like the car was driven over a tree stump. How hard is it to replace the rocker panel. I think the damage is too much to fix. I need to replace the dog leg..
help with moustache bar stoppers
The ones on the left are the ones I removed from the car. The ones on the right came new in Nissan part boxes when i bought the car. I was trying to figure out if they were new updated parts or if the last owner of the car ordered the wrong year part. I think I will just install the ones I removed from the car unless someone knows that the ones on the right are correct for a 03/71 240z.
help with moustache bar stoppers
I have a 1971 240z 03/71 build date, I am ready to install the rear suspension. In the picture I have two different upper and lower rubber stoppers. The first picture are the uppers and the second picture are the lowers. Does anyone know the correct ones for my 240Z.
Looking for stock exhaust system
I am doing a complete restoration on a 1971.5 Datsun 240Z I would like to replace the complete exhaust from the factory exhaust manifold back. I want the system to be as close to the factory system as I can get, using the same exhaust hangers that came from the factory. Any ideas were to get the system.
Will series one console work with series 2 transmission
I think I will just rebuild the series one 4 speed transmission, since I am doing a complete restoration and would like the car to be as original as possible. What is the value of a series 2 4 speed that was rebuilt?
Will series one console work with series 2 transmission
I have a 1971.5 240Z, the car came with a series one console, I have a new series 2 4 speed transmission that I would like to install, will the series one console work with this transmission. Which inner boot do I use with the above setup.Can I use my original early outer boot.