i need help finding cheap new gas tank
the main fuel line in the tank has a leak so if you let the gas drop under the gas line it gets air in line
i think i'm having an electical problem help
also were would i find a rubber boot for were the air flow meter connects to the injection
i think i'm having an electical problem help
i found one of the problems but on the way home the car shut off and wouldn't start i left the pump runing and losin the fuel line onthe filter and it had psi but no fuel its like its geting are in line and can't push fuel to the injectors if u bleed the air out it runs fine untill the air returns
i think i'm having an electical problem help
it starts but acts like its runing out of gas but if i switch the key back to start it runs good
i think i'm having an electical problem help
i was replacing fuel lines on my fuel bar connected to injectors one side of T had fuel in line and other side didn't
i think i'm having an electical problem help
i done one of my redneck tests i took a toggle and some high gauge wire and straight wired fuel pump and still doing the same i also put new connectors on the the fuel pump
i think i'm having an electical problem help
but the the fuel pumps staying on it not the fuel relay
Wires & Matching numbers....
i would be careful bosch plugs and wires don't work in some vehicles like a ford i had wouldn't run right with bosch
i think i'm having an electical problem help
i thought it was fuel but i just replaced fuel pump and every rubber hose, but the car when i drive it starts acting like its runing out of gas then it shuts off ,but i learned that if i unplug the starter and if ihold the key on start postion it runs fine and when i let the key go to on postion it starts acting up again. its nothing to do with fuel pump relay to test i straight wired fuel pump and it still dose it :tapemouth
Flakey ignition switch
hi do u now were the fuel pump relay is located on a 77 280z
Flakey ignition switch
just clean the connections they get little burnt spots on them
need help on my 77 280z
fuel pump works only when the key is in start postion i don't now if its the relay. and i don't know where the relays located:angry: its the only ride i have honda but motor whent out so having to start the datsun and run and unplug starter and drive and hold the key switch on start postion
- 77_280z
First time Z owner
77 280z $900.00