Everything posted by MicksZ
Wilridge Racing Team
This is a team pic taken at the 2002 Formula Vee Nationals at Winton Raceway, VIC, AUS. What a crew!
Team Area
My brother races Formula Vee here is AUS. Here is the team area with of course my beautiful 240Z in the background!
Front flare
I want a new bumper!
Cheers Steve!
I NEED HELP? (Not what u think... :)
mechanical engineer lads - suspension design...:mad: hehehe
Bought a 240z today, Perth WA.
Steve, I reckon we ALL agree that most zed's are fast, and not dependant on colour - although i like my orange one....
Interior Ergonomics
I must say i like having my arm resting on the door handle. Thats why i sit low in the car - only eough to see the top of the bonnet (just). Parking is a bit interesting - just gotta take my time As for the handbrake - i (being in AUS) reckon it is good where it is positioned, but i can see where other people may not like it on LHS cars for instance. If you dont like it - re-position it! You could put it back further, or even mount it (as i have seen) between the door sill and the seat on the other side to where it is originally. There isnt much room down there, but it makes it out of the way!
I want a new bumper!
Guys and gals, I am looking for a good condition front bumper - if you go to my gallery you will see the ding in the front on ei currently have - which my fantastic (!?!?!) brother put in it when he bump-parked it into a parking meter I am in VIC - AUS. Have the dosh to spend - no stuffing anyone around. If you have anything (Oh, and i want it in chrome..) please dont hesitate to email me at michael.partridge@iinet.net.au Cheers!
Bought a 240z today, Perth WA.
Mr. C, Nice zed buddy! I got a 73 240Z and mine is in mph - i think it was the 260Z's that had kmh speedo's. I have owned a 1200 Coupe and a 1000 sedan previous so i like the mph speed's.
I NEED HELP? (Not what u think... :)
Guys, How do i set up my ID so that a pic comes up below my name when i post replies on threads etc. ? I dont know vB or anything - I am just an engineer :/ Please help, i want a kewl pic below my name! Cheers mick.
Rear of the Z
Oops - i meant to give it 4 stars - it looks great Gav! I have an orange 240Z here in melb (southern suburbs). But i reckon the rear bumper On looks better
- Rear of the Z
if I have my 510 media blasted...
I must agree with EScanlon in the you should just do the effected area's - costs less and the before mentioned time wasting of having to reclean undercoat off etc will be diminished. :classic:
Fairlady 240ZG ( HS30-H )
Ferrari Kits
I must ask why the hell people wanna butcher up a superb car such as the all mighty 240Z/260Z and make it into a fake ferrari? I would love a ferrari (Dont get me wrong) but i cannot afford it (like so many other people) thus i own the next best thing - a 240Z. Everytime i see a hacked-up fake ferrari i really do wonder in amazement as to why......... Horses for courses i guess......
pics of primer grey 240's?
pics of primer grey 240's?
Why dont you just do the job right, use primer for what it is for - PRIMING - then paint it while you have the car prepped! Just my idea.... :classic:
Only In America ...
hahaha - some of these guys have way too much time on there hands. i love the pimp mobiles though - ganster lowriders are insane...
I need front spoiler!
cheers guys - I will be looking at all options this weekend. ASH - will get in contact soon to see what you have - you runnin Island Magic? I may be there... Anyways thanks guys. Mick. :classic:
- the 240Z in all its glory
- Side of the 240Z
- Nice
- Hatch Open
- Front on shot
- Thumbs Up!